“The devil...the prowde spirite...cannot endure to be mocked.”
All of the bannings and censorship we have been seeing are intended to secure the legitimacy of the state/corporate amalgam. Notice how they react particularly quickly to memes like Honkler and the NPC memes - memes which directly attack the legitimacy and status of the state and it's adherents.
But there are even better and more direct ways to do this - simply laugh at them! They want us to take child drag queens, and forced diversity seriously, they want people to think that their status is tied to their adherence to these principles - destroy that all with a laugh
>All of the bannings and censorship we have been seeing are intended to secure the legitimacy of the state/corporate amalgam. Notice how they react particularly quickly to memes like Honkler and the NPC memes - memes which directly attack the legitimacy and status of the state and it's adherents.
Nah. You're just making shit up, and it's getting kind of boring.
Gavin Sullivan
k you guys got it destroying social media is in our's interests too. haha (heil ariel, one of god's name)
Kevin Morris
Ive been saying this forever. Just laugh at them. They cant take it.
Jackson Perry
Operation HAH of the seven proxies has started, calling all admirals on line to resume the mission. Fox Alpha Tango Tetha Alpha Delta
It is mostly their hypervigilance getting the best of themselves. The most innocuous of terms becomes absolute evil when co-opted by their perceived enemies.
Cameron Cox
Hallo Mr. screencap reader
Blake Cook
>D-destroying the institution we control is t-totally in our interests g-guys, I mean goys
Making shit up? Tell me then why you think they go after innocuous memes shared by children?
You clearly don't understand 4th generation warfare. An attack on the legitimacy of an institution is a direct attack on that institution's efficacy
Juan Cooper
Hah! Why haven't you been lamp-shaded yet?
Benjamin Cooper
The only recommended way of dealing with narcissists is to laugh at them.
Oliver Long
My thoughts on this have been informed by a lot of screencaps, but can you post the one you're referencing in particular?
Michael Martin
HAH! Kek, I like it.
Parker Howard
This is actually really good. I’m in.
I can imagine responding to serious posts about victimhood status and the like with just laughter and honks as being effective. It’s a simple and maddening response. It’s effective. It can be distributed quickly and easily. I say we hose down social media with it.
Bentley Robinson
Doesn't seem like the saving idea but I support this. I suppose that we concentrate more on reddit. The administration there is dumb as fuck and easy to provoke into making dumb decisions that might hurt the site or show the people how much they actually support censorship. They also have a few redpilled user. Remember CringeAnarchy. They went complete Jow Forumsack when they got the tranny mod and then they were deleted because the sub was full with >kill all trannies Sadly it didn't spill over to other subs.
Ethan Powell
Fuck yeah hahah. We can get the white supremacist angle in there too. Nice.
Yes indeed, and also the beauty of it is that it's going to be impossible for them to tell laughing normies from dedicated Frogmen and so will catch them in the cross fire and push them closer to us
We need a mascot. Skeeter as I've posted in another thread should be the mascot. Imagine people getting mad at a carefree, innocent character of a 90's cartoon whose goal was to teach life lessons to children. Imagine them banning Skeeter, then we call them racist because he's blue.
I think this could backfire, because you guys have explicitly connected this with hitler prematurely, and also, the honk meme was abnormal enough for normies to look the other way, but if youre just seemingly laughing like a condescending pos, the normies will round on you easier rather than nust ignoring you to keep their consciensce at ease
Anthony Lopez
Probably should use it in conjunction with the honkler imagery, just to kick things off.
yeah, it does seem like a decent social experiment if nothing else.
Kevin Brown
No one is trying to win normies, we're trying to make life as uncomfortable as possible for dumb cunts like you who think that inaction is somehow a positive thing. Fuck you, fuck your attitude, and fuck jannies.
Noah Martinez
I’m in. Here’s a bump.
Josiah Cruz
we arent experimenting we have this shit down to a science. it's called applied memetics