2020 Candidates

Of the declared candidates, who is most likely to institute a white ethnostate?

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Based Elizabeth Warren

All the Dems are basically faggots, the one republican is a leftist Lolberitarian, and Trump is a Jew slave.
Is there a Jow Forums candidate 2020?

All of them are Jew Slaves
especially the one that will be elected president

Yang will giv you neet bux, Tulsi openly hates the Jews.

Daily reminder:

>I want things to keep getting worse but at least get $1,000/month

Everyone else
>I want things to keep getting worse and no one gets $1,000/month

We need Hitler

Attached: 1555074008829.jpg (458x1024, 73K)

10 million man right wing militia could do it. Only no one is organizing it.