Why are female comedians so agonizingly unfunny?

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have sex

The idea of a joke is a patriarchal construct

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>why do jews love blackface so much?

Being genuinely funny requires the ability to be introspective and/or see the world in an off tilt manner. Women don't have the agency to actually do any of that

Because women don't need to be funny to be liked. Humour is a genetic trait, they just never developed it.

I like funny women. Im more likely to care about funny women. Why wouldnt this train be selected for, evolutionarily speaking?

It's funny because she has a vageen

Because, for thousands of years, health and thus beauty were more far important for a woman than humour.

They don't have souls. They are animals. I actually have more in common with the average black man than with a woman of any race.

...but im not married


I would fuck Sarah (((Silverman)))

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have sex

...but im not married

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have illegal sex (((rape))) (((unmarried)))


Hitchens wrote an article about it. Basically men have evoled humor in order to help them get pussy. Women don't have to be funny to get cock, because most me are gtg and don't give a fuck about what they say anyway.

Implying you wouldn’t suck on sarah’s saggy jew tits


It's not that they're incapable it's just that they're generally delusional because they actively/passively avoid criticism

Notice how almost all women avoid the places on the internet where people can slag each other off and tend to use social media exclusively, they can't handle or even expose themselves to criticism so they never get a good idea of how shite they are to know how much they need to improve. A lot of it is down to whiteknighting culture.

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Funny women exist, but they tend to be attractive and well-adjusted in my experience. My best theory is a cabal of disfigured radfem harridans are gatekeeping the comedy scene to ensure normal women don't ever get a foothold, as they are likely well aware they couldn't compete in an open market.

Because women operate on a different axiom then men when it comes to comedy. They operate from a standpoint of wanting in group inclusion. So their "comedy" tends to pander to the in group. Men engage in comedy to ridicule the in group that they know they will never be a part of. Which is why they are funny.

Because their jokes consist of
>the man was ugly! HE WAS SO UGLY!
>Am I fat? No, hahha, I don't know!
>I saw a hot guy, he was hot! HE WAS SO HOT so I sexually harassed him.
And that's good ones.

Politics and comedy don't mix and all female comedians rely on gender politics as part of their act.

crumpetboi knows what's up

"haha i'm a girl and i say PUSSY HAHA aren't i funny"

I think that the biggest reason is that the media try to push attractive female comedians. Most attractive women aren't funny because they didn't need to be. Men would date them because they were attractive, so they didn't need to bother with developing a personality. Fat/ugly women needed to develop humor/personality/good credit to compete with the pretty women. Men tend to be funny because they need to be.

Women can be unintentionally funny. Years ago a male co-worker made a joke comparing me to Timothy McVeigh and a female co-worker was confused. She asked who Timothy McVeigh was, and a co-worker retorted: "you don't know about the Oklahoma City bomber?" She replied: "I don't follow sports."

Leslie Jones isn't funny and that thing looks like a gorilla

Consume foreskin

Because, OP, women can’t actually be funny.

Good point. I'm not saying that all ugly women are funny, or that all pretty women aren't funny. I'm just saying I believe it's an overall trend.

I’ve met some genuinely funny women but they’re extremely rare
When it happens it’s surprising and makes you realize how unfunny most other women are
One of those “I forgot this was possible” moments that shakes your whole world

a joke makes an unexpected connection in your brain. like there is a complex image in your head about your reality, the comedian makes up a story as a context (like an analogy), and then your brain applies it to your image of reality, and that realization can make you laugh, either because it's true but you weren't trained for that, so you are missing that specific connection, or because it is so absurd. The joke is funny only if you understand it. Also, the joke is funny only, if you didn't make that connection, even if the joke doesn't say anything new to you. So you have to have a foundation. The common foundation is the shared part of our image of reality.

Most women can't live in reality, so in their fucked up image of "reality" they may make sense. But that fucked up image is not shared, so they just look stupid and unfunny. And they mostly are.

According to the benign violation theory of comedy (there's a ted talk) something is funny when it violates or frightens you but the fear is immediately relieved.

Women are unable to frighten. Except to violate a cultural norm like talking about your period. Their comedy, like their arguments, are shame based. Because that is their station.

Men can use jokes puns tricks the unexpected or unusual. Women are relegated to talking about their holes.

Known as the 'benign violation' theory. This is spot on

a woman's entire worth is her pussy.

she knows that. all of her world is pussy centric. that's why they wear pussy hats to protest immigration. they dress up like pussies to protest a sitting president.

So their "humor" is about pussy.

This. Along with a degree of self awareness.

>'benign violation' theory.
I didn't know what's it called, so thanks for the info.

nice border you got over there bud

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