Nationally, Trump is polling behind the socialist, a gay guy, a woman, a black woman and a single black male

Nationally, Trump is polling behind the socialist, a gay guy, a woman, a black woman and a single black male.

Trump is maxed at 41%, unless he moves to the left politically.

Where were you when the alt-right movement absolutely peaked?

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You have to use critical thinking skills in real life sometimes, OP

he's going to lose just like last time. make sure to keep these poll numbers so you keep democrat turnout low from apathy/smugness/believing the win is inevitable, and energize conservative turn out. that strategy worked so well last time!

The polls were even worse last election. :^)

You'd have to be stupid to listen to any poll

The problem is that democrats are a majority. Whatever shit you want to tell yourself this is the reality.
You need to get them to stay at home and not vote. Thats it. Tell them the election is over, tell them whatever the fuck you want to keep them at home and we win.
Let socialists do nothing, as is their dream

If they win and get rid of the electoral college there will never be another republican president again

Polls don't tell you what people think.
They tell people what to think.


show us the sample size and a breakdown in the demographics or fuck off, as if this shit means anything anymore when they're still calling fucking landlines to collect their data.

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They over sampled ny and ca. News at 11

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>don't stray from the herd goy.
>you wouldn't want to be an outcast would you goy?
>here's how public opinion is going goy.

Ok, now break it down for each state

Haha 10 point swing. Remeber when hilldog pulled way better. What happened to her tranny?

Well that settles it then. I guess Trump is fucked.
I can't imagine the polls being inaccurate.

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>We polled democrats to see who they'd vote for
>Clown car member or evil nasty drumpf
Still pulls 40%+ of tilted poll. Top kek.

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Trump is maxed at 41% because he moved to the left politically.

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if he runs again he will win for one simple reason, he's been zogged
at this point all the so called polls are just reverse psychology bs to wake up his base because despite putting up one hell of a shitshow, in the end, he's still serving their interests

I have trouble believing people even know those candidates. I wonder how it was asked

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Damn user, beat me by 14 seconds! Clearly my response time needs work.

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>single black male
He's gay too

Attached: Trump 2020 - Fuck Steve King.jpg (1001x911, 172K)

>quinnipiac poll

a sample size of 1200 people.

fuck off with your faggot fake narrative, OP. saged

what have we learned about trusting polls

Keep this same energy when he blows all the competition out again

Pollsters manipulate the numbers by applying a "likely voter" adjustment. If they think black women will be 8% of the voters but their polling only included 4% black women, they double the weight of their votes in the poll. This is considered a standard industry practice but there is no standard for what numbers they use for the adjustments so each pollster can look the exact same people and come away with very different results.

ah what a relief. as a democrat, i was going to vote. but clearly it’s in the bag, i think i’ll stay home and watch netflix. gg thanks for playing trump!

After 2024 there will never a white or republican president ever again
Hell trump might even lose 2020
In 3 years since the election, Florida alone has added 600,000 illegal Mexicans
Look at elementary and middle and high schools
The brown tide is here.
I’m so despondent about everything.
The niggers are even starting to come from the north, even Canada cant feed them all

>we called random sampling of people in Los Angeles and New York City during working hours and the polls show Trump will get btfo.

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Taking results from a left leaning Connecticut University. What a bunch of idiots.

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Just like Hillary had a 99% chance of winning right?


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Independents are the majority, covering about 40% of registered voters. Democrats have a very slight lead over republicans (less than 3%).

I thought this was fake what the fuck. That isn't trump.
He looks like trump in the same way "Steven Hawking" looks like Stephen Hawking

found the problem

There's no way these polls are accurate. Even Dems are starting to understand Biden is a joke, his "support" is completely astroturfed.

Fuckin scam numbers.
Firstly, Biden is just a creepy joke
Secondly, the only one who could possibly mobilize enough people to beat Trump is Yang -- but he's not even mentioned...

>I asked all my leftist friends who they were going to vote for and drumph lost every time!!!
Hillary was anti-Israel??

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Civil war.

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surely the numbers will be right this time

Where were you when playing Label Push stopped working?
"Alt-Right" is the DNC faggot name for everyone who isn't a DNC faggot. Fuck that label and fuck you royally OP.

Trump 41%

He was polling behind a female crook and still won so I wouldn’t worry about it too much

How can I peer review this? Or do you expect me to believe verbatim?

>the only one who could possibly mobilize enough people to beat Trump is Yang
Actually I think Tulsi is genuinely their best shot. Funny thing is her anti-war stance is non-kosher with the Dems so she'll get the Ron Paul treatment. Even Leibowitz noticed how much Paul was getting fucked over.



I had a pollster call me the other evening. I trolled them IRL and convinced them I'm a Bernout. I can't wait to vote Trump in 2020.

Please stop referring to Bernie Shekelstein as "the socialist." Simply call him what he is. The kike.

> ban conservatives online
> take online poll

I hate Jews so I’m voting for Bernie Sanders.

>Trump is maxed at 41%, unless he moves to the left politically.
He's at 41% because he's too far left. If he'd take his mouth off the jewish cock for 5 minutes and do just one thing he said he'd do, his numbers would be higher.

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>Source: Ron Rosenblatgesteinowitz


what sort of nigger believes polls after 2016?

Because polls this early matter? In fact I’m pretty sure that the 2016 election taught us all a bit about polls and their relevance.

tomayto tomahto

Dems don't beleive anything in relation to there movement is astroturfed.. They have a bunch of money because people like doing good. The jews espeically like doing good, the biggest activists.

The ones your talking about are the bernie or bust wing, a small % as many bernie supporters moved on to other democrat wings when he lost.

That's the thing about probability: there's still the possibility for the lower number to occur.

Again? Polls have a 10 to 15% margin of error. What these polls show is that Trump might win when placed up against anyone the Democrats have to offer.

The polls last time said the same shit with tards like TYT, Buzzfeed, huffpo, and more just looking at them and saying Clinton is ahead in all these polls, that mean she has a 100% chance at winning. Every basic poll basically said "meh, don't know really, too close to say. Clinton is slightly higher, but not enough to account for typical errors so it's a toss up".

Nobody was more angry about how the polls were reported last election than the poll takers because of how shitty a job the media did reporting the facts of the matter and then the same media screamed at them for doing a bad job.

can't wait for mutts to elect a fag president named buttgag

Trump is more likely time traveler trolling the timeline than legitimately won if those odds were real.

>Hillary 99% to win

But what does Nate Silver say?

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>They’re doubling down on polls again
Right on time too

Based demoralization user


So pathetic. As long as the Libtards who hate America and American citizens keep squealing about Trump, we're going to keep voting him into office.

Kek nigger YOUR people, the Dem establishment, made Dem voters stay home in 2016 and 2018. You do our job for us just fine

How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?

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i want to be there when the sjw realize nobody is reacting to the reeeeee

Trump can still be a time traveller regardless of the odds being "real". He always seems ahead of the game and unphased

This is pretty retarded right here. In 2015 leading up to the 2016 election the democrats and the leftist media told wveryone in America that white people were evil and that all whites hated all minorities. And then you ran 2 white people for Democratic presidential nominee.

You people are UBER fuckin stupid

Could you post some poles in 2016 and then the election results you shill faggot?

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I wasn't polled. Were you?

shut up I came here to say this
also Biden at 51% is 100% made up nonsense.

They had Trump 22 points behind last time (about one year out).

Why the fuck would anyone listen this time??

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Fuck off Travis

(((some))) just never learn

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The polls are broken or rigged. This was thoroughly demonstrated by 2016. Move on.

Trumps problem is that he’s too far left. Pro immigration, pro sodomy, pro spending.

>polling company that’s been off throughout the entire 2016 and 2018 elections says DRUMPF is finished
You might as well minus 8 points on each democrat

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Trump will have many more people voting against him and far fewer people voting for him than in 2016. You can't piss tons of people off and then betray the Americans who got you into office to begin with. Add the fact that many people voted against Killary more than they voted for Trump and his chances become even more remote.

This. Im staying home in 2016

>still trusting polls

Who gives a shit if only leftists and fags pokemon go to the polls? Remember when trump had a 2% chance to win against hillary? Well, look at how that turned out.

Does anyone honestly believe polls anymore? After all we've been through?


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2% Chance baby

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Trump is finished

say jehovah, kike.
>believing in the polls

Until OP says jehovah sage enters all fields

99% chance hillary wins the election


All that matters is the electoral college. These polls are retarded.

damnit, no wonder the jews here pushed for Trump. Hillary "gas the super predators and jews" clinton is based af

>Trusting polls
You were alive in 2016 right?


>inb4 “y-you don’t understand how polls work!”

Explain to me what the Alght right is?

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Quinnipiac - May 28, 2015

Clinton 50 - 32 over Trump

Too easy.

Polls are a voter suppression tactic you fucking retard.

* Making any determination based on 1 poll rather than an aggregate is always foolhardy.
* The reason that before primary season is too early to make a determination on polls is that most people envision their ideal candidate winning at this stage of the game. Reality hasn't set in yet. When one of these guys actually gets selected, the people who don't get their candidate, and see who actually emerges with warts and all will be on the fence.
* These Democrats have barely started attacking each other yet.
* Trump has barely started campaigning or knocking back anybody.
* The media hasn't yet realized that they're going to be a lot more gentle on Trump in 2020 than they think. Trump equals ratings and many of them are fucking out of business if he doesn't win and bring in lots of constant daily outrage and news.