The Vegetable Jew

I'm sick of the propaganda that vegans push about red meat and it's lies.

>Red meat has never actually been confirmed to cause an increase in mortality, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes
>All research regarding the diet has resulted in either A) unable to control the variables of the diet (participants smoking, using drugs, or also participating in high sugar) B) has used participants that had pre-existing conditions to skew results
>The only results that have been possibly conducive to explaining negative factors of red meat have been as a result of smoking meat(Carcinogens from smoke), exposition to open flame, and potentially processing of ground meat and sausage
>There's actually close to no evidence linked between naturally raised grassfed cows and corporate farm practices that lead to increases in health problems in the digestion of the latter
>There have been many benefits in favor of a carnivorous diet and intermittent fasting

So what gives? Why are vegan diets and alternatives to meat pushed so hard despite a contrary to evidence in relation to gut health when it comes to vegetables? How do we spread awareness?

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another boomer doesn't want to learn how to saute some vegetables

Probably something to do with forcing you to eat kosher.

Because shit isn't infinite and we are literally running out of meats to feed the billions of niggers that keep popping up everywhere.

there's a more efficient solution to this problem and it doesn't involve giving up steak

>something something no meat makes the people weak something something easier to govern
-Ancient Greek dude

Yes goy eat bug paste while Mr. Goldstein and I have Kobe beef

S3verigehat you?

this. Meat is the most nutritious food available, depriving people of it makes them weak

Vegetables are fine, but their benefits need to be called into question. Especially with recent findings in gut flora that suggest that vegetables actually have harmful effects to the microbiomes inside.

Fuck Cucknadia

Sv3rige is a feminist faggot. Although he is edgy, I enjoyed watching him triggering leftist vegans by eating a raw squirrel with its fur still on it

I’ve never eaten red meat in my life, I’m vegetarian now & doing fine. People eat far too much, having it twice or more a day is not good for your health. I don’t think people (men especially) should cut back completely on meat though.

>People eat far too much, having it twice or more a day is not good for your health.

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Actually, I noticed a real push for eating bugs recently.... what’s up with that?

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Heart disease is the number 1 killer in the United States, you surely understand that it’s because of the abnormal amount of processed meat and animal products Americans are eating? Plant based food doesn’t contain cholesterol.
You will not have problems with heart disease or cholesterol if you are active

You can be as active as you like and still suffer if you eat like shit, come on. Lots of fatties regularly go to the gym

there's no causal link between dietary cholesterol and heart disease

Kek carnie cucks are so far in denial it’s pathetic.

>Red meat has never actually been confirmed to cause an increase in mortality, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes

>Especially with recent findings in gut flora that suggest that vegetables actually have harmful effects to the microbiomes inside.
Source nigger so we can laugh at you

You cannot get too fat on animal products alone unless you're forcing a gallon of milk down your throat a day

Explain professional athletes who die due to heart attacks then. Nobody is safe from anything except death.

RIch in b vitamins and super rich in bioavable hene iron
1 steak = 32 bowls of spinnage when u control for bioavailability

Steroids and PEDs fren, but obviously there's no foolproof way to be invincible, I'm generalizing

You pretty much can’t become fat on a plant based diet though, it doesn’t allow for it, whereas animal products contain a lot of fat, cholesterol etc. Not to mention the issues with processed meat. I also couldn’t imagine ingesting all the hormones you do on a daily basis.

Then you are allright fren.

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How old are you veganon?

I’m 19! I’m not vegan btw I just mostly eat plant based

You will be satiated long before you ingest enough to become a landwhale bong, you'd really have to try at being a failure to get fat off of animal products alone.
Last I checked nuts are vegan are very calorie dense, and a favorite snack amongst vegans and vegetarians

What’s wrong with being calorie dense? It’s more about what you’re getting your calories from, not about how many you’re consuming. Many vegans consume 4000+ a day & are perfectly healthy. Depends on your lifestyle really.

went in a little too hard there user

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How am I supposed to tell what’s serious and what’s not, sorry for thinking we were having a conversation I guess?

I can consume 8000 calories a day and if I'm active enough I won't get fat. What's your point bong?

I was just disagreeing with the idea that calorie consumption has much to do with if you’re healthy or not.

way better than veganism

An athlete at peak performance would be gaining around 1 pound/week on 4k kcals a day

I don't know really. I just don't like how you anglos sea mined the Norwegian coast without permission. Carry on.

I hate the British Government just as much as you

Check out Patrik Baboumian

Then you are forgiven, fren.

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Excactly, the pro onions and nitrates crowd can go fuck themselves for all I care.

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>another fat fuck on steroids but this time he's vegan episode
I'm convinced

Was simply demonstrating plenty of athletes need a high calorie diet & 4000 calories isn’t unreasonable...

Are you 50 or something?
Nobody links colesterol to heart disease anymore.

Right but he's fat so far from peak condition and he's on steroids, he's not just cheating veganism he's flat out not a vegan

>8k calories a day

nice so you run a literal marathon daily? nice

>not buring 750 calories an hour sitting in an ice bath and browsing Jow Forums
it's like you're a literal retard

Don't need to run a mile when I have 90 degree angled mountain paths to run over. One thing I kept thinking when visiting country side of MA was:

>"where are all the mountains? Why is it flat like fucking Denmark?"

>Why are vegan diets and alternatives to meat pushed so hard despite a contrary to evidence in relation to gut health when it comes to vegetables?
Food control = population control, OP. Why also is it now okay to eat insects, but not meat?
The more (((they))) can control what you're allowed to eat and drink, the more they rule over you. Don't fall for it.
t. guy who works in the natural foods industry who has watched the momentum for this shit build ever since Bill Gates and the fucknuts who own Google dump over a billion dollars collectively into pushing vegan shit on the population in the last few years

heme iron is actually cancerous, and that's found in meat. The thing however is that ALONE, it's cancerous. Theres many different kinds of interactions that happen depending on which vitamin or mineral it's interacting with. The other compounds may indeed render it safe.

HAHAHAHAHAHA, Patrik ate meat until he was 26, and when he went vegan 4 years later, his performance fell off and he never accomplished anything of note again.
I used to talk with a guy who trained with him on occasion who would laugh about how Patrik's fans all thought he was a lifelong vegetarian or vegan who never knew all of his base of strength was built on meat and dairy.

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lol is this actually possible? how long would you need to be in the bath?

6 Year 90% vegan here. Only one in my family thats not obese. Maybe libs push it so hard because at this point commercial meat products is mostly feces anyway and the white libs have a heart enough to try to get you to stop eating feces.

How’s it goin Frankie boy?

Jeez, bad example then. Like I’ve said in my previous posts, I don’t think it’s healthy for men especially to give up meat & animal products entirely.

plants are the ultimate goyfood. Making you sick long term ensures customers for big pharma as well as the medical establishment. When they cannot find a cure, they either charge you into oblivion for ongoing "treatment" or you start believing that nationalised healthcare is sensible as you "save" the money uou would have spent otherwise. Also something to do with saturated fats and cholesterol being needed for hormone production.

Go keto-carnivore, bros. Yeah you are pretty ignorant. Processed meat cause cancer.

>because at this point commercial meat products is mostly feces anyway
Jesus, at least TRY to be honest, faggot
>white libs have a heart enough to try to get you to stop eating feces.
Actually, white libs want people like me dead, so once again, it's just one more control factor for leftists to jerk themselves off over while pulling the reins on the populace by lying over and over again to attempt to convince us that which we've always survived on is NOW somehow bad for us.
Stop being a disingenuous twat for once, you dim fucking cunt.

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I’ve been vegetarian both as a leftie and now as someone pretty far right, and I can tell you it’s seriously out of compassion, not because lefties want you dead. That’s the only thing I’ll give them credit for.

>factory farmed meat being low quality

This is the only real problem when it comes to meat. Lack of sanitary practices, wrong diet for the meat and antibiotics can cause problems for the people consuming the meat.

Possible solutions are either heavily regulating that, or generally decreasing population. Currently there are too many people around to sustainably feed on a traditional farming model that involves grazing. Good luck convincing boomers to die off, killing off migramts and preventing bugmen and the like from incessant breeding, though. For most "woke" people, it is easier to virtue signal by going vegan. I literally know a girl who excitedly said that she was back on veganism and cannot wait until her period disappears again. Don't even know if she realizes it is a death cult and is suicidal or just is that fucking dumb.

>Processed meat cause cancer.
If they were proven to do so, liberal faggots would have forced the FDA to have them stamped with a warning label. But, since the attempted correlation has never actually been proven, you still cling to lies as if they're true.
I bet you also listen to quacks like Dr. Michael Greger who, with a straight face, put out articles such as "Eating one egg does as much damage to your body as smoking 1000 cigarettes". Really, that's who your "health experts" are, fucking lying sacks of shit who use scare tactics to convince leftist retards that they'll die if they eat another fucking steak.
It's a good thing leftists don't reproduce, we have too many of you already.

Misinformed compassion from people engaging in unhealthy practices. Yeah, fuck off with your comments going "hurr you gon' die of heart attack cuz you put butter in your coffee". I know better, because I've invested ample time in reading about all of this and then trying it out. Something other people haven't. They just repeat propaganda taught in school to each other, the dumb fucks.
as long as you need to be in

I'm a former 15 year vegan myself. I can safely say that vegans are the LEAST compassionate and absolutely the MOST misanthropic fucks alive. Literally, they all want everyone else to die off and then suicide themselves.
The "compassion" is purely for animals and never, ever for humans. It's self-back-patting and constant attempts to feel morally superior all while believing in tons of shit that's completely antithetic to being civilized humans.
Now that I've seen the other side and only work in the natural products industry, I see this shit for what it really is.

The stupid fucking vegans that think it’s normal to lose your period enrage me. They’re so emaciated that they’re not ovulating - their bodies know they couldn’t cope with being pregnant.

Is even worse than that.
The "meat is unsustainable" is actually a meme.
Not only is sustainable but you actually need it to regenerate the soil.

They are doing it to create weak men easier to control and for profit.
Grain and plants have bigger margins of profit than meat.

Fucking retarded. I've fucked plenty of fat vegans. In fact I'd say vegans are more prone to gaining weight because the only way to make the shit food they eat tasty is to deep fry it.

I’m not going to bother showing you the research I’ve done & why I eat plant based unless you want to see. But I’m not misinformed, I’ve spent years on this.
That’s also not what I said ... I said eating meat more than twice a day isn’t good for anyone.

chopping down forests to make room for livestock is totally sustainable, sure.

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You do you, boo. There is nothing at this point short of telling me that the meat is pumped full of toxins that can convince me to go off it. Actually, even then I would just migrate to a country with better farming practices and keep eating a diet consisting of 80-90℅beef


All we have to do to save nature is genocide the kikes and shitskins

It's the amount of people and population growth that is not sustainable. We should have less people overall, but good luck convincing people about it, when whites are not even the biggest part of the problem.

See Cuba and China. High soi diets were implemented in Cuba not long ago while red meat is illegal for the public as killing a cow gives you higher sentence than murder. It made the "men" become metro sexual fags wearing tight clothes and dancing like monkeys. Very much like here now in America. So short answer
>Sudo Communist push to make everyone even more feminized, low IQ and weak.

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It is pumped full of stuff you do not want to be consuming, hormones and antibiotics especially. The uk has some of the highest standards of farming in the world, where else are you going to go?

Fuck you and your lab grown meat. You eat it.

>You pretty much can’t become fat on a plant based diet though, it doesn’t allow for it,
PLEASE tell me you don't actually believe what you wrote. That's some of the worst fucking junk science ever. If calories in > calories out, you can get fat on ANY diet.
Overeating on carbs is FAR easier than it is to overeat on meat. When I was a fat vegetarian (after having been a fat vegan), I'd been able to track that I'd been eating buffet lunches of Indian food that were 3000-4000 calories IN ONE SITTING, and I was finding myself eating 2000+ calorie vegan dinners because once you fry that tofu, sauce it up, put it over rice, etc. that shit's SUPER caloric and had me go from a pretty lean 200 lb. meat eater to a 270 lb. vegan and 300 lb. vegetarian over a long period of time. If I didn't have youth on my side and weren't training hard as fuck 4-5x/week, I'd have been a complete landwhale.
>whereas animal products contain a lot of fat, cholesterol etc.
Fat doesn't make you fat, otherwise, how do you explain the Keto and carnivore diets?
Cholesterol doesn't make ANYONE fat, it's not a fucking calorie containing macronutrient or alcohol.
Really, I suggest you actually take some time to learn about nutrition from unbiased sources before believing the lies you read from various vegan and vegetarian "experts" who have little to no actual education on proper nutrition.

It least you admited it is not the white countries that are over populated.
We would be controlling population if it wasn’t for Africa and a few brown countries

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That’s true, I completely understand the west is not the problem. It’s why I don’t agree with any of the climate change bullshit pushed onto us, it’s not our fault. Even if the uk was carbon neutral it would only decrease global carbon emissions by 10%.

All that data was based on one survey from the 1960s and it turned out the person had data from other countries that refuted it but he omitted them to make his hypothesis look right.
Heart problems come from consistent inflammation which is caused by a severe lack of exercise
You can eat meat and not eat like shit, get over your programming, you were lied too

The concept that lab-grown meat will somehow be healthier AND more affordable any point in the next 20+ years is so preposterous, it's become a running joke in my industry. Literally, current "big" meat alternatives are selling for prices that are 200-400% that of medium-grade meats, how the hell does anyone honestly believe that if after decades of people having accepted meat alternatives that they're just going to have a massive price plummet and the lab-grown stuff will somehow become super-affordable when we're not even close to having viable mass-produced lab grown products at this point?
It's all so tiresome.

Elaborate ?

Generally, Euro meat is quite good from what I have seen so far.

Where did I say you can’t eat meat and be healthy?

Anything heart related could easily be linked to things like drinking, smoking, and being sedentary on top of eating much other worse shit. I work out three hours a day and I can tell you that cutting back on meat has a noticeable negative effect.

hows varg or stephan or stefaan or whever this name is doing? this is what i came here lookkng for

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>Why are vegan diets and alternatives to meat pushed so hard despite a contrary to evidence in relation to gut health when it comes to vegetables?

To get you used to the slave life when red meat becomes too expensive for the goyim.

For me, it's pescatarianism

Well your calorie consumption has a lot to do with your health but not in the sense that you brought up since a specific number is meaningless, your calorie intake compared to your metabolic rate has a lot to do with your health since you’re on the gravy train straight to obesity if you consume more than you burn

Meat is great. Only a fag would hate meat. Or a woman

>what is fertilizer and where does it come from
>no ecosystems were harmed in the making of this cornfield

Red meat in itself isn't harmful. In fact, Red Meat, Chicken and Fish are all very very good for you and your body cannot function without it.

HOWEVER, things heavily treated with chemicals like cured sausages, scrapple and regrettably bacon do in fact carry health risks.

Another health risk comes from where you source your meat, free range and non-antibotic treated meats are fair game. However some places the animals are again, all chemical'd up and loaded with antibiotics are breeding grounds for countless pathogens and parasites. Besides, free range meat lived a good life, so you don't have to feel guilty at all. Pretty sweet deal right?

You can learn more on youtube as Black Pidgin Speech did a wonderful video.

as did Kurzgesagt

Both channels source their information as well. Educate yourselves Jow Forums, knowledge is a great weapon.

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What are you even trying to articulate? Jesus Christ, lad.

The USA doesn’t export meat to Africa to feed a billion starving niggers you retard.