Who are these guys? I see this pic a lot. They look based as fuck. Are they some sort of right wing organization or militia? Where do I sign up?
Who are they?
Other urls found in this thread:
Its RAM (Rise Above Movement) like on the picture. They are defunct after Cville, but there are other fashy right wing organizations you can join that are just as good, if not better. Check out Patriot Front, they do a lot of shit.
Uncucked version of AIM
>defunct after cville
Sure if you want to be harassed by the govt, join a gang. No one's stopping you.
>Who are they?
they're an athletic club based in socal. would love to join up or get with like minded individuals to start up another branch in the upper midwest.
>defunct after cville
Nah, they got released and a judge threw out the BS charges on them.
Not yet, it's why everything is kept de-centralized.
replace their imagery with islamic imagery and you have an ISIS recruitment video
basically it's mentally weak incels who wanna be tough so they formed a gang with a political/ideological bend.
Great news if true. Was worried about these guys. They were facing 5 to 15 years or some shit.
met a lot of them when I was in IE down in so cal. They kept telling me to come to their public sparring sessions and it totally didn't glow at all
>all dudes
>total gay-fest
> S.A's (brown shirts) we're total faggots
Yup. Your typical nazi's....all flaming faggots
Yes the guys who rise up to fight a Medieval Death Cult are the same as the people who killing in the name of Allah or the moderate Muslims who sit by and watch as people are radicalized right out the back doors if their own Mosques....FUCK YOUR FALSE EQUIVOCATION. YOU MUST TAKE DICK IN YER BUTT TO THINK LIKE THAT...fag
>don't do anything or else you'll be just like ISIS
Fuck off, shlomo.
a federal agents frat party
base leaf
smells like bagels in here, trying to get Jow Forums shutdown for promoting white supremacy.
not on my watch, xer
All situations of power play in all of Human history is different gangs forming over different ideologies and fighting each other.
You don't win as a single person, you win as a group. How many times does this simple concept have to be drilled into your head? Evil groups, good groups. You HAVE TO GROUP.
>gay porn
is this a gachimuchi thread?
Seems lagit... you low self esteem faggots are affraid of pain and a little work out...god forbid you ban together as a group and start defending your people and your ideals...jesus christ...is everything in your intrest kike trickery or an fbi honey pot.....find out! before you are to old or their is nothing left to defend
Nice try CSIS
They really should've edited out the boxing parts.
> Drug free, anti-communist, Alt-right
No mention of anti-Gay. Are they gay? If so I want to join.
Wignats who got arrested around the time of Charlottesville, some of them likely for trafficking operations with the Mexican cartel. I'm serious.
Take your meds, Chang
They might be in Southern California. Just start your own gang.
Some kind of gay porn site by the look of it.
Why are so many of you faggots against the Gangpill? its the only way forward.
They need some actual trainers, but I appreciate the effort.
They seem like decent lads. I wish them the very best! We need groups like them to start up all over the world.
Start organizing lads. Even if casually. Make a network. Train. Have a plan
Maybe you could join the prideboys?
lel, stay mad shitskins
oh please. They'll end up just like LADs. Growing old in prison, dying on the streets from OD, or getting ventilated by real SWP skins.
I truly feel bad for anyone joining RAM. Misguided, dumb youth.
Scared of being setup by federal agents and glowniggers. Which I completely understand.
But associations like these ARE the way forward.
Gangpill combined with ironpill is powerful shit.
A cop in LA that's been around longer than you, dumbfuck. Don't forget to check in with your PO
>member of a gang talking shit about other gangs
like pottery
Sorry lads, he kinda asked for it...
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
A fucking leaf
Go fuck yourself
In what way are they less cucked? I guarantee you they have the exact same political platform.
Talking shit? I'm saying what's going to happen to RAM because it has happened to every other white gang that's formed on their ideology.
Look at it's founding members and what they're up to. I'll give you a hint: multiple felonies and prison time. You wanna join? Go ahead. I hope you enjoy being told you can't stand to piss in your cell because it's disrespectful by someone with actual swazzis on their chest.
I can smell the cat piss from here, faggot
Quite the opposite my glowinthedark friend
>In IE
>Complains about sparring
You know how I know you’re a shill?
Right after I fuck your baby momma, nigger.
Just don’t do anything illegal or be complicit in anything illegal and you’ll be fine dumbass be honest you’re mostly worried about losing your job
>ur mom
LAPD is the most corrupt and pozzed PD in the country. You're probably some sub room temperature wetback.
just some prototypical american chads
What do you have against athletic clubs?
>if it's a bunch of chubby and fat white guys it's a worthless LARP by basement dwellers
>If they're fit and train and actually beat up commies its gay
Okay shills
These guys actually do shit and organize, its essentially the nucleus of a freikorps, this sort of thing is exactly what was going on in Weimar Germany and formed the core of various proto-NS groups. They're primarily out west. They have a good model, acting as simply a fitness club with right wing leanings rather than saying "we're a white nationalist militia" which would be just an invitation to the feds.
Oh fuck off with your defeatism. It's weak. Truth is, groups like RAM are coming. You will see more and more as young white males come to terms with just how badly they are getting fucked over. And this is a good thing. But it scares people like you. And I can smell your fear from here...faggot. And people like you should be afraid.
A sleeping giant is finally waking up. And it is very pissed off.
The skull bandana thing or whatever looks gay as AIDS.
The feds were terrified of RAM because they were effective at rallies, riots, and protests and were gaining popularity.
Reminder: R.A.M. is an acronym used by the more 'traditionalist' militant antifa faggots. It stands for Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement, which was proto-proto antifa as well as from whence bolshevism came.
I don't trust these fucks for a second.
ffs man, we're running out of original acronyms
Id like to join a group like this but I have a thing for half black girls and my ex is half black. Could I still join?
found the pussy
Keeps the sweat out of your eyes, sunshine
They were both made by the CIA
>posts from nazi flag
>thinks LAPD is the only PD in los angeles
Nah, you're probably the spic, dumbass lmao.
"athletic clubs" like those become gangs quickly. Maybe I'd rather not see impressionable young white people locked up in jail for doing dirty work that they didn't sign up for initially?
There's a lot more good white people than there are retards like you, thankfully. And you guys are low on the fucking totem pole when it comes to SWP. You're a joke and will end up being mules for whatever branch of white power is enforcing for AB in 10 years at best.
I honestly don’t find white women attractive
They look like they will:
1) Confirm every Leftist stereotype about Nationalists
2) Achieve absolutely nothing of any value for their country or for European people.
I identified the guy on the left. Its Heino.
>muh memeflag
okay newfag
For some reason thought this was RAM ranch and looked them up.
Life Liberty Victory! Those guys are awesome. Patriot Front is the most logical organized for forward momentum in the movement. IMO
Chad Incels
There are a lot of good white people. You got that part right amigo.
/sig/ hard lads. We shall overcome.
oh wow, newfag, you sure got me!
>Nah, they got released and a judge threw out the BS charges on them
Thank the Lord. You've made my night, user.
Im against immigration
History also shows police departments committing state-sponsored. Should we be worried about your genocidal tendencies, friend?
>stereotypes like
>making friends IRL instead of on tumbler or at comiccon
>having healthy hobbies that don’t involve cheating on your wife
>avoiding culture poz so your kids don’t come home wanted to cut their dicks off
>defending peaceful right-wing rallies from antifa in order to protect Western values like free speech
You big fucking baby. What's wrong with you that your so damn immature man. Take a brake for fucksakes you think your the next best thing around here. I've been at this site for 8 fucking years & you take the cake dickhead with your fucking pathetic arrogance. I've seen you at times telling others how glad you were to have them at Jow Forums like you were management for fucksakes. Here's a news flash for you, your approach to being somebody at Jow Forums is going to stay right were it fucking is, in your fuckuing imagination, they don't want pretenders & that's were you blew it you big asshole wannabe. God damned I'm fed up with you & your self righteous bullshit, This isn't youtube
Fuck off shitskin, I want to join them
I'm not sure you used the proper words there. Genocide implies I only want to kill skins, southsiders, crips/bloods, or pedophiles. The reality is they're all scum, and I'd be more than happy to light them all up.
epic pasta bro
Start using the Futhark
I’m using the right word. Why should I believe you? I bet if you were up in Canada, you’d be following direct orders from Justin Trudeau to genocide the indigenous peoples. Fucking pig, you’re all the same.
Yeah, we should all just shitpost on Jow Forums and bitch about others instead. Go back to your vidya, faggot
Wow are you the new guy or something ? You're gonna have to shill a lot harder for your shekels my friend if this is your A-game.
No, genocide implies one group of people. You don't know english because you dropped out of high school, faggot. I bet if you had parents that weren't complete losers like yourself you might've turned out all right.
Fucking retard, you're all the same.
Well for one, I'm sure RAM wouldn't turn you away for being a National Socialist.
>1 post by this ID
people who undermine nationalist organizations are feds.
The amount of cowardice/ shilling on this site is abhorrent. None of the American nationalist groups (except AWD) advocate violence. It's all about organizing and building communities, there is nothing illegal about that.
They are awesome they beat up communist faggots.
Suck a fat cock in hell pig.
Is that your fantasy now? What a laugh, lol.
I wanna get gangbanged by each and every one of them semen demons
Race traitors have no place among us. If you want to race mix then join the mongrolize masses and get out of our way.
Organization, activism, and community building are the only way forward. The fact that you're a pig automatically disqualifies you from joining most groups because you can are only faithful to a paycheck and you uphold the system that is destroying us. Shut the fuck up and get out of the way.
Why would I join a fucking fledgling street gang, lmao. You think RAM is some almighty group that will be "for the greater good"? There's only one color these groups care about: green.
That's the gangpill, faggot :) Enjoy ODing by 30, hope the narcan gets there in time!
>le money
Very ironic coming from a jewish thrall. If you were talking about IE it would be believable because their members need to pay to be there. This doesn't apply for RAM or Patriot Front.
Here's a good question: what is your solution to fixing this hellhole and saving our race? Assuming you even care about those things that is.