Tell me fellow Jow Forumsacks, what are your thoughts on /ourguy/?
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Is he ok?
Czech user incoming. Thx for pic related m8.
>Balding manlet who went after the softest targets possible: the elderly, women and children
He is nothing but a dried up piece of dog shit. Thank God he will slowly go insane in solitary. Best form of torture for this cunt.
If you praise this man, do not call yourself a Christian
Christians only turn the other cheek when migrants rape their daughters.
>conveniently does not include pics of the dummies laid our around the room, fake testimonies by survivors or the fact there was a "drill" on the very same day
I would never call myself a christian. But this blabbing about "elderly, children and women" is just garbage. Most of the victims were men. I didn't see a lot of women in this video, did you?
He's A fucking hero
Am I going to hell for saying he looks quintessentially Australian? Like the meme face. Almost exactly
He is our champion
>oy vey sit idly by and watch your country go to hell and your women get raped or else you are retarded
>t. a swede
Did he get herpes from sucking all those muslim cocks in prison?
seems a little depressed. i hope theyre treating him ok
>still pushing this fake mossad op
fuck off, Pol is a Christian board and would never support violence even if (((Tarrant))) was not fake kike trick to take even more guns from law abiding conservatives (it wasn't real, it was a trick)
He get busted in the lip? You think one of the police did it to him? Or a muzzie in jail?
police did it when they arrested him.
Also, i just bought
all things tarrant will be up and running soon
numerals confirm
"only very few vomen und children, is not zat bad"
lol Germany calm down
stfu hans, you bring shame defending a faggot like him. you are on a watchlist now, last warning
Sloppy job, Mossad.
From the dozen teenie groupies he was allowed to meet in jail...nah, I think that's a cut. He probably got his face punched during arrest.
okok...he's a faggot! Killing those poor worshippers! Disgusting! Mossad!
Stupid nigger tier intelligence.
You could kill 100 muslims, niggers, fags, etc in one go. Wont change shit.
You dont cure the disease by attacking the symptoms. You need to attack the cause.
The Media brainwashes everyone into accepting beliefs. To stop this you need to replace the power of the media. Liberals have a major power monopoly on old media and social media, but their are emerging technologies which they yet dont have a grip on.
VR for example. Pretty soon we will be in a world where just as many people are spending ample amounts of time in a virtual world as they are on their phones today.
Imagine creating the best virtual world that everyone wants to hang out at. Their you have a captive audience.
Thats one example, but as technology accelerates more opportunities arise. The battle for the future is on the field if technology. Liberals keep winning. Thats why Facebook and Microsoft are investing heavily in it. Think about it.
Based user
is that herpes on his lip?
Jewish mossad plant here to start war with Muslims then Jews can come and take over the west fully.
He's a traitor and should be hung from the neck until dead.
Thank fuck this scum Jew hasn't had any kids.
>that disgusting reddit spacing
delete your shit post then kill yourself
Only dummy here is you, user. Funny thing is, there are new pics. Of those "dummies" with "squibs" you braindead moron pushed. Check it out and then ask yourself seriously - why is my mom suddenly learning Czech and why does her breath lately smells like my cumsock?
>fake testimonies
Wow, it's like sandniggers never lie.
So what exactly? Police doesn't train in your shithole of country or what? Police trains, special police trains nonstop if not on raid.
>the jew instantly projects his homosexuality
>imagine being this retarded
>Wont change shit.
It did and it did tremendously.
Stitches, got buttstocked during the arrest.
all israelis IPs will be blocked from day 1, possibly canadian ones too, any shills will be permab& instantly. my plan is to hopefully gather every meme ever made about him and have everything in one place so maybe if he gets internet privileges one day he can check it all out.
do you have more of these images?
I have this little comparison pic, but that is more of when some idiot will start doing angry schizo noises again.
Also have this one, note the "dead" marking on her hand. This was supposedly a "dummy" too.
How exactly was it meant to help us? I swear accelerationism is the worst meme ever.
Why not read his manifesto?
>sheep fucker
checks out
>if he gets internet privileges one day he can check it all out.
Fucking based.
Thank you user.
Based domain owner. Best thing would be .onion based chan. One can dream.
Are U the gay who thinks he's a warrior? UR Gay.
Anyone can link his manifesto?
There may be a finish translation, give me a sec.
is something glowing? you guys see anything?
So where's the reaction he wanted?
>sheeb fugger :D
try harder
He needs halp
I don't need a Finnish translation, I'm on a fucking English board. Just give me a link that's safe to view/download.
>jew flag
Do not trust.
good idea never thought about that. ill have to get an onion mirror at least.
If you would read the manifesto, then you would know that pretty much everything he predicted happening happened. And then some, including media falling for Navy Seals pasta.
Anonfiles are completely okay
Schlomo stop fucking around you useless hook-nosed cripple. Why Israel IPs weren't banned range-wise is beyond me, this board would be so much better.
Who's the pretty lady?
He’s exactly what your enemies what you to be. Someone they can point to to show how evil you are
>I'm gonna win optics game in jew-controlled, owned and jew-ruled system, where the same Jews also can change the rules everytime it suits them
>if you kill your enemies, they win
Go back to Canada, Trudeau.
>last spam thread die
>spam another thread
how is your day so far shill ?
>If you would read the manifesto,
if you took any part of that meme filled crap seriously you are brain damaged or really really young and naive
Hopefully, there is a leaf moron who will explain everything.
>who will explain everything.
that is awfully looking like your job since you have an answer for anything and everything
no one care about your thread and your personality cult that's why you guys have to keep it alive all the time
last one died so fast even with the spammer trying to bump it and bait newfag it died before 100 posts
>you have an answer for anything and everything
Kek. So you guys have no arguments?
Sloppy job, Mossad.
gawd did you ask your little mongoloid sister to create that one for you ?
>i'm korean
>i play world of warcraft
where the fuck do you think you are disgusting normie
>cia flag
>cia flag
>cia flag
>cia flag
>cia flag
>cia flag
>cia flag
>cia flag
>cia flag
he was based af
https ://anonfile . com /F1f1Vdu0n1/heroes88_mp4
hi rebecca
You okay, Itsuki?
Did you use KYM or ED?
who the fuck is rebecca ?
you're so funny hi hi hi
>Another crusader stands up.
Kek. Retardo is clueless.
thx ahmed
no problem moshe have a good day in your propaganda thread
as always
I have put your vid here:
Better for sharing.
Boil a frog too fast, it'll jump out.
based and slavpilled
Is there a version of this pic where Leo's holding a beer?
pici se mi asi ta posledni verze neulozila, sem tam opravil jednu gramatickou chybu a dal lepsi fotku Dylanna, udelam potom
>sit idly by
>Be literal who
>Shoot brown people that don't matter in the slightest
>Allows the ones that brought them there to keep lining their pockets with cash
>Manifesto is trash
Suck that kike dick harder, nigger. Accelerationism only matters if you are in a place to affect change for MANY people, not a handful in some random mosque.
There is no debating these "people". It is not a rational political discourse for them, it's projecting their own cowardice into their politics. Thus thing purely emotional. That is why they screech, are 100% out of any arguments, let alone proofs, but they still continue to do so without any change or self-reflection.
>it doesn't matter, goyim
Let's see what effect St. Tarrant's action had:
>acceleration around the world. France, UK (600% rise in antimuslim "crime"), Sri Lanka and others.
>greatest spike in Google search history of "great replacement" and one of the greatest of "white genocide" - redpilling possibly hundreds of thousands
>motivated big-name Youtubers like ChuckyE who in exchange dropped massive redpills about Jewry and not only them to other hundreds of thousands (500k+ subs).
>absolutely brutal push of the Overton's window, as both zoomers and boomers openly praised mass shooter everywhere
>Zealanders buying most guns in history, to the point where many shops report being sold out
>further radicalization of many valuable groups and individuals
>at least one copy cat already who targeted the Jews
And also here we are now, months later, still debating it, memes are still made, songs, videos etc. It is still great topic of many talks on both right and left. If anything, it was tremendously effective.
Wrong, faggot. Memes are being forced, debate is inorganic, YTers are nobodies, the Overton Window was pulled BACKWARDS and nobody has targeted anyone of value and they never will because accelerationism is a larp. Not a fucking thing has changed for the better.
>my opinions are more than your verifiable facts
Rest of your post is just empty cope too.
Fact is, it already did more than your sad existence ever will. But then again, who could be so staunchly against admitting success to a white man who stood up?
PewDiePie? I don't watch him
>verifiable facts
>let me cite a bunch of nothingburgers
The proof is in the pudding, user. The left still marches on undeterred and unrestricted while they pervert our nation. The fact that he was trying to effect gun laws in the US was always a red flag.
this guy knows
this is a kike who wants to see every western country browned and islamified
>let me push a goalpost more instead of giving any arguments.
If you wanted source, you had just to ask.
>look for chuckye in archive
>look at social networks, look at photos of zoomers playing the video and laughing in the classroom, look at phone covers they make, there is plenty of that crap here and most of it unprecedented.
And many more. Copycat is Earnest, radicalization you can see everywhere around us, even here.
Stop coping, nigger.
The only thing certain about what he did was that he created one of the most meme filled live murder videos ever created that caused a strange juxtaposition between the violence happening in the video and call backs to various shitposts. I wish I would live another hundred years so I could see future generations looking back at it and trying to discern just what the fuck was going on. Would they understand the significance of his playlist or would it be lost on them? Would they have any idea who pewdiepie is and why subscribing to him was even a meme? These are very strange times to be alive frens.
where's this one?
Best poster in the thread 2bh.
more like they spread their cheeks
That's the photo we need
slappy bob mousse ad