Holy fuck, reading about this dude’s childhood and teenaged years, Stalin really does sound like the heroic counterpart to Adolf Hitler, born poor as shit to a drunken abusive father, an artist and poet as a kid, also experienced the harsh hellish realities of early 20th Century capitalism. Like, fuck, this dude’s life story is so fucking cool, all his life he basically fought for and did whatever it took to help the poor and working class, he was exiled multiple times for it, he tried stopping ethnic wars in Russia, and all throughout he didn’t need rich people and the army propping him up like little bitch Adolf, he propped himself up by his own fucking grit and determination.
Stalin was built up by the Masons the same way Hitler was built up by the Thule Society. They ultimately served the same masters: international finance. Your idolization of Stalin is as bad as most of Jow Forums's idolization of Hitler: they were some of the most shabbos goyim in the 20th century in effect if not in intent (but also in intent). Literal golem tier.
Noah Hill
>the face of a scheming jew Never trust someone with that nose or a memeflag
Dominic Davis
What was heroic about him? Did he ever fight a battle and get Senfgas in his face?
Eli Hill
people were so affraid of him that they didnt dare to open his door when he died for fear of being killed if he didnt want to be interrupted
did you know that he didnt save his own son
did you know his buddy beria chief of the nkvd was a pedofile and stalin was fine with it but kept an eye on him when he was around his daughter
fuck of and kill yourself communist vermin
Nathaniel Walker
And he grew up to be a hard-headed paranoid genocidal maniac. Great story.
Caleb Hernandez
>They ultimately served the same masters: international finance Stalin literally organized strikes against Rothchild oil refineries leading to the storming of a prison and his exile all the while robbing banks and destroying the bourgeoisie class in Russia. Also the Bolsheviks closed down all Freemason lodges in the USSR.
Jordan Robinson
>did whatever it took to help the poor and working class XDD
Joshua Walker
Let's just compare Stalin's poetry with Hitler's paintery.
To Raphael Eristavi
When the laments of the toiling peasants Had moved you to tears of pity, You groaned to the heavens, oh Bard, Placed at the head of the people’s heads; When the people’s welfare Had pleasantly exalted you, You made your strings sweetly sound, Like a man sent forth by heaven; When you sang hymns to the motherland, That was your love, For her your harp brought forth A heart enraputuring twang…. Then oh Bard, a Georgian Would listen to you as to a heavenly monument And for your labours and woes of the past Has crowned you with the present. Your words have in his heart Now put down roots; Reap, grey-haired saint, What you sowed in your youth; For a sickle, use the people’s Heartfelt cry in the air: ‘Hurray for Raphael! May there be many Sons like thee in the fatherland!!’
>Masons >Thule Society I'd tell you to take your meds. But that's probably what's causing this.
Nathaniel Williams
he purged the soviet government of jews and sent jew citizens to freezing cold jew oblast
Carson Flores
Hitler's Jewish art teacher told him he'd never amount to anything in life. I think it's fair to say that Hitler may have slightly overreacted to this criticism.
He was a literal nigger tier bank robbing gangster motherfucker.
Sebastian Murphy
Product of jewry u sayian?
Jayden Russell
When he finally realised it was the jews they killed him.
Nolan Morales
>heroic >sends retards like OP to their deaths and imprisons those who survive
The best thing (((Stalin))) did was display to the common man that communism is a shit ideology, by killing the common man.
Carson Ross
Street thug from Georgian ghetto fails in school, struggles with employment, and joins a criminal organization oriented towards violent revolution so he may become something more than a struggling failure.
The great success of Stalin was in being violent enough to be useful to wiser men while possessing enough sense of self preservation to turn that violence on those men when his usefulness faded.
Ryan Diaz
this is pretty close. holy shit a smart person on Jow Forums today.
Carson Ramirez
Yes deception is never part of the game
Gavin Gonzalez
William Adams
>he tried stopping ethnic wars in Russia So he made a famine in the Ukraine and Kazakhstan and moved chechens and koreans from their native lands?
Xavier Taylor
In a way.. The statement is true. Can’t have ethnic conflicts if there’s only one ethnicity, right?
Josiah Wright
so you're saying he was sexually abused by his own father, and that because of that we should admire him? you're one sick puppy
Carson Parker
Kek look at those subhuman eyes, nose, and teeth. What a nasty fucker. I'm not shocked how shitty the USSR was.
Grayson Lewis
No he didn't stop any ethnic wars, he just calmed them for a time with a force and all this shit had broken out again with the collapse of the union
Logan Bailey
Well obviously he failed. Communism and communists always do.
Brody Sanchez
USSR is best human achievement
Angel Brooks
Well, burning your fingers on a hot stove does teach a valuable lesson. Got to give it that.
You forgot a bank robber, rapist,terrorists,arsonist,murderer and so on.
Jayden Peterson
I like how the part of his life robbing banks and being a commie goon was left out
Ayden Gomez
>Stalin literally organized strikes against Rothchild oil refineries leading to the storming of a prison and his exile all the while robbing banks and destroying the bourgeoisie class in Russia. Great fucking joke and nice laugh. Stalin was a kik’d Piece of shit. His own cabinet was filled with Jews, example Jakub Bergman
John Morales
A hero and a man who did nothing wrong. Stalin was betrayed by capitalist "history"
Josiah Jones
the only good thing Stalin did was murder (((rootless cosmopolitans))) and Trotskyist kikes
but in the end his own Jewish doctors poisoned him
Hitler was a war hero, Stalin was a little bitch that did paperwork.
Austin Richardson
>Castro >Ho Chi Minh >Che >Khruschev (to an extent) >Kim Il sung (and the rest of Kim dynasty) >only normal commie Every commie who managed to BTFO (((seppos))) is based af, you're wrong.
John Johnson
stalin pretty much murdered all of the old bolsheviks you brainlet
stalin lead a counter revolution against the jews when he got into the driver's seat but eventually the jews killed him
Jonathan Watson
Now his art sells for Millions too, lol.
Ryan Howard
Killed more people than Hitler too.
Levi Cruz
This is the most retarded post in Jow Forums history. Communism has never been stronger than under Stalin
Dominic Cox
>got shot >started seething about muh joos and commies and blaming them for germanys defeat even though it was german ineptitude that lost them the war >never fought again >a war hero nice try, also show flag faggot
Tyler Morales
He didn't get far in his purge. Just shows how much he was propped up by Jewish globalists.
James Collins
>tito >based Never.
Dominic Carter
how did he make it a better place?
Christian Johnson
Yes. The fact that he overcame a rough childhood should allow us to ignore that little thing he did later in life, where he ushered in world communism and killed 20 or 30 million of his own people.
Ryder Myers
He was replaced by a reptilian shapeshifter early on in his career. Hence the total lack of humanity and decency.
John Jackson
By establishing the most perfect system imaginable and also killing a bunch of g*rman scum
Lincoln Cox
>stalin pretty much murdered all of the old bolsheviks you brainlet Only after WW2 ended in order to ensure he had complete power, dumbfuck
>stalin lead a counter revolution against the jews By hand picking Jews himself huh? Why did he pick Jakub Bergman as his rigt hand during the Polish invasion? Why did he have a literal serial killer in his cabinet that was a kike? Your spiels don’t add up, you JIDF kike shill
>when he got into the driver's seat but eventually the jews killed him You mean he was murdered by a Jew.. who he elected himself.
Fuck off and die Jew.
Jack Morris
He was a socioapth or a psychopath of some sort
Hudson Harris
>Only after WW2 ended in order to ensure he had complete power, dumbfuck the majority of the old bolsheviks were purged in the early 30s you absolute brainlet. i'm not even going to bother reading the rest of your post.
Wyatt Garcia
cringe and blue pilled saged. 88
Matthew Powell
>This is the most retarded post in Jow Forums history. t. Memeflag
>Communism has never been stronger than under Stalin Stalinism is the complete antithesis of communism, brainlet
Noah White
>Implying killing millions of kulaks who want nothing more than to see their own countrymen starve and their country in ruins as a result of failure to industrialize only so that they can keep their own power is inhumane Stalin saved Russia and afterwards the world cuck
Nolan Baker
Yeah what a hero
Remember the time he was walking with his communist buddies, saw a calf in the middle of a river stuck on a rock, tore of his shirt, dove into the river, got onto the rock and than while staring dead eyed at his communist buddies broke all the calfs legs so that it would suffer and die
He fought in more than just one battle, smelly serb.
Iron Cross First Class Iron Cross Second Class Wound Badge Honor Cross 1914-1918 Bavarian Cross of Military Merit, Third Class with Swords Bavarian Medal of Military Service, Third Class Regimental Diploma
What did Stalin do? He was writing poetry like a little basedboy HAHAHA.
Landon Baker
>discord tranny: the thread
Jack Lee
Low iq response
Camden Watson
Ahem, I'll take Night of the Long Knives for 500, Alex...
Xavier Williams
>Stalinism is the complete antithesis of communism Imagine believing this. Everything Stalin did was informed by marxism leninism. Later soviet leaders were revisionists.
Jack Butler
Is that why everyone was dying of hunger?
Connor Brooks
He got shot and never fought again like a pussy, that doesnt make him a hero, just like getting caught doesnt make mccain a hero you faggot >Also being this ignorant of history Stalin literally led the Red Army during its invasion of Poland (1919-1921) as well as during the revolution you moron
Ethan Young
>the majority of the old bolsheviks were purged in the early 30s you absolute brainlet. Doubt.
Lurk moar.
James Sanders
>also experienced the harsh hellish realities of early 20th Century capitalism I was with you until this point, you're a fucking retard
Nolan Wright
>Used the money that russian monarchy had been saving ever since the fall of the Mongols and blew it all on failed social programs in a span of 50 years
Very cool Thank you high iq Stalin for spending daddy's money ineffectually
>never go near a war or battlefield in your entire life >still wear a military uniform with a shit ton of tacky made up medals for some reason
The other commies followed suit after stalin died. In the end stalins only real crime he ever committed was being a degenerate and destroying military aesthetics forever.
Justin Reed
>Everything Stalin did was informed by marxism leninism. Later soviet leaders were revisionists. Oh? Then why did he live like a noble instead of the “common man”? Why did he have 6 dachas when the peasant did not even have one? Why was he drinking rich wines whilst the people were drinking piss and shit?
Bentley Brooks
Name one leader in history that didnt live better than avarge person...
John Carter
Because you're making shit up for the most part.
Nolan Diaz
Jozef Pilsudski
Kevin Bailey
>"lMaO gOmMuNizM BaD bEcUz FaMiN" >Population of the USSR after the civil war - 120m >Population in the USSR before WW2 - 196m So many people died that the entire country increased its population by more than 50% in a period over 20 years. Also the only "people" starving were ukr*nians (which today prove that they absolutely deserved it) and kulaks. The rest were living a good life while the entire west was crumbling under the great depression. Also this was necessary in order to industrialize the country which would have fallen apart if it didn't do so, and promptly
communism and fascism good example why you don't let one person have all the power. Stalin was a paranoid psychopath killed shit ton of his own party and people with zero fucks given. Tito was a mutt who cared more about his own mutt identity then those he ruled over. Pissed off serbs giving albanians welfare. Pissed of Christian majority by teaching god doesn't exist in school.
Then again capitilism is basically the exact same authoritarian garbage but more subliminal with them have a face, president or minister thats there to appease the masses while (((they))) use media to control them.
Lucas Nguyen
>So many people died that the entire country increased its population by more than 50% in a period over 20 years. By starving millions of Ukrainians?
Andrew King
Kill 4 million ukrainians so that 120 million actual humans can lvie? I say that's a worthy trade