Dear Trump supporters,
We will never forget. We will never forgive.
Blue Wave is coming to bring lady Justice back to America. We will make sure Donald Trump and his Russian family gets locked up for life.
Dear Trump supporters,
We will never forget. We will never forgive.
Blue Wave is coming to bring lady Justice back to America. We will make sure Donald Trump and his Russian family gets locked up for life.
America was a mistake
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Yang will win and both dems and MIGA will be BTFO
>city people voted hillary
oh, rural people are uneducated stereotypes, we have a leaf from ontario here.
fake and gay
Maybe, but the things you have achieved weren't
How is Trump a "failure"?
>owns high net worth real estate across the globe
>employs over 10k people
>flies around in his own custom Boeing 757
>just up graded to Air Force One
>destroyed ISIS
>talking to N. Korea
>no new wars
>GDP @3%
>industry moving back to the US
>low unemployment across all segments of the population
I know I missed some things, but you get my drift, right?
Oh, forgot to mention..........still MAGA.
This kike posted the same shit 3 threads ago. Wonder how many shekels he gets per post.
>B-bankruptcies! T-trump university!
!>w-wall is able to be seen through so its a fence!
>stop winning, i beg of you, please
it feels good
All caps, didn't read.
If Dems do not impeach, they will lose 2020. Screenshot this post.
aren't you ever tired?
And he came back from the bankruptcies Biggly.
Trump University? Those that sued were the ones that graduated exactly during the housing bust in 2008 and 2009.
>instead of buying into the housing market at it's bottom, like i did.
Wow, sounds like all those that graduated with IT degrees back in 2000 during the dot com bust.
still MAGA
Oh no, fat fucks and pussy losers will never forgive me
still tl
still dr
The good news is from what I've seen most don't want your forgiveness or anyone elses. Honestly don't you see your both the bane of the political system Americans polarization is continuing to conflict with it's democratic processes here's a hint drop the left right bullshit youre American vote what you think will be best for America. By continuing to play to this extreme identity bullshit your actually also going against what the founders wanted a good number resisted the idea of political factions and the such it concerned them greatly. I don't subcribe to either party I look at what's available on both sides and choose what I agree with based on issues and policies not by party. As a country i fear the breakdown of discourse is going to come to a head in a rather spectacular and truly retarded way all because of identity fags on both sides.
Literally everything in this is the inverse of reality. It’s democrats who’ve imagined this great conspiracy out of thin air having provided zero proof after multiple investigations by the most powerful branches of US govt. And all for the sake of justifying their active undermining of a legitimate election and their subversion of US institutions such as the FBI.
Dem larper...lurking leftists...heed my words: YOU ARE THE FASCISTS that you pretend to be fighting against. And the more you keep eroding US norms and institutions, the closer you’ll push this country towards outright civil war and chaos. I’m not being hyperbolic. Outside forces are playing off your greed and selfishness to drive you into aiding the destruction of your own nation. Stop being a dumb ass.
Spot on!!!!
and this, are the Jow Forums of old.
good reads, and true.
>piss all over the ideas and values this country was based upon?
Such as? I can name a few.
>founded by free white men of good character for themselves and their posterity
>free speech
>right to bear arms
Fuck off.
We got a nice comfy KZ just for you.
America was founded by white men who wrote the naturalization act of 1790 which restricted citizenship to "white men of good moral character"
this will never stop BTFO'ing leftists.
Never forget. They want you dead.
I agree with every word in that letter. Can you faggots ever recover?
Yes they project and blame their enemies for what they do. Alinksyism to their core.
literally who?
It’s funny cus it’s true
>Not knowing the I&NA'90 was a compromise with southern states in return for their ratification of the Constitution.
for what, exactly?
Fuck you, stupid golems should stop voting for megacreeps like Jewnald, Blowsonaro, Dilma, Lula, Bush, Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton, Reagan... and vote for people that, at least, look and sound normal, have political experience and a relatively clean past history.
This, but unironically
Based potatoposter
You guys do know this is the same guy who posts all the "whiteboi" nigger abs cocksucker threads. Same sentence structure. Poker tell
>Why is he this thirsty for everyone's attn?