>a device turning your vagina into a booby trap >a booby trap intended to harm civilians >literaly shreads your cock if you insert it >it's very likely you'll bleed to death >invisible
I'm surprised feminists don't actively use it to harm men. Once they start they should be put to death.
It's also likely he'll first kill her out of revenge. This is why women should simply carry a firearm instead of all this other nonsense.
Alexander Morales
have you ever cut your dick while erect? i don't think you'd manage to hurt her while under the utter shock and pain you'd feel.
Jordan Barnes
>I'm surprised feminists don't actively use it to harm men. That would require getting laid.
Jack Cook
or rape, which they do more often than you'd think.
Brayden Thompson
What's wrong with this? Anyone who tries rape should be put to death immediately.
Austin Edwards
>whats wrong with booby trapping your vagina >this could not possibly ever be used as an offensive weapon
Jacob Hernandez
A nigger getin his dick trapped in it would def cause a chimpout
Joshua Sanders
You could also use a bear trap or even a pistol as an offensive weapon but that doesn't mean it doesn't have legitimate defensive use
Josiah Morgan
What’s the problem with this? Rapists deserve the rope just as much as niggers kikes and fags Women should just carry guns though it’s ea- You know what This is fine