Is Trump going to win or are we going to live in United Socialist States of America (USSA)?
TRUMP 2020
Trump victory is inevitable.
All the Democratic contenders are pathetic.
It's not looking good so far. The main problem is demographic, in that many of Trump's 2016 voters have literally died of old-age since he was elected.
Look at his pol numbers. Not a fucking chance. We want our party back.
Here’s a hint.
How much does it matter if Trump or Biden or Buttgay or Kanye bring in more illegals than ever? It's happening anyway. Fuck your popularity contest.
>or are we going to live in United Socialist States of America (USSA)?
This is way more likely to happen if Trump wins in 2020. Use a little common sense, if he loses it will be to Joe Biden who is practically a conservative, but hell even if Bernie Sanders won in 2020 his entire agenda would be DOA because of Mitch McConnell. Meanwhile if Trump gets a second term the far-left will only grow more radical and incensed, and by 2024 they'll have pushed out all the old boomer Dems and the nominee will be AOC or someone like that, and they'll have a good chance of sweeping the White House and the senate because things tend to flip after two terms of the same party being in power.
Biden is Hillary 2.0
Democrats have nothing to offer
Trump will landslide in 2020
Democrats will try to start a civil war
Helicopter rides will be had
>Put me in the screencap
Who cares? It's not like President Kushner has pushed for our interests.
And you will be living in a colony of Mexico. So learn some Espanol if you don't want to get beat or killed by your new Mexican masters.
>Biden is Hillary 2.0
That's Trump.
Biden would be Hillary 3.0.
Interesting, shell we start revolution now or wait?
matate maricón
Cry harder
>meme flag faggot
>many of Trump's 2016 voters have literally died of old-age since he was elected.
And a zillion Spics will have turned 18 between 2016 and 2020.
I give Trump about 1% chance of reelection.
Fuck your rigged system, kike.
Is that you Nate?
Keep clinging to your failed ideology.
>Muh socialism hasn't been done right yet
Trump will win.
Yes, it's me, Joe. How's the wife and kids?
He will easily win in 2020. The left is basically handing him the election on a silver platter at this point
You already are living in socialism you stupid cunt!
Lmfao you have less of a free market than China and thats the only good part about capitalism.
Zionism vs Bolshevism
Thanks Nate! Opinion disregarded. I have 1500 bucks invested in the next election. When Trump wins I’m adding a porch to my house. Suggestions on the motif?
Real easy to spot the "Trump Resistance" in this thread.
spic here, wanna take a bet on trump winning the election? I'll match whatever you want to throw into the pot you self hating white cunt.
have some respect for yourself and your country
Put some of those little metal statue nigger jockeys on the lawn in front of your new porch. I miss those things.
>spic here
Top kek
if trump loses we kill everyone. promise.
I refuse to speak Spanish on American soil. If those fucking beaners try to make me not speak English by beating me they're getting a lead injection. Any cop that tries to throw me in jail over that is also getting a lead injection
Trump could still win if he deports literally millions of spics by 2020 but he wont fucking do that
Rare sensible Leaf post.
Sounds good. I’ll add to this, I have a swastika firepit, who my black neighbor helped build. I told him that we’ll get significantly increased media coverage, he told me he doesn’t give a fuck over a couple beers. Let’s see how this plays out.
Sometimes I don't even want to bother trying to save this country. Let the nightmare leftists are trying to create reach their doorstep.
No arguing with those digits.