Let's just end this once and for all
Lauren southern has been exposed years ago. And i remember when I was calling her out as a Jew or as a fraud a lot of pol/acks called me a D n C shill. So here is a link. You decide. Also post more evidence this khazarian bitch tricked everyone.
The Final Nail in Lauren Southern (Read: Simonsen) Coffin
Easton Perry
Other urls found in this thread:
Andrew Phillips
You forgot to hide your meme flag Avi.
Ayden Green
She’s a loser. So is faith goldy
Ryder Fisher
She's a CSIS agent like Gavin and Faith.
Austin Ortiz
>brown skin
>brown eyes
>brown hair
Faith Goldstein is a fellow white woman!
Dont you like some irony
Christopher Smith
We must secure the existence of moonman and a future for RWDS.
Dylan Lewis
This is so dumb. She took a DNA test and shared the results.
Carter Morris
Faith Goldstein of the ukraine
Cooper Jackson
we know she was. we just didn't care.
Jaxson Watson