What do you think about this, Jow Forums ?
The absolute state of England
>sheiku Williams
What's the origin of that name?
>Sheiku Adams
>Jamie Cohen
So a muslim robs a guy while a kike helps him. What a surprise
>Be bong
>Get stabbed by foreigner on Cuck Island
>Leap to your probable death in desperation
>Killer goes free
Should have fought to the death, Neil. Probably go to jail and get killed anyway, but still.
Is there any hope left for the bongs?
I don't know; maybe there was a technicality involved.
>Britain's former penal colony has a significantly higher standard of living than the mainland
>modern day Britons have less rights than criminals
I would be ashamed to be British desu
>be brit
>burglars come in
>in a fight or flight moment Rupert picked up an illegal spork and confronted the group.
>rather than face life in prison for brandishing his spork at the criminals, Rupert did the right thing and jumped to his death
Where is the great monarchy?
why does it not defend the rights of its serfs?