Debt Refugee Article

This story has me really mad. Especially the comments. I can't believe people are so appalled this dude decided to just bail on his debts. I guess he's just supposed to rot in Pennsylvania and deliver pizzas until he pays the debt off? The really angry boomers and the boot-lickers demand he pick up a second, or even a third job to pay back what he owes for the worthless education he invested time and money in. The guy even claimed to have worked while he went to school. What more can he do? Maybe he had a terrible GPA? I guess that would explain it.

I mostly agree he should pay the debt off because it is doable, and letting debt grow is stupid. He's digging himself a bigger and bigger hole. However, I am totally sickened by the comments that claim he's an idiot for getting a "worthless" degree and that his passport should be revoked and that too many people are getting worthless degrees.

On the job training used to be a thing. I read the obituary section. A lot of people got degrees in things like political science, or history, or English and got trained to code, do technical documentation, and so on.

Boomers got these kind of degrees and did OK. Lot's of women get these kind of degrees and do OK.

For example, look at this business's staff page:

3 out of 17 employees are male. They probably pay above minimum wage. I worked with a woman that now works at this place. I have B.A. in political science. I could work at a place like this. I could do whatever work is being done at this place. I'll never get a chance though because I'm a fucking white man. I had a better GPA and went to a better school than this woman, but I didn't even get an interview, while she got a job there. Honestly, I wouldn't even want to work at that particular company, but you get the idea.

Attached: oldeconomystevenowandthen.jpg (699x467, 120K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>> isnt happy in America
>> starts teaching in China
>> randomly moves to Ukraine and starts sales job

Huh? Hes not a victim hes a shiftless unstable loser

funny how both parties agreed that permanent school debt is freedom, or acceptable. And the cost has only gone up. It's just a money drain and way to control society.

>$30,000 he owed in student loans
That ain't shit, what the fuck?

Well trybstarting by realizing that college is worthless and you dont have to go

>paying kikes $30k vs living in China
This is a dumb fuck, not a victim.

Does a lazy person move to the other side of the planet to teach English, and then move to a country experiencing civil war to to sell stuff ? Seems like a lot of effort to me. Seems like maybe he just wants to see the world while he's young.

It's a lot of money if you're making minimum wage ($7.25/hour) in Pennsylvania. I don't know about yo,u but I've only made like 10-20k a year the last three years.

Historically, this current debt crisis is about the same as the roaring 20s. Along with that debt is a modern form of Prohibition manifested by the education system. You can study until the cows come home. Getting paid is about what you negotiate. If you and your wife are fighting over who gets the check, you'll both be livestock for the man.

So kids..... never mind the vast percentage of you who thought you were square by getting a two year degree in web programming or writing games. Who is selling off their credibility like they would sell of body organs and is only asked to commit crimes and take the fall when caught?

.....Yeah. Too smart for the unions!

I have no problem with joining a union that actually represents me, or presents a vision for the country I can agree with, but I don't agree with flooding the country with immigrants.

He's fucking over the boomers, and they can't afford another case of Monster from Social Security because of it. So they'll import some niggers to replace him.