>be America >get attacked by a group of Saudi Arabian nationals whose attacks were plotted in Afghanistan by another Saudi Arabian national >force a nonexistent connection between 9/11 and the Iraqi government based on faulty intelligence, lies and wishful thinking >based on this nonexistent connection invade Iraq with zero plan for how the country is going to be run after the government is removed >Baghdad first falls to looting then total chaos and violent crime as the US orders anybody who has links to Saddam's political party to lose their jobs, making over a hundred thousand Iraqi civil government employees, doctors, and teachers and many others unemployed >the US orders the Iraqi military and intelligence apparatus to be disbanded, making another over three hundred thousand Iraqis unemployed >thousands of these soldiers together with Iraqi intelligence agents and religious extremists join various jihadist groups and massively bolster the insurgency >many of them eventually end up in Islamic State which is still causing carnage in Iraq and Syria and all over the world >over four-thousand US soldiers dead and over thirty-thousand wounded >over four-hundred thousand Iraqis dead
I never understood this war neither. What I don't get at all is, when the CIA lied to Congress about the WMDs in Iraq, why were there no consequences afterwards? Nobody went even to jail, although the congressmen claimed they were lied to. Please explain this to me.
Anthony Smith
That was the plan the CIA, Saudia Arabia and Israel agreed on.
Ethan Wilson
red herrings
Real reason for the invasions was to destabilize the middle east, send sand niggers to Europe, and destabilize the west in turn.
Logan Carter
you realise that Australians were right behind the yanks when they invaded Iraq? We were the only other western nation to help with the invasion. We sent SASR units to HALO jump into Saddams territory to disable some communication arrays
Mason Thomas
Misdirection. Friendly Carlyle Group oil countries are still friendly twenty years later. Magic when so much else is up in the air.
Jeremiah Martinez
>destabilize all of the middle east over two plus decades >arabs with nowhere to go flood in to europe