Outside their propaganda, Nazis were not clean at all, they were a bunch of junkies and meth heads, which is fitting since they were led by the greatest meth head of all: Adolf Hitler.
He also did cocaine, adrenaline and a bunch of other shit
Hitler was a meth head
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He was a very evil and very degenerate man. Luckily he didn't win or we'd have to speak German here.
Oh boy, here we go again
>only had one testicle
>had a micro penis
>never had sex
>had sex with his niece
>had a gay affair with Goebbels
>watersports fetish
>scat fetish
>was a jew
>born of incest
>had brown eyes
>sperged out on jews because they denied his application to art school
Imagine unironically opposing stimulant usage.
the evidence is overwhelming, we have his own medical records, written by his own fucking celebrity doctor
the guy was high as fuck
To be fair cocaine and ampethime are pretty sweet. He also liked goodboys. I was always on the fence about the guy but you just may have a point....
Goering was a morphine addict.
so hitler was a drug addict, a gay, pro-tranny? that explains why drug addicts, gays, and trannies are pushing SS-like suppression and removal
nibba got speedball injections on a daily basis, on top of barbiturates and shit. based and pilled
>he also did cocaine
Yeah nigga was a baller, ww2 parties were crazy
There's a difference between a man taking drugs to be able to fight a war on both fronts where losing would mean losing it all compared to your degenerate drug escapades in some shitty club with ugly roasties.
Go fuck yourself, memeflag kike.
he took drugs because he trusted a celebrity doctor who was so full of shit even hitler's subordinates knew he was a quack, but were too afraid to tell him
totally this
>scat fetish
I believe the scat fetish was true. Germany is number one in the world in consuming scat porn. that poor cunt killed herself. she wrote in her diary that hitler kept asking her to take a dump on him.
Germans are sick mother fuckers. Berlin is number one in the world in BDSM as well.
BDSM Clubs*
what a haircut!
Gonna be easier to list things that Hitler wasn't
>Hitler wasn't from Africa or Mars
the meth nazis were using was pervitin pills and they only contained 5mg of meth for performance, your typical methhead today does .1g - .5g when they get high which is 100mg to 500 mg its not even comparable nice try jew
Oh, I actually forgot.
>Hitler had a large portion of subsaharan DNA
>There's a difference between a man taking drugs to be able to fight a war on both fronts
Tweakers always tend to believe that the drug makes them superhuman and capable of flaunting basic principles to success.
In reality, they're just flailing out and making tons of trivial mistakes. Hitler was no exception. He was a tweaker who thought he was smarter than he actually was. It's no coincidence that Hitler started overruling his generals in 1941/1942 after his drug injections from Dr Morell started going up in frequency.
Funny accusations coming from a kike, creators of porn and the ethnic group that was responsible for weimar era degeneracy. History repeats, hence the abomination the West has become with you "people" in control of the (((culture)))
Pervitin is consumed orally, around 80% of the drug is destroyed in the GI tract.
IV, inhalation requires smaller doses to achieve the same effect.
PR or rectal usage of meth is the most efficient method of using it.
i am sick and tired of faggots larping as nazis when they dont know shit about the ideology. taking drugs was consistent with their civilian policy on drugs.
Op sucks cock
those numbers are for the most degenerate of IV users
its actually a slightly less harmful drug than amphetamine when used orally and in low doses ('medically'/the way nazi soldiers and civilians used). the problems are that the euphoria ceiling is higher, as are the health risks, and that you can buy a $30 gram of 98% pure crystal that can be smoked, snorted, injected, or put up your bumbum
>an entire nation of meth-heads
That sounds fucking terrible.
the victors write history
so who knows the truth, go outside and improve ur diet/exercise
You know he got the best rocks, pure d-isomer probably.
it is not less harmful then amphetamines its worse, meth is neurotoxic and amphetamines are not, i used to do meth and the numbers i gave are accurate no matter the method of use
i am not advocating for drug use, maybe if hitler didnt take them we could have won the war. all i am saying is that projecting your own ideals onto nazism, while larping as a nazi should get you gassed.
Hitler sanctioned many things which he deemed necessary during the war (like meat industry) but had visions to change them after the war.
wow guess you really are brain damaged. read my post again and give it some more thought
its for sure a physically smoother drug when used the right way. the neurotoxic effects are present in both but only in high doses, contrary to what (((they))) want you to think
You're an idiot.
Lots of people were back then
Doctors didn't know anything was wrong with it
You could buy Cocaine and methamphetamine at the local druggist
Yeah man, the 20th century sounds like it was a wild fucking ride. Cars, drugs, planes, world wars, ect... I'm bummed I only got to catch the last 11 years of it, of which i remember hardly anything.
German scat fetish meme is Jews projecting their own degeneracy onto other nations.
Jews are the most perverted people around. You don't deny that?
>It's no coincidence that Hitler started overruling his generals in 1941/1942 after his drug injections from Dr Morell started going up in frequency.
Exactly, junkies always fuck everything up