This guy seriously gives me hope for the future
Nickers WW@
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If you don't eat meat you become gay it's just true
Nick is based
I used to think he was a Zionist shill but I apparently had him confused with some other guy who looks kind of similar. Still unsure who it was. Some slick looking guy like him that smokes cigars.
>Pretends to be white
>Thinks being (((Catholic))) is based
>Lives at home with his mommy
>Lives on fastfood
>Listens to rap
Wow, so based.
nice try shill
Kill yourselves. This faggot never names the kikes because he is an extension of (((MSM))) in the counterculture.
>s-s-shill *sniff*
Nice argument, faggot. Too bad everything I listed is true, huh?
>Pretends to be white
openly admits to being a mutt
>Thinks being (((Catholic))) is based
catholicism bad atheism baste
dohoho gottem
>Lives at home with his mommy
he's 19 lmao
>Lives on fastfood
>Listens to rap
how dare he listen to anything but Hitler speeches and Nazi music
dumb ass nigga
how about you show me someone you think is "based"
He’s 20 actually
just straight up wrong
Pretty sure he's being sponsored by MacDonald show me one episode where he doesn't say Big Mac
bruh he gets less than 30k views on each video
you're a loser
Hope for what? He is a spic mongrel
big mac nationalism. shame really, mayo chickens are the superior choice
He called allsup a grifter. All this faggot does is start shit. I'm done with him
Allsup is 1/4th Filipino. The two of them are.mongrels
yeah he's a cool dude
He blindly sucks Trump’s cock despite betraying his base multiple times.
If ironybro-pretending-to-go-to-church Catholicism that's ultimately powerless against the incoming communist subversion is the future, then the absolute fucking state of paleoconservatism
Sam hyde?
You obviously don't watch the show. He is usually very critical of Trump
Allsup is 11% Filipino. Did you watch his AmRen speech? It was really good
Still a mongrel
>using a fake 23andme
anti-nickers are so cringe
Deny it all you want. Keep shilling for a spic
Nick fuentes is based
muh shared values, g-guy :^)
Lmao he calls Trump a fat bitch and trashes on him for not following through on his promises all the time.
Sadly I think he's going to get de-platformed before he can make some serious damage.
good. he's right.
Nobody in here likes your weak faggdy fake smile ass.
You're weak on debate and policy you should finish high school.
And earns more than 1k a day only counting the superchats
lmfao he sucked Trump off for 3 years while he Trump continuously betrayed his promises. What's worse is that he and his loyal legion of ironybros viciously attacked anyone critical of Trump (who were correct in their assessments of Trump). Only when the balance shifted and most low IQ ironybros (redundant desu) started to realize Trump was a conman, did Nick realize he couldn't grift off of Trumpism anymore and started to become anti-Trump to placate his fanbase and continue to rake in the cash.
Nick is unbelievably stupid though. Jared Taylor is the best frontman and there's no one i know of that can replace him.
I feel so bad for him. He's such a loser
more like a few hundred. youtube also takes 30%
no, I can't remember very well but he was brownish I think, looked sort of Italian or something
Hope for the Catholic mestizo nationalism of America's future.
Me too, the suit get up made me think he was a Shapiro kinda guy.
It's really bugging me now who that other guy was that I had confused with Nick.
>brown/olive skin - sort of Italian looking or something
>slicked black hair
>there are pictures of him wearing leather gloves, and smoking cigars
>very much a MAGA/pro-Trump/pro-Israel guy
>once posted a picture of bombs being dropped on some city (Syria?) and saying how it was awesome
>Nick and Allsup are non-white and both speakers at AmRen
Jared Taylor has really slipped in his old age.
Jacob Wohl
Jared Taylor has has non-White Jews speaking at amren for decades
ah yes that's him thanks
The Nicker Youth just keeps on growing
>this is Jow Forums in 2050
and it's gonna be beautiful.
He's a spic, utter trash.
yes, mixed race larpers keep on growing in numbers, it's as sad as it is hilarious, watching someone completely excluded from society telling others how to not be
He's 19 so I don't see the problem.
Smoking Cohiba, very classy.
guy won't amount to anything in life, newfag
as perspective, by the time i was his age i was programming proprietary protocol analysers, reenging vector units
this kid has an internet show
Nick Fuentes is a JEW.
>catholic mutt
>"gives me hope for the future"
LMAO just kys fren
John Doyle?
>This guy seriously gives me hope for the future
Me too.
He's pretty intelligent considering his age.
Nick is was happens when people spend their teenage years on Jow Forums.
Even if he took 100 only dollars each night that's 500 each week which is about 2000 each month.
That's about how MY FATHER takes at 50 years old with 30 years of job experience behind him
who cares if he's mutt he proves that at the very least, not all of the kids have been ZOGGED
>racemixed Catholic (a foreign religion in AmericA)
lmao, he is a symptom of the sickness in your country
Same here user. Nickers 4eva
nice try shills
what sort of political commentary do you listen to then?
when an eceleb is shilled on Jow Forums i immediately become suspicious. who did you make a deal with, nick? tell me you didn't take the faustian bargain. i thought you were joking all those times about selling out for qatari money
oh good he's still getting plenty of d&c so he's still on the up and up
I'm not shilling him I just started listening to him recently and never realized how sharp this guy is. Before to me he was just that guy with the dumb profile pic on twitter
theres a reddit now
>imagine being this schizo
Why bother. Do you guys get some kind of psycho-sexual thrill on building a community just to get banned as soon as it's popular. 8ch exists
Jow Forums itself sucked off Trump and even created t_d. Then once it became embarrassing to continue to support his Zionism, Jow Forums retconned its Trump support and shifted all the blame to r*ddit!!!FACT!!!
He will be President one day.
That would be hilarious.
This r tard supports the foreign occupiers of america, hes a fucking traitor.
Is that Milo with the Instagram baby filter?
He's a literal faggot eceleb who only cares about that superchat money.
He names them all the time, you're just too low IQ and or a leftypee shill.
It's true though, you're not going to go back to a 90% white America overnight. Setting realistic goals is important
I like watching AF with Nick on yt. The guy is on fire and just doesnt give a f*ck.
Is this guy a legit christcuck or does he just larp as one so he can btfo people with objective morality? Because if its the latter that's pretty based, otherwise extremely cringe.
>Nick the spic
Lol no
Sorry sweetie, but Styx and Ghost Politics are smarter then him
Nick backstabbed Trump because he wants the Richard Spencer crowd. He's also an irony bro which makes him even more Insufferable
He backstabbed Trump. He openly shilled for Yang for a while to
both ruin everything thus similar names
Lol he's really not. He doesn't get how government works and he won't debate anyone who's smarter then him
lol whos this. Hunter Avalone? Will Chamberlain? some other conservative inc faggot get rekt nerd
Go home Nick
Anyone who objects to the notion of objective morality is just seething over the possibility that it isn't perfectly morally good to chase cummies with wild abandon
Are you challenging him? Whats your twitter? We'll get behind this
Kill yourself newfag
I challenge him to debate Ghost Politics.
Fuentes would get slaughtered if he debated those people
Why don't you start thinking for yourself instead of looking for someone (((based))) to do it for you.
> he looks way more white than Hispanic
> The Catholic thing is gay
> all of the rest of these things are none issues
Nick should have been praising Trump's deal that ends catch and release. Instead he chose to ignore it because he wants to keep his anti Trump fanbase.
Flag checks out. How's the weather in Tel Aviv?