Remind me why it should be illegal?

Remind me why it should be illegal?

Attached: 51C150E5-665D-4EA9-B616-393A474DBC06.jpg (750x705, 100K)

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Because fuck niggers

Attached: pro-choice-pro-life-what-race-is-it-18533468.png (500x690, 134K)

Common does not mean normal

1 in 4 women is black sooo.. and NO abortions should not be banned or restricted
>"women who have abortions are irresponsible psycho killers"
>"therefore we should force these irresponsible psychos to be mothers "
kys pro life cucks

Nor does it mean it should be socially acceptable.

Where the fuck do they get that statistic?

Because it's murder, Satanist.


Attached: 1552225278096.jpg (1334x694, 213K)

1 in 4 gay men in Toronto are HIV+

Global rule 2