Modern white women were a mistake.
Sodom Weimerica
All modern women were a mistake. I've seen religious preachers speaking at my college get harassed by Hispanic thots.
>jewish whores
If women want to kill their babies, that's on their soul.
This was in Texas.
thanks paco
Who is not a jew for you?
Men need to stop trying to argue with woman and start shaming them.
If all those dudes started to insulte the whores and make chants making fun of girls aborting their kids and becoming so ugly that chad don't even pitty fuck them i guarantee you that it would be 1000% more useful.
Females act on feelings, the feeling of inadequacy is incredibly strong.
Men need to step up the meme and create little chants and banter that they can just shout in the face of roasties and make them feel miserable.
All the roasties that are not 100% fucked up will have an existencial crisis and probably change their ways.
You are not going to win this with a rational argument, only by force.
To be fair if it involves a campus, the women at the forefront almost certainly have a jewess or three amongst their ranks. Female kikes get special treatment and insider favors from the Jews on the faculty of any major college and are groomed for leadership positions amongst the feminist leftards.
>Men need to stop trying to argue with woman and start shaming them.
Most men still see themselves as egalitarians so they think they can get them to change their tact if they're proven wrong through argument. They're still in the "women are equal" stage of thought.
this is a true post desu
If they don’t think the problem is the Jew, it’s probably a Jew and should be treated as such just in case. Rhinoplasty and name changes are very common.
While hitting them in their fee-fees is certainly a better strategy than trying to appeal to their nonexistant sense of reason, the only real way to get women to bend is to make them fear for their wellbeing and we can't do that with the welfare state backing them up. Before the welfare state if a woman got outed as a roastie whore she couldn't get married or if already married would be abandoned by her husband and thus wouldn't be able to make a living.
>don’t fuck a whore with a pussy full of gore!
>she ain’t got a shot if she’s a fuckin thot!
>bitches with daddy issues get nothing but tissues!
>if she’s got dyed hair, might as well open a window and fuck the midnight air!
This. Your leadership clubs all comprised of Jewish girls. The girl on the intercom? Jewish.
>he only real way to get women to bend is to make them fear for their wellbeing and we can't do that with the welfare state backing them up
That's one way.
Other way is using their herd mentality. It does not matter that society is so pozzed that probably more than 50% of the population will defend their degenerate ways.
The sole fact of seeing a big number of people (remember that females are bad at counting and spatial relationships) will generate produce cognitive disonance in them
> W-What is happening?
> Why all this people say I'm not good? I'm really not good? They are gonna leave me behind? Please i don't wana be left behind
You can't threat them but you can shame them.
this dude gets it
Yeah good luck with that, everywhere you go men just act like pussy whipped slaves to women and still insist that we're equal to them. God forbid you ever hit a woman or put em in their place when they act like monkeys but that's the (((modern))) world for you
>It does not matter that society is so pozzed that probably more than 50% of the population will defend their degenerate ways.
Unfortunately it does, you see even if you confront a thot with a large group of hostile men and shame them, that large pozzed section of society is more than willing to hold her while she cries and reinforce her degeneracy. For every girl you shame into submission or mindfuck into behaving, you'll have a roastie or two who will slip the net.
Shaming is the best tool we have now, but in the long term the system has to destroyed or any success we gain will be temporary.
>women taking responsibility for their actions
Come on now
And your tax dollars
Pretty funny that the list of hate for Jow Forums (as a whole) goes:
1. Jews
2. Nigs
3. White women
If you don't hate all 3 then you're a slave and subservient to the jews who control you
fix Number 3 fucko its women, we are unlike the left not racist we dont see color only targets.
Sink down to their level and beat them. Women only insult, but ironically they never pull the hard punches, anything that will cut to the bone. Everything your mother said to never comment to a woman; her weight, face, sexual past, abortion. Do it.
>either short shorts or yoga pants
its like wahman stopped trying
Japanese women will never be as pozzed as the (((Westernized))) womxn in that video
Not really. Put white men on there too since they're traitors.
Penn State is in Texas? Damn, it really is huge.
Oh my sweet summer child.....
Most JAV actresses are zainichi
Get this bullshit out of here. There's plenty of arguments against abortion that don't require metaphysical shenanigans.
So many femin virus infected demons...
>4:15 "liberal people, it's really opened my eyes"
>white women are the problem
Modern (((society))) is the problem. Women are malleable by nature and hence you can not be surprised that they're like this after 18+ years of kike propaganda reinforced by boomer parents. Marry them at 18 and have no TV in the home, she is a homemaker, and you work. Daily redpilling sessions and you'll have a proper woman.
Pro-Life: The RADICAL notion that killing unborn babies is morally wrong.