The absolute state of England

What do you think about this, Jow Forums ?

Attached: england.png (814x596, 90K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>sheiku Williams

What's the origin of that name?

>Sheiku Adams
>Jamie Cohen
So a muslim robs a guy while a kike helps him. What a surprise


>Be bong
>Get stabbed by foreigner on Cuck Island
>Leap to your probable death in desperation
>Killer goes free
Should have fought to the death, Neil. Probably go to jail and get killed anyway, but still.

Is there any hope left for the bongs?

I don't know; maybe there was a technicality involved.

>Britain's former penal colony has a significantly higher standard of living than the mainland
>modern day Britons have less rights than criminals
I would be ashamed to be British desu

>be brit
>burglars come in
>in a fight or flight moment Rupert picked up an illegal spork and confronted the group.
>rather than face life in prison for brandishing his spork at the criminals, Rupert did the right thing and jumped to his death

Attached: glowpepe.jpg (225x225, 7K)

Where is the great monarchy?
why does it not defend the rights of its serfs?