The Univariate Fallacy

Learn it. It is the single most powerful debate weapon against the left.
This thread is gold:

>The claim that if there is no single, defining trait that can be used to separate two or more categories, then those categories do not exist.

Attached: univariate_fallacy.png (657x902, 183K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You only need to see that leftist policies fail to apply unilaterally to all people, and therefore are discriminatory.

They've only justified the discrimination.

Although I agree that this example is brilliant, to be better understood you can describe the left using simple psychological mechanism, and the general psychology of cults.
I seriously think that their methods, taken from the organized religions and cults, are somehow appealing to people with the predisposition to follow cults and their elite, having an absolute control of their flock is trying to spread it by making their insane ramblings seem like the widely accepted ones and creates a confirmation bias in people who are otherwise normal, but maybe naive.
This combo makes people like me, cringe and go against every iteration of their new propaganda.
Jow Forums is full of people with logical thinking skills and critical thinkers so the board is, thankfully, not so fast to follow the cult and also the majority being in the 20% of the population of people who can use meta-cognition make sure that the critical thinking is the boards accepted "culture". That puts me and the board's culture against the cult of any kind.
Having said that it's obvious to me that the people are starting to realize just how small the group of the most eager followers of the leftie cult really is and it's, to a large extend happening because of the cult latest strong and overwhelming push that requires that the majority also lives with a perpetual cognitive dissonance required from the left's fanatics and it isn't working because the regular people can't do it.
On top of that Jow Forums became one of the leading culture trend setters on the interwebs.
That combo gives a chance to deconstruct the cult and install the doubt in the not so fanatical following of the left's cult and as a result shatter the established Overton window towards more logical and critical thinking of the masses.
It's hard because, no matter the polititical views people (about 80% of them) are not equipped to think critically and use logic.

what is left out is that the obsession for equality is a byproduct of a capital-dominated world. Corporations want to control it all, so all forms of identity must be broken.

You're mistake is assuming they want an honest debate. They don't. They want to shut down debate before you can point out how wrong they are. And tomorrow they come back spewing the same lies and bullshit hoping to con a few more followers. Hitler had this same problem. He was too nice. He wanted peace. He want reason. The thing you're fighting was a liar and a murderer from the beginning, there is no reason or honesty in them. Know your enemy.

If anyone is curious about the gif in the original tweet, it is a visual representation of categories that are multivariate. In this example, there are 3 "attributes" of each sample, and those attributes have been mapped to 3d space, x, y, and z axies. If you take any single attribute and view it along the axis, you can see that all of the samples are mingled together and do not cleanly separate. This is the Univariate Fallacy. Yet when you look at the samples while considering all of the attributes or dimensions, you can clearly see a clustering and separation. That is what it means to be multivariate.

Meh.. once you figure out what "p-hacking" is, you quickly realize that studies which back any view (left or right) is likely to be bullshit. Here's a video about it:

That is also what you call critical thinking and meta-cognition available to the 20% of the population.
What you are describing is a method, used by someone who uses critical thinking to shatter the programming of the intelligent followers of the cult. The intelligent ones are most likely to break the conditioning. Only after the intellectuals leave the cult can the right go after the masses.

He completely cucks out at the end though.

Attached: kek.png (635x130, 13K)

And here he goes supporting the newest trend on the left
>>being morally right is superior to being factually right

The left is working on the majority's belief that the logical thinking is a superior way of argument forming.
The problem is that if the majority of the leftists and thus the majority of the population abandons logic we will have a much harder time winning the arguments.

Why do leftists believe there are naturally dumb white people, but every nigger is just one more government program away from being the next Neil Degrasse Tyson?

They don't truly believe it. That's a propaganda tool in which the blacks are the target audience, not the whites.
80% of the population will follow arguments without thinking as long as these arguments appear to be the winning ones.
The left's push for the superiority of the minorities, be it sexual or colored ones is their large mistake. They are doing our job for us.
Our role is to pull the conflicted and the doubtful to our side and then, to educate them.
Also to create the conflicted and the doubtful we need to use arguments of logic and the facts. In the surface it will look like nothing's changing but below the surface and outside of the propaganda the real change is already happening. We are winning the battles even though our voices are censored and removed.

Its just skin color bro. Stop being a bigot.

Attached: 34702716_1542716360339675_r.jpg (681x454, 97K)

>I'm pro choice because more black people have abortions
>I'm pro LGBTQ because they have higher suicide rates
>I vote Democrat to hasten the downfall of this country so I can say "I told you so"

>not being ironically bluepilled

Attached: 1560182657451.gif (978x827, 1.29M)

if you read his example, his /4 post, he quotes a man with the last name of "Vilain" who is in favor of gender spectrum.

has anyone else noticed how the most vile, evil people in the world that keep promoting degeneracy tend to have names that literally sound evil?

To be fair if you map anything in enough dimensions eventually there will be no spatial overlap. All the principle components look significant in that image so it is disingenuous to map them to a lower dimension.

>here will be no spatial overlap.
I guess intersectionality really is bullshit

the ability to perform complex nonlinear multivariate meta-analysis is necessary to make an opening post that gets 300 replies.

>The claim that if there is no single, defining trait that can be used to separate two or more categories, then those categories do not exist.
Except that's not what the left claims, they claim those categories to be arbitrary and they claim a lot of grey areas in between exist. I'm no leftist by any reason but this is strawmanning.

this man knows his tsung tzu

These are corporate hr policies writ large, in the spirit of avoiding lawsuits and maximizing profit by appealing to or "including" as many people as possible. Losing a few grumbling dissenters along the way hardly impacts the bottom line when the perceived gains are so much larger. Who would have more customers in this modern world? A business that espouses "tradition" or a business that preaches "acceptance", "love", "tolerance", etc? They don't have to actually deliver those things, but merely the perception of them. People seem to forget it's really all about money. When it was realized whites are the global minority, advertising became centered on non-whites. It seems fairly obvious to me, having lived through the period when one gave way to the other.

>the left relies on pseudo-science
more news at 11

Also, i think it comes from a perverse, surface reading of the Constitution, common law, whatever. A poorly understood, cultural fascination with egalitarianism in the face of reality. Because nearly everyone knows what it feels like to be "excluded", and most people don't like that feeling. It's in our nature to "belong", humans build culture and culture builds humans.

Im immune to it ever since the kikes pushed the "X group of whites isnt huwhite because they arent all blonde hair and blue eyed" here.


You'll get an ironic rope
It's the same as a normal rope

there is no such thing as blue or geen because cyan exists

I better.
I think we need a think tank on the right that actually has a game plan and understands the bigger picture and then applies the techniques in destabilizing the left's cult.
Jow Forums does it to some extent but it's a chaotic way of doing shit.
There aren't many people on the right, right now, that think the way I do.
This truly is a war and we have to win it or we will not survive the aftermath of leftist win.
At least I won't.

The emotional appeal is the key to move the masses. It's a tactic that is, very successfully used by the left.
The right side lacked these tactics, but now, thanks to the converts that are using leftist tactics against the left, we are starting to see the emotionally charged arguments on the right.
In winning this war we have to use all of the tools, and this is the most powerful one.
I observe the emotionally charged "leaders" of the minorities and they are doing a fine job in converting their people.
I observe them because we can absolutely learn from them.
Logic and facts work on the people who truly believ that the logic is a superior way of thinking, but as we speak the left is working on changing this by publicly supporting
>>feelings above the facts
I personally experienced a
>>don't throw your facts at me
already, multiple times.
A keen observation of the core cult following(aka the batshitbcrazy SJW's) will reveal that this tactic is working on them very well.
If the trend continues then te Overton window will include that particular fallacy.
We need to fight against this and also use emotional appeals in the argumentation. Obviously we can't abandon facts and logic, but to destabilize a cult we have to furst use the emotional appeal, then after accomplishing the destabilization of some of their member's convictions we use the facts and logic.
First attack though has to be towards the basic instincts of the people:
>>I'm a good person
>>I am a smart person
>>I belong to the majority

I definitely agree. The difficulty rests in getting through their defenses. Their emotional responses are very strong, especially when they decide you're a nazi. The concept of amygdala triggering is pretty interesting and i think it's a valid theory. Basically, they've been conditioned to have an overwhelming negative reaction to any ideas that may even appear contradict their beliefs and feelings. They experience fear at the mere thought of wrong-think. On some level, logic and facts get through, and it terrifies them. Understandably, perhaps. They stand to lose their friends, family, community, sense of self, employment, etc. It's not easy to go from blue-pilled, emotional thinking to red/black-pilled logical thinking. It's obviously more complicated, but i think it's a place to start.

My last words will be "sneed, have sex"

But the left Is about deconstructing hierarchies (categories) so you are proving his point?

>height is a spectrum, there is no such thing as tall or short people because there is no clear definition for tallness or shortness
t. the left

> thinking reality or rationality matters to hardcore golems and jews

Basically, attacking head-on will be impossible. Logic and facts are head-on tactics. For any tactic, info to be successful, it must use a more circuitous, gentle approach. Definitely helps to read sun tzu, tao te ching, rules for radicals, and anything else they're reading/using. Because they have tactics and they are using them. Must seek to understand the enemy first, especially if you do not possess overwhelming force.

If you admit people aren’t all equal, you have to concede that people are more than just economic units to be moved around. Then you’d actually have to treat your employees as people rather than cogs

Nice full house.
The left runs on ideals, and ideals are about the results. If the result isn't what they want, then it goes against their values. They can't afford to have principles because they apply across the board and won't let them pick whatever will get them what they want.

He may have a point, but how do you expect to separate the nurture aspects from the genetic if you can't even approach the question.
One side won't like finding out that people are inherently different and that both startrek and the communist manifesto are always gonna be fictional. The other side won't like finding out it's not their genes that make them great, but their culture, which they need to maintain. Perhaps they would be soothed by the understanding that niggers aren't born but made, and it's entirely somebody's fault.

If "1488" is the goal or message, it's not gonna work. Normies are not gonna go for that. But, to me, undermining leftist influence should be the primary goal. Everything should be directed at that. Exposing their hypocrisy, their lies, their will to power, the sources of their power, their overly-emotional/sentimental nature, but using their own rhetoric/tactics. Take away the things that make their positions attractive. It's certainly easier said than done.

Women are probably harder to "turn" too unless you get their significant other or children first

Into the trash it fucking goes. Damn shame too - looked promising for a moment there.

I would say so, that's why the left actively goes after them. All the empowerment bs is there to stroke their ego, give them the tingles. Can't change a woman's mind, only guide them to your decision. If they catch the slightest whiff they're being led, they'll buck.

> creates a confirmation bias
I think you meant consensus illusion

To be fair, he is a decent fellow it seems, he is there defending basic biological truths in current year + 4, which is admirable