Why can't we manage Free Health Care?

I grew up with parents who pushed American Exceptionalism on me day in and day out. America is the best, America #1 and blah blah blah. That shit's a big fat fucking lie.

In the U.S.
>Get stuck at job, better jobs available here and there, but realize that if you move from one job to another, you lose health coverage, no meds, no labs etc
>Be 50+, not old enough for retirement, but can't afford that heart medication you need, work a 9-5 professionally, then work delivering pizza's, driving Uber or at Walmart to pay for meds
>Get sick like normal people do, or get injuried in a wreck in the US, before even seeking medical attention, try to figure out if unintentionally getting injured will bankrupt you and put you out on the streets

What the fuck... We are supposedly oh so good here in the US, but we got US Citizens that go to other countries for medical treatment?

What is the real issue here in the US with medicine? Is it the medical malpractice insurance? The overhead? Why do places like:
Bulgaria, Russia, Mexico, France, Germany, Switzerland, Canada, Latvia, South Korea, the UK
All have free healthcare, BUT WE DON'T?

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Because free health care is actually paid for by tax and in reality it is not free.

Half of my family live overseas, and when I explain to them that we have people here in the US that are 40, 50, even older working to make ends meet specifically as it relates to Medical Care and Medicine, they gasp and always say:
>But America is so rich, I thought America took care of it's citizens

Oh yeah, we do. If you're a sheboon nignog that's pumped out 8 kids irresponsibly, then oh yeah, you'll get free food, free housing, free medical care, free medicine, free transportation, free education, FREE FREE FREE.

But if you are a 9-5 blue collar guy, that simply just doesn't make enough to cover all the medication costs, guess what, you're gonna have to get a second job.

mfw in places like Russia, Germany, France the elderly are actually retired with minimal worry, but here in the US, your're corporate and BigPharma and BigMed masters still got you by the balls.

I'm aware of that. I am well aware that there is no such thing as free.

Rather, my question is why can every other country seem to be able to do this, but we the U.S. can't?


Also, why is some guy in Algeria who hit 55+ and retired, able to live with little worry of Medical Bills and Medications. Yet here in America which is vastly wealthier than Algeria you can go broke paying medical bills (just regular medical bills). God help you if you have an unexpected injury, it could pull you out of retirement and throw you into the streets.

My neighbor pays $500+ in monthly medical insurance coverage.. Keep in mind that's if he doesn't even use it.

Sadly self bumping, because evidently shills don't want us discussing this, and bringing up all the pertinent facts about how 3rd world countries have Universal Healthcare but the US doesn't

Because most Americans, particularly ones from flyover states and irrelevant shitholes, seem to think the governments job is to invade foreign countries for oil and (((greatest ally))), rather than help provide for their own populations less fortunate.

That and Jow Forums incels will cut off their nose to spite their face if it means black people also get anything, ever, at all

It's the fact that America is a multinational company, and any federal healthcare system amounts to a transfer of wealth from the well off nation (whites) to the less well off nations (blacks, Hispanics, etc). As long as this is the case, whites wont vote on masse for a federalized health care system, because it is a net negative for them.

Also our country is fucking huge and has a much larger population than any of the places you mentioned, most of which also cant afford their systems now that the developed world is running out of young people to tax.

Very True.

8 Million in foreign aid to Israel (per day)
500+ Billion in Military Spending (per year) which is essentially 1.2-1.5 billion a day

So do you ever see this shit getting fixed here, or are there too many politicians being bribed by the medical industry for this to ever see the light of day?

Why not just move to one of your more favored countries then? My guess is you could get a UK Visa without too much trouble.

Besides, the military is one of the only things the federal government should actually be spending money on, yet the already spend so much more on entitlements and healthcare.

It's never free you mouth-breathing cunt.

- 340 million and very Large Country
Has no free healthcare. You can fall, unexpectedly break a bone, and get a medical bill of tens of thousands of dollars
- 147 million Largest Country in the World
Free. All medical care in Russia is free. Daycare is free and state funded through taxing the oil companies. If you break a bone, expect to go to the hospital, get treated, even if you have to stay inpatient for 7 months, and leave without paying a dime.
- 1.31 Billion Small Country, population more than double the size of the US
Again, FREE. If you get injured here, you pay nothing.

Never implied it was you pretentious cocksucker

Because niggers and illegal immigrants.

Places like France has good healthcare now, but lets see how well their healthcare system functions after the Muslim invasion.

Oh, so you're just retarded and spouting counterfactual nonsense. Gotcha.


Also, if Russia's healthcare system was so great, their life expectancy wouldn't be fucked, especially for men.

No, I understand there is no such thing, I'm aware that any programs are funded through taxes
Well, Gee, I don't know, how about we not send 8 Million to Israel every fucking day, that might help.
How about we cut our military budget idk, by half, that might help.

There is no excuse for one of the welathiest countries in the world, to issues wherein elderly people have to create go fund me pages and get donations from strangers or worse family members to help pay for ridiculously priced medications.

Medical Insurance is a Scam, we all know that. There interest is not finding ways to get you approved, or lower your deductible, there job is to find ways and reasons to extract as much money as they humanly can from you, while at the same time creating reasons to deny your insurance claim for any number of nonsensical reasons.

That's a lot of fun. Get insurance, use it, then they drop you. Good luck trying to get another policy, especially if you are legally required to disclose any preexisting conditions


mfw you get mad schlomo that 2nd and 3rd world countries have universal healthcare, but here in the big mighty powerful rich USA, we have people who are literally living under bridges because they got into an unexpected car accident.

please do us all a favor, and kys schlomo

If you want free healthcare you want shit healthcare
I don’t want shit healthcare

Nice argument. Get a job nigger, or go to those third world countries. We dont want you here.

>free equals best
thats not how it works rabbi

We have a vast ecosystem of parasites larger than some of the countries you listed.

LOL!! What the fuck are you talking about? Please explain?
>My parents who live in Europe driving
>Guy slams into parents
>Everyone find but dad has left foot smashed
>Ambulance takes dad
>Stays at hospital 3 months until foot has started to get better
>Surgery free
>Inpatient care free
>Follow up physical therapy FREE

Get same injury in the United States
>have to have doctor get on the phone and argue with insurance company
>begin getting treatment for a couple weeks
>insurance rep shows up to your room in the hospital or calls your doctor
>Insurance states that they only cover up to 5 more days inpatient care
>Insurance requires that you be discharged early
>Doctor apologizes, gives you about 5 different prescriptions to sedate you so that you don't realize how badly your being fucked
>Sends you on your way home


>Nice argument
then proceeds to write
>get a job nigger

Great argument Shekelstein

This. There are still subhumans living here that refuse to take all of their antibiotics or think that blowing mucus out vs snuffing it back up is a personal preference and not a obvious fucking way to get yourself well sooner/keep yourself from recongesting.
Social graces don't mean shit when snuffing keeps you sick.

Never said it did schlmo, but it sure is nice to know that if you get injured or get into a wreck, you don't have the possibility of homelessness or bankruptcy looming over your head.

you may go now faggot

Why would you want free healthcare? Worst thing a country can do. It’s a huge financial drain, it’s abused, and the level of care drops. It costs us 250+B for our small population, how much is it gonna cost when your nigger population alone is close to ours. You get people going to the ER for non emergencies because “free healthcare” wait times go up, you loose control over what care you receive (can’t just walk into a hospital and say I think X is wrong with me, run some tests) and you get doctors running billing scams. A lot of places here have a 1 illness per visit policy, so if you show up and say it’s hard to breath and my foot hurts, you’ll be told to make an appointment for your second issue.


We don't have borders, we cannot afford to pay for everyone in the world, it is that simple.

you and every other poor fag in here are slamming together multiple issues.
I support universal healthcare, as America IS exceptional and could do it if we didn't fund isreal, niggers, welfare mommas, no corp taxes; if we taxed remittances, enforced payroll tax and illegal employment, cut state income exemptions at the federal level, withdrew from 50% of over-seas bases, and became a society of fit, athletic, active people who took their own health seriously and only responsibly used healthcare. But since none of that will happen and we arent a god damn sham debt hellhole like the third world countries you mentioned, or a totalitarian oligarchy like russia and china - America is the most diverse and populous nation on the planet, make us homogenized with a nationalist work ethic, and you can trust the people with helthcare. Until then - get a good job.

also, you think that poor fag 55 yr old working uber made ALL the right, responsible, forward planning choices that led him to be broke at 60+ and on meds? no, fuck that guy - he made his bed now sleep in it. We are not a nation devoid of consequence.

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OP if you hate our healthcare so much why don't you move out and become a citizen to a country that you think does better? We will never have "free" health care because it will either mean the services become 10x more imcompentant than they already are or retards here will REALLY begin to not take their health seriously and do evrn more stupid shit like wrecklessly getting themselves and others killed and help create superbugs.

By putting a price on healthcare you are making it so shitty useless braindead NEETs die off and intelligent people who do actually work for a living can still cover their asses when they do get sick. Smart people care about staying healthy and clean, retards and slobs don't. It's natural selection and you're trying to defy that by allowing poorfag dipshits to continue breathing.

>inb4 incel/commie rhetoric on why you can't get a good job
gitgud and have sex

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>OP if you hate our healthcare so much why don't you move out and become a citizen to a country that you think does better?

They can never answer this.

They just want free and now and they don't want to have at lift a fucking finger for anything.

>do evrn more stupid shit like wrecklessly getting themselves and others killed and help create superbugs.

Is American IQ so low that the second healthcare becomes free, they would really just go "LOL YOLO GUESS I CAN DRIVE IN TO A FUCKING BRICK WALL AT 90MPH A NOW"

Because I would rather pay lower taxes

Because "free" healthcare is only possible if you force people to work without compensation. Would you rather spend some of your money on insurance, or have that money just taken out of your pay anyways?

>particularly ones from flyover states and irrelevant shitholes
typical britnigger
this. pay denbt for Walmart landwhales

>you may go now faggot
you are the biggest faggot in this thread, OP

>, particularly ones from flyover states and irrelevant shitholes, seem to think the governments job is to invade foreign countries for oil and (((greatest ally))),

Why the fuck do you think anyone voted for that shit?

It's irrelevant if the 55 year old made all bad decisions throughout his or her life. It makes no different.

Here in the US, if you are 50, fuck it, if you are 30 and you are walking a long the street and a fucking nigger running from the cops (ON FOOT) knocks you over, and you hit your head on the cement, you may develop a seizure condition, a serious neuro problem, the care, MRI's CAT scans and Medications for that can run almost a million dollars (and that's just in the short term), if the same shit happens in France, Germany, fuck all even Russia, you'll be taken care of. It may not be the best medicine in the world, but what do you define as the best medicine in the world?

Most doctors i've seen in the US were all residents, 3rd year med students, or foreign. Imagine talking to your doctor about a serious medical issue, but you can barely understand what your doctor says cause he's from Bangladesh, or imagine your doctor barely being able to understand YOU.

Is america the most diverse country? Yeah, but so what about that. We are the most diverse, but that doesn't detract from our shit healthcare, our pisspoor pharmaceutical industry and our shit GMO ridden foods.

what kind of question is that? take your focus from immediate recklessness to our obesity levels. you should know well the spic-nig cycle. don't have the image tho

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Yep, already have.

I am a duel citizen of another country. And yes, it is literally cheaper for me to
>fly over seas on a plane
>go to the hospital or doctor there
than it is to do anything in the US

You have achieved levels of being full of shit that shouldn't even be possible.

I started off by saying I support the idea of UH, that bystander IS innocent. However, because you ignored the most cogent part of my argument - "You are mashing issues together and then blaming the symptom" You cannot give healthcare because we ARE diverse and we do not have a universal civic responsibility. HMO gouging, practitioner rates, malpractice, pharma greed, gov largesse-yes, all issues that need to be fixed. And they must be fixed first before anyone even mentions healcare for all. You will not put a bandaid on a festering wound because you are lazy.

And fuck. that. 50yr/old. you are always responsible for the choices you make, and America by definition will never change from that, because the moment we do - we are not America. Meth, shitty jobs, delayed gratification, good education, to many kids, bad fitness, shitty food. No, you were short sighted, lazy, dumb, you do not get free healthcare.

You get top medical treatment in the U.S. many of the countries with free healthcare have terrible equipment and you have to wait a very long time for you to see someone.

However it's true that taking an ambulance ride to the fucking hospital shouldn't cost you a 1000$ just for the ride itself. Also many of bills set by hospitals in the U.S are probably set arbitrary where they always expect the insurance companies to pay.

>Why not here?
Niggers, beans, and a preference for personal responsibility over collective care. Seriously, we cannot have generous social programs while at the same time having open borders in a country where

What is health care like in Algeria? Do they do a lot of research and development there? Seems like i should have heard of at least one new drug or treatment that was developed in Algeria given its stellar health system. Do a lot of people travel to Algeria for the care? Asking for a friend.

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>If you get injured here
You outed yourself chang

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Where the fuck would they find th money to subsidize your fantasy? The true is that it's too expensive and it could hurt the budget that is already being spent on more important humanitarian issues. Why do you want to spend money on your own citizens when your ally is suffering? Are you antisemite?

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Try again faggot

Humanitarian issues lol!!

Really faggot? Is 8 million to Israel A DAY (where they have universal healthcare btw) really a humanitarian issue?
How about just over half a Trillion Dollars in military spending per year?

>it's true that taking an ambulance ride to the fucking hospital shouldn't cost you a 1000$
This is only because ambulance services are private businesses required by the government to pick up non-paying customers. If you had to swipe a credit card before getting in the truck the price would be much less as you wouldn't have so many free riders. Same thing with $120 asparins at the hospital

Whats it like in:

You have ignored an entire laundry list of real countries and cherrpicked one. But what does that day that Algeria has it and we don't? Quick better respond to the algeria statement so as to avoid the other countries I mentioned
Try again

Agreed, but this is a serious and significant issue user. I've never heard of such a cheap ambulance bill in my life, except for one guy who needed a ride 5 miles to the hospital, that cost him $800.

People often end up with 2k-3.5k ambulance bills.

Why don't you move?


How much should it cost?

Our healthcare is not 100% free
Treatment is free for a large set of general and life-threatening cases, anything outside that youll need to pay, although our medical treatment costs are orders of magnitude lower than yours
Medicines, besides a small set of life-depending ones like insulin, are paid out of your pocket, and although generally the costs are again orders of magnitude lower, some medicines arent being produced here and they can cost as much as in europe
The sets of free treatments and medicines can be widened if you havepriviledges like being a governmental worker, or if you chose to pay for a pricier insurance(although governmental health insurance can be mean to people who purposefully are mean to themselves, like if you are an alcoholic and have a liver necrosis youll have to get yourself new liver wherever the fuck you want because government will not waste their stock on you even if you pay big money)

They get free healthcare though.

If you cant afford health insurance, you def cant afford to move