Why are Beaners the absolute worst. Inb4 every American flags responds muh based beaners and Christian values. These people suck. They are rude, barbaric and have no place in western civilization.
Beaner hate thread
Lol you mad that we're taking over and replacing you ?
I hardly ever see the based beaner talk irl that was once so common only a few years ago. Everyone knows what spics are now.
>Thinking you can replace Europeans and this county wont end up looking and becoming like everywhere else you people inhabit.
It's nice to dream Paco
not my business, but those ebola ridden congolese "refugees" are betters?
IRL people who I think are white are actually Latino. This is a brown country white honkey.
At least they have BBC.
Man where I live they walk around in night gowns.
The children around here are all brown(my kids are white skin), so you can easily single out a typical whitey.
We have HEB, spics love heb
350 Africans just got sent to San Antonio and 1 in 5 have Ebola. 1-3 have it but is untraceable. They are at a church and park as we sit here and laugh when in reality Ebola is affluenty airborne and can reach all over the us
How cool if Africans are the ones to start a quarantine/block on the borders.
dont hate us hermano.