That all the anti-Trump threads on Jow Forums that have been appearing for the past several months are part of a demoralization campaign to get us to not vote for him come 2020.
Remember this, he might not be perfect, but he definitely isn't pushing for the globalist NWO agenda.
Like him or not, we must ensure he gets a second term otherwise this country will be done for.
Daily reminder
Other urls found in this thread:
Israel's friend is America's enemy
If you vote for a jew then you're officially a traitor, he's just a shit as Obongo
In the game of politics if you don't suck up to the jews they'll do everything they can to ruin your career.
He's just playing it safe like everyone else, when the time is right he'll turn on them and send them to the gas chambers.
completely true; much of it is funded by Soros-China-Clinton-David Brock (Pizza Gate) but the reason is not just to demoralize Trumpsters but to provide an alibi to explain how the Dem candidate wins in 2020 (via massive voter fraud)
Mate, you guys are quite literally on the verge of starting yet another war in the ME that will cost the US trillions and thousands of American lives. I guess you can keep believing there is some master plan behind it all, but that won't really change the facts.
>but he definitely isn't pushing for the globalist NWO agenda
He's pushing the globalist NWO agenda though. He said it himself "I am a Nationalist and a Globalist". The Israel agenda is a NWO agenda. Every goyim at the bottom and jews above them all.
OP is either jewish or ignorant, Trump is owned by them
>all these posts only happened after Trump broke all his promises and cucked to Israel 100 times over, that PROVES it's a shill campaign
we're reaching confirmation bias levels that shouldnt even be possible
he will start jailing white nationalists soon
>Like him or not, we must ensure he gets a second term otherwise this country will be done for.
>hasn't fixed the border
>I haven't seen any economic gains
>country still being flooded with immigrants
Might as well just crash the country with no survivors at this point.
Reality check. All the anti-trump threads are a direct response to his complete and utter failure as president.
I'm happy I don't vote. I'll let you guys decide
T.takes your guns and fucks your white child nigger speaking to you.
Daily reminder all of these threads are Israeli shills trying to get us to trust the process and continue our bread and circuses
>he definitely isn't pushing for the globalist NWO agenda
Ok, shlomo.
99% of Trump voters knows these tactics are in play already. It's been like this all over news media and social media since the 2016 campaign. WE WILL MAKE A STATEMENT WITH OUR VOTES FOR TRUMP 2020.
He hasn't fucking done a single thing. Why would we vote for him again?
lol op just kek
maybe he will entirely ban firearms after 2020
>That all the anti-Trump threads on Jow Forums that have been appearing for the past several months are part of a demoralization campaign to get us to not vote for him come 2020.
I'm not going to vote for him because he absolutely failed on immigration and refuses to invoke the Insurrection Act to deport spic invaders. I didn't need any paid shills on Jow Forums to tell me not to vote for him. His failure to carry out his anti-hispanic rhetoric did that just fine all on its own.
>That all the anti-Trump threads on Jow Forums that have been appearing for the past several months are part of a demoralization campaign to get us to not vote for him come 2020
Is Trump's failure to even attempt delivering on his promises part of this same campaign? Because that's the reason I'm not voting for him. Pretty smart of the demoralizers to get Trump to shill against himself. True 4D chess.
>but he definitely isn't pushing for the globalist NWO agenda
Expanded greater Israel more than any other pres, worse on guns than Obama, global homo, record numbers of illegals
The only proof we have of shill companies is admitted paid Kushner shills who spend 8+ hours daily shilling for Trump, see /ptg
Cognitive dissonance for Trump cultists is just sad at this point
I haven't voted since I was in my 20s and realized what a joke it is. Keep voting yourself in to the minority, crackers.
Trump repeatedly said at the state of the union address, in the most watched speech he's made since his inauguration, that he wants to bring as many immigrants as possible to America. His appointments to the head of immigration agencies, namely Kirsten Nielsen and Ken Cuccinelli, have echoed this sentiment. Dozens of Trump's appointed officials actively campaigned against him during his election campaign and said that they support the "Never Trump" movement in which they vow to never support the president or his policy agenda. Trump repeatedly champions how he is the "best president for african-americans and hispanics" which are populations that voted against him by super-majority margins, but has never once defended or acknowledged the white people who voted for him. He has publicly shunned and "forgotten" his most vocal supporters (Ann Coulter, Steve Bannon) for pointing out how little of his agenda he has accomplished, even though he claimed "the forgotten man and woman would never be forgotten again" in his election victory speech.
These are ongoing, incontrovertible facts of his presidency and he has made no visible effort to reverse these trends. If he doesn't change this, he will suffer worse turnout in 2020 and lose his reelection bid.
>definitely isn't pushing for the globalist NWO agenda.
>Bought and puppeteered by Elite Jews
>Hes playing it safe u guise!! 6D donkey kong, trust the plan!!
Fuck off MIGAtard
Seriously though. I'm staying home in 2020. No Wall. Tax breaks for big biz. At least deport the fucking illegals. He couldn't even do that, and he trashed Bannon and Sessions. That's not MAGA.
>all the anti-Trump threads on Jow Forums that have been appearing for the past several months are part of a demoralization campaign to get us to not vote for him come 2020
"People who disagree with us are just haterz."
Take your bullshit and go die in a fire, rabbi.
Hah. Post all the anti trump bs you want faggets. I’m still voting MAGA2020
Who is the alternative? Every politician is a Jew shill.
The alternative is to hold Trump's ass to the fire until he evicts the neocons and exhausts every power available to him to reduce immigration. Patting him on the back for failure teaches him that failure is an acceptable result.
Quit dodging the question. Which viable candidate should we vote for instead? Do you really think the Dems are going to run such an alternative?
Votefags BTFO
Run for local office if you're not a jew shill, stupid nigger.
How is that dodging the question? If he started showing up to empty rallies and his poll numbers tanked to 30% then I would expect him to do something. But offering him praise in exchange for nothing reaffirms his shitty all talk no walk behavior.
Simple question: do you think this nation will be better with a Democrat as president instead? Especially considering they will place progressives on the Supreme Court and tons of them in federal district courts? This has been Trump's biggest obstacle during his term: the federal activist judges that Obama put into place that block him. Even if you don't like some of Trump's policies, he is putting more and more constitutionalist judges in the courts, which will only help this nation and future elected officials that want to help this nation.
Think carefully about how you respond, lest you our yourselves as shareblue shills.
Which viable candidate are you voting for instead? Answer, shill.
yang gang 2020
in other news:
water is wet.
Dont worry user, we are not stupid. They think we are easily influenced, that somehow the people who used stars and clouds to track down a flag are going to be swayed by a few threads bashing someone we like. That despite rejecting most of modern culture, we will side with the very people who bash us constantly. We wont.
The truth about Jow Forums's love of Trump, is that we love him for one reason and one reason only: He us a loud mouthed asshole that pisses off the limp wristed SJWs that make real life fucking lame. Until that changes, we will continue to support him.
Obviously people are shilling to prevent Trump from getting re-elected, but none of you low IQ retards have come up with a single counter argument.
All the people who promoted Trump are no longer pro-Trump, that's why there are no more pro-Trump memes, no positive discussion whatsoever.
You idiots who are still on the Trump train have nothing to offer. You can't even make a thread about Trump where you're saying something good about him, all you can do at this point is talk about the obvious anti-Trump shills, as if we didn't notice them.
Do you have anything else? Trump has not done anything but shill for Israel. Trump is officially anti-white and is helping genocide white Americans.
no, it's legit frustration you q boomer schizoid.
>How DARE someone speak ill of Trump!
Fuck /ptg/
>b-b-b-but we HAVE to suck up to Israel
Look at how far we’ve fallen. r/the_d is the worst thing to happen to this board since SRS.
^ This is important to remember.
The only people pushing Yang openly despise this country.
I will shill for whomever makes degenerates suffer the most. USA is an Israel colony anyway, no point in pretending you fight that by not voting for someone. There are no anti-Israel candidate, so Trumps relations with them are completely irrelevant.
/ptg/ are behind the yang shilling to create a scapegoat to blame. Shareblue didn't work, so they're calling anyone who calls MAGA MIGA gets called a Yang shill. Nobody genuinely likes Yang. Nobody even talks about him. He's not even on TV.
>they are demoralizing us
>please vote for the guy who helps the rich
>i dont want to pay taxes please vote for the rich guy
im sorry OP but his support is literally dying
No, that is wrong. One of the reasons he is having such a problem cleaning house is the mainstream media sugar coats the failures of congress while throwing mud in every success. Normies still believe the bullshit on CNN. Think about that. This small fact emboldens the deep state and congress to do nothing. We need a congress that is ATLEAST 80% first termers and we need this for at least the next election cycles. This is the only way shit will get done, by the citizenry being pissed off enough to fire those assclowns
>he definitely isn't pushing for the globalist NWO agenda.
Ahem hem.
>Illegal immigration at highest levels since Dubya
>No repeal and replace Obamacare
>Trump couldn't stop the caravan
>Trump couldn't end DACA
>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act
>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship
>Trump couldn't make E-Verify a law
>Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood
>Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture
>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban
>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes
>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs
>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election
>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria
>Trump couldn't pull the U.S out of NATO
>Anti bds law
>Gave israel 38 billion
>Increased the National debt by $2trillion
>Gave the 1% a tax cut
>Farmers bill
>Omnibus bill
>Amnesty bill
>Crime 'reform' bill
>No unclassified FISA
>No Awan indictment
>No Uranium One investigation
>No voter fraud investigation
>No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation
>Sessions did nothing
>Pedogate has vanished
>Assange has vanished
>55k sealed indictments went nowhere
>Hired a bunch of neocons
>Continued middle eastern wars
>Ramping up for even more wars
>Global LGBT crusade
>CIA in Venezuela, Iran, Hong Kong, Yemen, etc
>Free plane tickets for illegal immigrants to whatever city they want
Normies still believe the bullshit on FOX too. They're the same people who invented the word sexting, when nobody ever used that term.
If Obongo did half of what Trump did (moving the embassy to Jerusalem, helping the Saudis cover up the murder of a US resident, shilling for North Korea, etc.) Jow Forums would have threads unironically plotting his assassination. We’ve given this guy so many passes in the vain hope that him selling out to Israel on every issue with no strings attached is actually just him playing six gorrillion D chess and he’s actually going to have them all gassed so that he can create a white ethnostate where anime is real.
I volunteered for him, voted for him, and donated to his campaign. Yet I am very unhappy with his performance. He has failed on his biggest issue: immigration. Millions are coming in, claiming asylum, and being released. There is no greatly enhanced border wall. If he doesn't fix this, then he deserves to lose.
Not all criticism of him is coming from shills.
Hey kikes, the goyim know. There's no point shilling for orange boomer Zion Don anymore. Yang Gang 2020
I'm not in favor for Asian Bernie sanders. Not in favor of Trump too. Not in favor of that CIA plant Patrick Little either. Not in favor of any Republican versus Democrat actor on TV as well.
guess wensday is shill day
u r discarded
He did a good job farming out judge appointments to the federalist society. Most of them have been pretty good. If he stops farming his white house appointments out to never-trump fags then I would publicly support him.
The choice of who wins the election isn't up to me. He will lose because millions of other people aren't going to show up to vote and that's why I don't support him. He needs to change that and stop making empty threats.
Again, see my first post in this thread. Trump made the second biggest speech of his career to tens of millions of people saying "I want to bring as many immigrants as possible into America." He needs to stop doing that shit.
literally everything on there is the fault of Congress and courts. He is a President, not a king.
He's a turncoat gun-grabbing faggot!
lying piece of garbage. mexico mobilized at southern border to stop caravans.
Caravan orginizers have been jailed and charged with human traficking last week.
scumbag shills like you just keep lying , cause lies are all you have
What’s the other choice though? Accelerated, subsidized, encouraged turbo importation of 3rd worlders bc they’re all doctors and engineers and tossing the bill to white folks while making Minnesota the new Somalia, taking away and semblance of self defense and still more endless wars for Israel? Trump sucks but lesser of two evils
10/10 argument, I have seen the light, Trumpberg dindu nuffin
So what you're saying is he isn't actually resisting any of those things and is being herded along like a sheep whether he likes it or not. Doesn't sound like a very strong leader.
So you're saying the United States government is absolute shit? Your vote doesn't matter at all, Congress will always have the same kikes. The Founding Fathers were retards. There should always be a king.
At least our enemies feared Obama
>Putin is a manlet
top kek, can’t believe I never noticed this before
Democracy no longer serves a positive purpose for white Americans and we should stop it from having effects of any kind by overthrowing both that process and the Jewish occupation which has manipulated it against us.
Shoot yourself.
Putin would wipe the floor with Obama
>do you think this nation will be better with a Democrat as president instead?
No, but it will hopefully destroy what's left, What's left is rotten anyway.
The courts really don't matter at this late stage anyway, and they don't control the budget. The President can sign executive orders all day, they can be approved by the courts, but if Congress doesn't fund the government, or limits funding, it doesn't matter.
You obviously don't know our system works. Our government and the MSM have bitches and tried to drag him down since 2016. He could do better but he's doing what he can with the left constantly working against him. We just need time to stock up on tools and whatnot. Because you better believe that when his time is up, shit is going to get real. (I hope)
Then you'd agree democracy is no longer necessary, since the conditions for your fantasy are unachieveable, and revolution is all that remains.
Trump is just a puppet of the Jews, pretending to protect the border while the Jews continue the flood of 3rd world immigrants into the USA to erase the whites. Voting for Trump makes no difference, if Trump wins in 4 more years it will be another left wing globalist Jew puppet that wins, Trump is just slightly slowing down the globalist genocide of whites. Everything he has done has been overturned by Jew controlled congress or Jew controlled traitor law courts.
>why are you eating shit?
>Have you considered not eating shit?
If these anti-trumpers are so wrong, have a debate with them or make a list of refuted arguments
You are a boomer cocksucker or campaign employee who needs to get out.
Shills are just trying to get people to not vote, desu. Ignore and Sage these faggots
No there are a lot of us that are disappointed in Trump. He needs to expose Obama and Clinton before the election. Terrible job on the border, war, and the economy is a hologram. White working class doesn't measure it by GDP like the rich.
>Putin would wipe the floor with Obama
Then why is Putin always so passive and meek in Obama’s presence?
Putin looks like a child afraid to get striked when around Obama
The Jew infested congress made sure there would be no wall, the Jew infested courts made sure there will be no wall. Does anyone really think that the Mexicans will stop the invasion, they will make a crackdown for the fake news MSM and then when the heat is off they will let the flow continue. I doubt the Mexicans will even do anything meaningful. Face it USA will be either in civil war or total 3rd world infested police state in 10 years.
>ceaseless service of Israel and jews
>not pushing for the Globalist NWO agenda
If you think that then you don't know who the Globalist NWO pushers are.
>he definitely isn't pushing for the globalist NWO agenda
>ignoring that Trump has presided over the worst border invasion in U.S. history
>ignoring Trump's complete 180 on "catch-and-release"
>ignoring that Trump has lower deportations than Obama
>ignoring Trump's complete 180 on lowering legal immigration
>ignoring Trump's complete 180 on H1-B (highly-skilled worker) visas
>ignoring Trump's complete 180 on H2-B (low-skilled worker) visas
>ignoring that Trump signed an amnesty bill after he cucked on the shutdown
>ignoring Trump's complete 180 on wanting mandatory E-Verify
>ignoring that Trump has requested an 8% budget cut for E-Verify
>ignoring Trump's has lowest amount of prosecutions against employers who hire illegal aliens
>ignoring that Trump commuted the sentence of rabbi that was worst-ever employer prosecuted for employing illegals
>ignoring that Trump's only built 39 miles of """wall""" in two years
>ignoring that the Trump TSA has lower aviation security standards for Trump's Brown Hordes™ than for Americans
Exactly what Yang talked about. GDP is useless, it's not an indicator of how well the middle class is doing.
Putin would snap faggot Obama in half, the only thing that Obama knew how to do well was suck Jewish cock, just look at Obama the other day at the NBA game with that ugly looking Jew NBA commissioner Silver, Obama is still a puppet of the Jews.
>the globalist NWO agenda.
Pushing the normalizing of homosexuality all around the world basically is this.
he knew if he touched king nigger that ZOG would nuke russia
Notice how after Trump won all the goyim nationalists like Bannon got let go, then all of a sudden everyone in his circle was a Zionist Jew.
FPBP. this russian is a better american than the faggotass OP
Russia is smart that they kept all their nukes, any attack from ZOG or China means a rain of hell fire. I wish they would slip a nuke or 2 to the Iranians to fire at Israel.
Here we go with the democrat vs republican boomer bullshit. How did you race traitor fucks find pol?
Steve Bannon told you to come here and repeat kike fox news talking points or something? Or was it some miga kike running a boomer honk meme fb group?
That would require Trump to admit that his economy is just okay, and he would rather bomb Iran than allow his administration to release any statistics that make him look bad.
You're a Yang shill but he seems more interested in the white working class than Trump. The white working class needs to become a voting block like everyone else.
>CIA plant Patrick Little
Proof? Jews hate him so much that he got banned from fucking Gab.
>Kissing up to Jews and fulfilling a career
>more important than the state of the country
then what's the point of voting for him if he is like every other zogbot president?