How do we get Owen Benjamin to the next level?

Owen is based and redpilled on many levels, but is too closed minded to believe in miracles. If Jesus Christ returned and performed a miracle in front of Owen Benjamin, Owen would only call him a Wizard then go back to mocking jews and wondering how to find God with logic alone.

>walks on water
"Look at this Wizard! It's important we put bullets in the back of the heads of pedos."
>heals the sick
"I told you that weirdo was a Wizard! Joe Rogan, Steven Crowder, and Ben Shapiro all pump butts! Only Truth matters! Don't take shrooms or read the kybalion -All wizardry!"

How do we open up Owen's closed mind to help him advance on the straight and narrow path? I feel as though he's stuck at a crossroads.

Attached: based_owen.jpg (1710x1080, 646K)

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You’d have to convince Owen’s Master, Teddy Beale, that mushrooms have some value in finding God. Otherwise Owen will remain blind and stuck about 2/3rd the way up the pyramid.

Attached: 0DAF3D48-E14F-4AC8-AEC6-13A124DC0E77.jpg (1024x811, 134K)

Start by drinking the cyanide kool-aid, cultist.

Owen is a schizo who stopped taking his meds

Eat shit faggot

Hi, Owen!

Take your meds cock gobbler

name a person doing more to expose the jew and open peoples eyes to the evils of kikes than owen benjamin. you cant

(((Owen Benjamin)))