>in the last few years close to 20k gypsies have relocated from Bulgaria to Duisburg
>every week thousands of Bulgarian romas move to germany with their numerous amounts of children
>places like duisburg and dortmund are becoming roma ethnostates for gypsies from Bulgaria and Romania

Attached: de.jpg (2602x1486, 98K)

as if Germany was fucked enough already as it is.

At least gypos hate niggers and muslims.
They are running muslims out of towns in the UK

I don't know if thieving gypsies occupying/polluting the local nature is preferable

you know there was a time when germany importet people from all over europe with the promisse of work and a little mans paradise but for some reason they never came back.

Please send more.

This is your problem,you think getting your phone stolen is worse than getting killed.

I saw some in my town, ~25k inhabitants, and boy are they pathetic. Always kneeling in front of the banks or local supermarkets, begging every single person that passed them for money, especially young people, trying to cash in on "millennial-empathy-bucks". They got shooed away after 1 week, they've been resettled to Bonn

Attached: kommt_roma_gehen_betteln.jpg (500x300, 35K)

You're welcome, in exchange you have to accept American Gay Pride celebrations lasting a whole month in a year and other degeneracy.
Enjoy the rot, but at least you got rid of gypos, which you could have done with bullets too and not losing your culture

Attached: gods chosen pepe.jpg (200x192, 9K)

Gypsies aren't humans in my eyes, since they don't respect me as one either. Therefore they are nothing more than parasites, insects and they deserve nothing but the pain of our society

They were good until Soviets forcibly "civilized" them. The same sociological problems as with Eskimo depression after they were settled in cities.