It Will All Start Coming Out
It Will All Start Coming Out
It Will All Start Coming Out
It Will All Start Coming Out
It Will All Start Coming Out
I wish he’d stop edging me already
My blue balls popped a long time ago.
Yeah, but it's also funny watching the leftards sperg out over his tweets.
Put that subhuman nigger monkey Obama in prison forever.
My nightmare is that november 2016 will be the absolute high point of my political life.
Sometimes though, I see a glimps of the bright future yet to come.
Trust Sessions
Stick to the Plan
Jrust da blan
Trump vs Obama knife fight to the death, now
Obama rent free
Niggers don’t pay rent you fucko
He waited too long... He cant just keep whining about it.
Nothing ever happens
Except Israel getting sick of winning
The MSM keeps dropping hints of shit yet to come and the president's future looking brighter.
I'm not sure if it's Durham or the operation Broken Heart.
Both are going after politicians and both can bring very interesting results.
These results will be shocking as well because many people will suddenly realize how much of a banana republic did the US become.
We can't forget that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights was copied word for word in Liberia, and it's not a country that anyone would like to live in.
Our system works because of honorable people with morals backing it and implementing it and it can be used like it was in Liberia when trash gets into power.
That's why the US under Obama made huge strides towards being a fucking Liberia.
Trump is the biggest cuck faggot ever, and I hate trump as much as Democrats do, except I hate him because he DOESN'T do what he says
there should a bench press requirement to be president
I'm sure Trump will start declassifying stuff any day he's been saying for the past 2 years...
No, 2016 will be the peak.
Many of us cried, many of us thanked God, and others just relished what we considered a tremendous victory.
Many of us actually thought trump was serious about MAGA.
Many of us thought that we had avoided some horrible timeline.
The truth is, the Donald timeline sucks probably about as much as the Hillary timeline.
Nov 8, 2016 will never be felt again, because you won't fall for it again
>p-p-presidential harrassment!!!
>i've run out of tampons, HALP!!!!
Valerie Jarett literally lives with the Obamas.. She's their handler or something
He waited WAY too long.
We're getting ready for 2020 and he hasn't done shit about 2016.
Many people have given up (like me) because he doesn't do shit.
At this point if anyone is arrested, it will be a low level person we haven't even heard of
Muslims can have two wives
Ok get it going already fuck
Obama is just a nigger no matter where (((they))) put him or how far he 'got'
>Sponsor: Rep. McKeon, Howard P. "Buck" [R-CA-25]
>(Sec. 1078) Revises provisions of the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 authorizing the Secretary of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors to provide for the preparation and dissemination of information intended for foreign audiences abroad about the United States, including about its people and policies, through press, publications, radio, motion pictures, the Internet, and other information media, including social media, and through information centers and instructors. Authorizes the Secretary and the Board to make available in the United States motion pictures, films, video, audio, and other materials disseminated abroad pursuant to such Act, the United States International Broadcasting Act of 1994, the Radio Broadcasting to Cuba Act, or the Television Broadcasting to Cuba Act. Amends the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of Fiscal Years 1986 and 1987 to remove statutory limitations on the ability of the Board and the State Department to provide information about their activities to the media, the public, or Congress.
Trump wouldn't tweet about something if he wasnt serious about doing it, /ptg/ said so
>Obama admits he did spy on the Trump campaign but he has now chosen to live as a gay man.
Why are these gay parties sueing each other instead of shooting each other?
>Trump wouldn't tweet about something if he wasnt serious about doing it
>yfw you realize Trump was delaying this on purpose to release it when the information would be most damaging, right before the 2020 election
Breaking news: congress passes patriot act, permits spying on Americans. Edward Snowden expected to leak this publicly available information shortly.
>The truth is, the Donald timeline sucks probably about as much as the Hillary timeline.
We were fools to think it would be so easy
Yeah, sure. Just like Clintons in prison, foundation cartel in prison, penalizing corporations for taking govt subsidies w/ its employment out of the country, stopping the border insanity, supporting gun rights. This is just another fucking carrot on a stick. "Stick to the plan" aka "keep chasing that carrot"
Botswana coming out of the closet accepting globohomo?
is King Nigger code for Botswana?
>t.biden shill
Trump always gets even with his enemies. It's part of his personal philosophy. Just wait.
It's odd to me that people like you seem to be so infantile in your way of thinking. If a group of people(Maga) were going to take down another group of people((vampire cult)) without them being able to stop it dont you think it would take some time to do? Dont you think they would have better success if the figure head of maga act like he has no control? Dont you think they'd have to keep it secretive? Dont you think they would want most people to think it's not even happening? Seems like the best way to succeed honestly.
Come on Q, post again!!!! Aaaaaah too long without a new Q!
"Someone should do something"
-- The President of The United States of America
yeah ok.
He will wait until closer to the elections and use it to get complete control of congress again. Then he will not build a wall with his victory.
nice selfie
50/50 chance your a dirty shitskin or another self hating white
Australian knife fight, though. None of this puss stabbing shit, bare fists, knives in the dirt.
>someone should do this
>someone should do that
>oh man this is a problem won't someone fix it?
nigger you're the fucking president. you do something. but you won't, of course, you jew loving boomer faggot.
>TFW you don't know how to inhale.
>someone should do something
I guess that's his indirect way of asking Kushner.
>"Someone should do something"
>-- The President of The United States of America
This is why the whole 'outsider' meme, that it was good to elect someone who was an outsider & had no experience in politics, was completely wrong. This guy has never felt like he was really president.
promises kept and promises broke, we were all fools to believe in everything he said. he gave us hope and let us down. however the idea of hope will continue to live on until we hit a critical point. sign me up for the next civil war see ya round
My thoughts exactly
It Will All Start Coming Out
didn't Sessions resign a while ago. Im pretty sure Barr is the new AG
Basic rules of national security. You let your dumb ass son meet with a foreign power, you bet your ass the US govt will tap your phones. If this were the other way around, you guys would never let it go.
>He cant just keep whining about it
Maybe that 2016 campaign bullshit about so much "winning" was just a typo.
I don't know. I'm an outsider but I know I'd be doing more than picking up the damn phone. It's odd how he seems to wait for permission to do things.
Timing is everything. Don't play all your good cards at once.
yeah that would be great if hilary or obama were running for president
What a joke this country has become. The founding fathers would be furious.
>my purple balls
Imagine not trusting the plan by now.
Oh, wow. It's another Trump tweets and screeches like a woman about something he should shut the fuck up about already since it's over and nothing was found, big surprise.
Yeah it's also true actually what Ted Cruz (who I hated at the time) said during the primary about Trump having 'New York values'. He was a liberal for most of his life but portrayed himself as a really staunch nationalist/conservative during the election but it appears now to have been more a character he was playing. This is how liberal he used to (and still is to some extent):
Trump isn't going to do shit as long as Kushner is his Wormtongue.
Its an old Q Psyop joke. Q caused quite the stir here. Its the beginning of quite a few memes. From boomers to what he said and more. Lurk more.
>trump always gets even
Where the fuck did all these myths come from?
For 3+ years you faggots have proclaimed all these traits about trump with no evidence
>he ALWAYS gets even
With who? And how? By tweeting? Oooooohhhh big bad Trump sent a tweet about Rosie o'Donnell! Savage! That will teach her
>trump doesn't tell his opponents what his move will be
Except he doesn't really make moves, so there is nothing to telegraph
>trump doesn't telegraph that he's ending DACA
Because he hasn't
>trump doesn't telegraph that he'll use the army to stop all illegals
Because he isn't
>trump doesn't telegraph that arrests are coming
Because there's been no arrests...except of Republicans.
Stop blowing smoke up each others asses and worshiping the kikesucking faggot. He's none of the things you want him to be
Daily reminder: 'Trump turned on his base' threads/posts are MediaMatters shills and bots.
he's the President
HE should fucking do something already or stfu
Oh no stop talking about this or the fact there are several investigations, including with prosecutorial powers, into this matter.
fuck off hannity
If that were true this whole affair would have died with the Mueller investigation. Instead we have people flipping out because the AG dared to say the word "spying".
Gotta hang on to your *smirks* TRUMP CARDS to play at the right time.
>Daily reminder: 'Trump turned on his base' threads/posts are MediaMatters shills and bots.
Daily reminder: Trump is down 13% compared to Biden in the polls, If he doesn't start coming through on shit with executive actions and stop pretending that he can't do anything without Congress he will lose.
gas yourself kike
Trump is an average suck-lite President
will definitely vote for him again 2020
Enjoy Kushner's 2nd term.
Why don't you pull that circumcised dick out of your ass drumpf. Please continue infringing on the 2nd and do nothing protecting the 1st.
Nothing ever happens. We lose, gub wins. Infiltrated by kikes that vote against your interest. Fuck this gay government.
>He waited too long
Not at all. Letting Mueller drop his nothing burger is perfect for segueing into this.
Thanks for your contribution, rabbi.
No. And your blogpost makes absolutely no sense. Shit or get off the can
>it takes time...
Time is running out on Trump's term, and there's no guarantee of a 2nd term.
Every day that goes by without arrests increases the chance that they will escape justice.
Even if trump wins a 2nd term, the statute of limitations expires on almost all the crimes by sometime in year 2 of his 2nd (hypothetical) term.
You are in denial that good is losing to evil. Trump hasn't even done anything to show he's on the side of good. The longer he allows evil to spread and gain more power, the more likely he's on the side of evil.
But you go ahead and keep pretending that trump is fighting a super secret war and we just can't see any results even after all this time.
You're a cultist. Get out
This is peak concern trolling.
Oh yeah, total New York liberal. He's said some pretty scary things about my 2A rights, but luckily I live in a state that would sooner secede than allow some federal gun grab. Trump seems like a guilty pleasure for me, I don't really like him as a person, but as long as liberals keep losing their shit, I'm totally on board.
>spouts media matters boiler plate to prove xir isn't a media matters shill
better than a hillary presidency
not a loss is still a win
>this guy has never felt like he's the president
So trump and I finally have something truly in common
It’s called section 8
>spouts media matters boiler plate to prove xir isn't a media matters shill
Yeah because Media Matters' talking points are definitely stuff like 'Trump better build the wall'.
>better than a hillary presidency
But better than a Biden presidency?
Wow at this rate Hillary will never lose to a reality TV star. Pack it up boys.