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I thought they're corrupt?
you have to go back
>trump does tariff threat
>accounts frozen in days
They always knew who these fucks were
But the journaloids told me there were no organized caravans and it was a conspiracy theory made up by orange man
FOX News live stream too, starts in 8
Why not just arrest them?
Nothing worth a damn is passing in this lame duck congress. You could predict the future back in early November that this was going to happen.
They’re protected by private military forces that would require a US aground invasion to defeat
Looks like Mexico said "Mexico first, bitches!" and did us a favor after all?
Good. I like that Mexico wants to have a good relationship with the USA.
Is AMLO making mexico great again?
Checked. Thanks user.
...So you’re telling me they had that power from the beginning? I fucking hate Mexico.
Good, now lets find out where the money was coming from.
Mexico doing more to stop immigration than orange cheeto Drumpf
Digits and Mexico build a border wall themselves.
This, where did they get their funding from? Either it is drug money or the nose.
Yep, they are complete fucking cocksuckers. Really, they've been fucking us just like Chicoms have for decades.
This country hasn't been respected for a long time. Electing a negro was just the icing on the cake for the height of our descent into a pathetic banana republic.
Damyum shame
Well also cause Trump will reinstate the tariffs if they don't keep their end of the deal. They averted that crisis, Trump has them on a tight leash.
Which "human traffickers"....o-or is super secret squirrel stuff. classified top secret?
>Mexico only now dealing with human trafficking
I mean that's cool but what a shithole, they traffic child workers and shit and the only reason Mexico even cares is because mah tariffs.
They see the 25% tariffs China is paying. We could destroy their economy in under a year.
They are only doing it because of the tariffs, before the tariff threats they were perfectly fine having children from their nation get trafficked into the u.s fir prostitution.
They're not necessarily in Mexico. The rich individuals behind it could be anywhere, including the US.
>we're with holding the names of these random human traffickers
>for their own safety, you see
>it's very dangerous
>you understand
>I like that Mexico wants to have a good relationship with the USA.
I fucking hate jews.
They are withholding names because a lot of them are probably government officials lol.
Employed a chink spy
>nothing to see here
but don;t tell anyone, they're coyotes which must remain anonymoose.
Think of the poor human traffickers user, they are people too!
They have corrupt and legit income, the tariffs would hurt the legit income so much that the corruption cash wont cover the loss
>we've been AWOL
yeah... since like 1965
>Trump's terrible treatment of foreigners is why there are more illegals than ever before
The fuck is he on about.
I can't even listen to these democrat faggots. The GOP shit stains are barely tolerable, the DNC parasites make me want to murder. It's bad for my health. Someone tell me when the retards stop talking.
Coyotes? What a joke! Wolves and hyenas, too!
Isn't that anti-semitic?
What a dumb bitch kek
^ this
Mexico IS the wall.
>check into stream
>Dem boomer complaining about muh Trump draft dodge
I doubt they're freezing their money
>Trump wants to overhaul immigration laws, build a wall
>RINO's block him, Dems block him
>Trump gets the Army to build the wall. Slow progress.
>Trump threatens to basically destroy Mexico's economy with tariffs
>Mexico on board
Trump is a creative sonofabitch that's for sure.
(((human traffickers)))
I doubt Soros kept large amounts of money in Mexico to be honest.
Anything interesting coming from the stream? (Aside from inevitable "b-but drumpf!")
These fuckers literally incite terrorism.
Hopefully one day they pay for all the hate and division they caused.
These fucking condecending kikes will never ever stop.
Going after the Jew's money is worse than prison.
Look more bullshit hearings where Republicans talk tough, Democrats place all blame on evil orange man bad and then they all go out to lunch together and continue to fuck America and it's citizens
Oh what do you know, the dumb ass mexican government ARE the reason illegals are swarming the USA. Who would have thought.
It'll just be more back and forth to keep us distracted while nothing gets done.
Some guy photographed the "wall" on his property being securely locked OPEN by our own government.
Come on Barr, come on Dunham, come on Huber, DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!
>learn to greentext t.fucking retarded gay faggot
neck yourself
fuck off nigger
Trump made them do it loser, it’s part of the border deal. He’s having Mexico shut down the traffickers, in essence effecting border security.
and you still can't do it can you
>neck yourself boomer fucking retard go back 2 reddit
Mexico agreed to all of this over a month ago. The tariff is theater to cover up their real motives, but is it theater for them, or us?
So the front companies and NGOs which the plutocrats fund through their labrynthine network of private trusts? Or just the local cartels' bank accounts?
Probably none.
They could've froze human trafficker's anytime??
What the fuck is wrong with these people? Disgusting bastards.
Its all just show boating to make us think something is being done.
So failure theater then? Make it look like they put up a good fight?
pretty much
pretty much watch the hearing. all the Republicans do is jack off how good a job border patrol is doing while the Democrats attack them for doing Trumps bidding. meanwhile both sides agree that 'we need to provide more money'. and border patrol spouts off bullshit about what they are doing
Despite being less than 2% of the population, half the democrats on this panel are kikes. We need to purge these cunts.
we really do..its the only way we will see change. A purging throughout our government and society.
>Mexico agreed to this a month ago
Mexico was slow walking their end, the tariff threat lit a fire under their feet.
yeah did you just hear Lindsay Graham hint at offering all the illegals a pathway to citizenship for non felons in exchange for immigration reform. as many of us have said all along Trump is going to give massive amnesty to illegals and they are flooding them in so we get like 30 million when amnesty comes
They aren’t sending their best
Who is this queer