Reminder that Slav(e)s are subhuman

Reminder that Slav(e)s are subhuman

Attached: hitlers-foreign-policy-24-728.jpg (728x546, 191K)

You just figured that out ? Lol they are mongol mutts. They are not white like you and me my white brotha.

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>white like you and me
>56% replying to italian
it is a humour thread i see

It's funny. They were seen as subhuman and put into labor camps, butchered, gassed, experimented on etc. Now they worship their former masters like the utter subhumans they are.

Always cringe seeing a polish untermenchen larping as a Nazi when his grandmother was used as a sex slave by them.

based sergei shoigu is unironically whiter than you, incel faggot

Attached: Flag+of+Novorossiya+2.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

>They are not white
Yep, not in the Nazi sense.
And that's very fortunate, because it gets us a racism pass in the eyes of the progressives. You can say whatever you want if you say it with a thick Slavic accent. Nobody outrages, nobody even blames you because in their frame of awareness you're not the evil oppressor. You get all the perks of being white and none of the associated white hate.

Why are Poles subhuman then? I know virtually nothing about Eastern Europe

You have no perks of being white you slave animal.

Salin murdered more Slavs than Hitler and he was their leader. They probably are subhuman if they can't figure out who's in their own in group.
