
How do we make White Men dominant social figures within society again?

Attached: Whiteman.png (578x688, 910K)


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You can't. It's too late. Your racist attitude towards others have doomed you. What male fathers made taboo, kindled the flame of curiosity in your daughters. It's over. We won.


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Fuck you nigger.

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They already are. Only seriously deluded, self-projecting pol retards think otherwise.

I always used to think these were cuck trolls from some discord shithole but this is how niggers think. Let that sink in people, niggers and white women are both some of the lowest forms of life on the planet. Petty, habitually envious, superficial and arrogantly dependent on a host people's generosity and creation.

Watch it run out Tyrone. We'll mulch the whole of Africa with your remains and create a beautiful dead nigger forest from you sooty imps.

Lol delusional fantasies of genocide. I hope you contribute something of value to your parents for allowing you to still live with them.