Give me the rundown on Romanian women. I want an innocent virgin like this or nothing.
Are Romanian women as based, traditional & politically redpilled as they appear?
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>Innocent virgin
>pic related
Whew lad
Too submissive
um excuse me she is at least as innocent and virginal as these thots with full sleeve tattoos wearing thongs and short shorts standing in muh h'wheat fields so i don't see the problem
romanian women are gypsy subhumans and you're better off getting an american pajeetess instead
You again, you chump? Stop being such a cuck
From my interaction with them they are all crazy and horny as fuck
exactly, no tattoos, crazy hair color or landwhales, instead 10/10 cuteness and innocence. If these are gypsies sign me up
Nope. The young ones are globalist filthy whores. The ones in their 30's 40's will also sleep with any piece of shit foreigner they'll meet, hoping for a marriage. Does not matter if is an impotent German or some desert subhuman with shit on his pants.