Why are BreadTubers nigger-tier stupid?
Wants more censorship, gets more censorship
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day of the rope is coming
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
breadTube is literally full of cuckolds who cut themselves
ContraPoints is based. She deftly debunks all the stock alt-right talking points with ease.
City people also crap in the streets and have bubonic plague.
it couldn't possibly be that all the smart people voted Trump and only the big city retards voted Hilldawg....oh wait right that is what happened
>fascists know to use dog whistles
Doesn't this just prove that "the fascists" are smarter?
Post in store prices
or make up mass grooming gangs, I guess.
why are you posting youtuber e celeb shit on this board? let me guess you are another 2016+ loser who ruined the board posting trash eceleb opinions and drama
If he’s so good at debunking them, he wouldn’t want them censored, as they would present no threat to him.
This is how it was always going to go. Fascist dont talk about nazis or use blantant terminology in their videos, a lot of them are pretty nuanced. the left does nothing but go on about nszis, Hitler, genocide etc so ofcourse they are going to impacted by censorship related to words and terms. What a bunch of retards though I dont know if contra was ever for censorship or not.
Patently false.
Fucking tired of contrapoints coming in here to shill his shit. Literally nobody fucking cares about your gay tranny shit. Honestly amazed hiroshimoot hasn't b& your vpn yet.
Cry more, Natalie.
wtf are you talking about retard you posted this shit hear to shill this tranny fag eceleb youtuber shit. literally neck yourself for being a complete fucking loser whose entire worldview and only thoughts come from your favorite youtubers
Well she's not wrong. I actually noticed this myself and took advantage of it. Another thing I found out is youtube needs to have someone check each hatespeech report manually because algos can't do it, so youtube is susceptible to being report spammed to the point the reporting system would break. theguardian.com
>when MTF meant Mobile Task Force
>even when I get what I want, I am still the victim
>she's not wrong
She's not a she
Mate I don't watch it's fucking channel how am I supposed to know? I'm just saying you can reportfag their SJW videos for showing swastikas.
>from decent-looking young man to unhinged, fucking ugly tranny
Leftism, not even once.
look again
I do it all the time to BreadTube. They want people to report stuff. They actively ask people to.
Is there any proof of this claim? Have any antifa channels been censored?
don't you have another video to work on, Tim?
He will never be a woman. Sad