Why do you keep confusing Deism with Christianity ?
I believe in God doesn't mean I'm christian.
It is much more logical to believe in God than Jesus, muhammad or a Dollar bill.
Why do you keep confusing Deism with Christianity ?
I believe in God doesn't mean I'm christian.
It is much more logical to believe in God than Jesus, muhammad or a Dollar bill.
Someone created the rules, it's our job to unravel them and figure out what they mean. Revealed religion does not do that, it is just a means to control people.
Depicted is the word of God and the source of our beliefs.
DNA is merely a mode of information storage. The real work is done by proteins. You can live without DNA for a while, but you don't exist without proteins.
Yes they are different things, but how will you find the way of God?
Your post is absolutely cringe.
Digging a hole may be
>real work
but it's
>real useless work
if you don't know what you're digging it for. You can't assemble those proteins without a ribosome so you might as well argue the
>real work
is done by the ribosomes and the proteins are just another form of information.
If god gave us reason....Whats the reason for Niggers?
What are you on about? are you saying that DNA code is the word of God and by deciphering it we get to know God's plan for us?
Guys obviously God can create the universe, dna, and all the physical laws which allow reality to maintain itself. But theres no way God would give us a guidebook or even incarnate into reality to shiw us the way. Am i close, rabbi?
An examination of nature tells us that the plan for each organism is different - the ten commandments for a praying mantis are not the same as the ten commandments of men.