Scientists admit that more than HALF are shrouded in toxic gas

>Scientists have admitted to a major mistake in their approach in how they search for aliens and where they could potentially live.

>It turns out that many of the planets that they thought were habitable, are actually 'dead planets' which are enveloped with a suffocating toxic gas.

>Researchers, from the University of California, say our estimates of stars' habitable zones have been 'far too generous'.

>More than half the planets in a star's habitable zone wouldn't be able to host complex life because of the levels of toxic gases like carbon monoxide and dioxide.

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>Implying ayys are exactly like us.
Damn scientists

space is retarded and fake anyway
based firmament needs no unempirical (((dark matter)))

Wait...they assumed they had all either no atmosphere or that when they had one it was breathable ?
Did they looked at our own solar system ?

>carbon dioxide is too poisonous for life
try telling that to a tree

oxygen is a highly reactive gas and was a deadly pollutant on the early plant filled earth until animals showed up to breathe it.
Unless there are literal clouds of boiling sulfuric acid like on Venus it’s an awfully premature assumption to make to say that co2 or carbon monoxide prevents all complex life from evolving

What if our atmosphere is really the toxic one?

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Fucking space aliens can probably breathe liquid arsenic. We don't know. We can't know.
Imagining a what a silicon based lifeform looks like or does is like trying to explain colours to a blind guy

>aliens must be carbon based
>there is zero way for it to be anything else
tards lmao

haven't there already been microorganisms discovered that are made up of arsenic??

>toxic to humans
>therefore toxic to everything else

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There are no aliens. We would’ve found some sort of evidence of their existence by now. God is real and the Bible is true.

more and more evidence that we are the only intelligent life and that earth is quite literally the most important place in the entire universe

Unironically this. To some alien race, maybe nitrogen gas is highly toxic and our planet looks to them exactly like their carbon monoxide planet does to us.

They're literally just making it up as they go along. Science these days is less about evidence and more about headlines and $$$.

Scientists are not the ones making these clickbait articles

Wouldn’t organisms just evolve to breathe the “toxic” gas on that planet?

This. Similarly inhabitable for life on earth might be toxic to life on other planets. To assume there's only one livable environment, when there are near identical species of the same animal here on earth with completely different diets and habitats is ludicrous.

No they are the ones doing click bait science and reaching click bait conclusions about click bait subject matter to keep their click bait driven grant money.

This isn't fucking news. A Reducing Atmosphere ( has been a well known thing for decades.

The first mass extinction event occurred because endosymbiosis created oxygen, which was toxic to most life at that time. Whoever wrote this is redardation xD.

Is this where Jews came from? Space? To avoid the gas?

imagine thinking you can know that

One of the biggest redpills that Jow Forums refuses to swallow is that Earth is the ONLY habitable world in the universe, and that this ridiculously improbable planet was made for us by a being of incalculable complexity and power.

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one man's toxic gas is another man's oxygen you nemkeboob

>carbon dioxide
>toxic gas
I see what you're trying to do here

"Half these planets are dead. Dont look at them. Don't go to them. Don't listen to them."

What did they find...

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Do you have any evidence for non-carbon based life, or are you just repeating some speculative meme you picked up from science fiction?

Must be journalist "scientists" because the explanation was vague

One of my favorite pieces at the Cleveland art museum

Aliens are actually real and they ate catholics as well, popes have been interstellar for centuries but they choose to keep it quiet.

What if the aliens live on toxic gas damn humans are so dumb what if nothing lived in water on those planets and they lookin at earth saying we dont exist cuz we all water and shiet damm dude think bro

>be NASA
>furthest ever probe has not even made it a fraction of the way to another star
>”yup, you can tell by the pixels here that this planet is made of rancid farts”

How do people fall for this shit?

>space is retarded and fake anyway
this 100%

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So many idiot autists dream about going to other planets because of SciFi, and the media keeps feeding these stories. Mars probably looks habitable from 20 light years out. Reality is, you can't escape clown world on a spaceship.

It'd be hilarious if an alien civilization 50,000 light years away is also writing our planet off as we speak because, "it's shrouded in horrifyingly high levels of oxygen that would kill us sulfur-breathing Qfjigllers in seconds!"

Trees aren't anaerobic organisms you absolute faggot
There is no complex life on our planet that doesn't use Oxygen

We are literally a miracle.

I love scien- Speculation. I mean.

Humans are the only intelligent life in the milky way. Maybe the first to evolve. I'm talking about whites and some gooks ofc.

Technically oxygen is a toxic gas, too. One life form's toxin is another's metabolic energy source.

hey science boy, isn't what we know in (((science))) all we have to go off of?

>Reality is, you can't escape clown world on a spaceship.
this. we have too much shit here to solve than worry about some faggy planet too far away.

While life could exist in other forms, its most likely going to be bacterial slimes on planets like that. Our atmosphere is more ideal for organic Chemistry to turn into complex biochemistry as the nitrogen really stabilizes the reactivity of the air.

>Plants need oxygen

Plants produce that oxygen as the first stage of their cellular respiration. Fucking literally intro to biology.

>this brainlet honestly thinks that things go from chaotic to ordered naturally

Yeah but when plants die they consume oxygen when they decay, and since death is a part of the cycle of life it is therefore the same as being alive, checkmate conservatards nothing personnel kiddou

>no you don’t get it, time is infinity and anything can happen!
>so it did!
t. Superbrain turboatheist.

nothing lasts forever, not even chaos

eventually some molecules fall into a pattern that starts self-replicating, and fills the chaos with replications of itself

A reaction occured which was self sustaining due to the environment. As the environment turned from a deadly chaotic organic stew to a more stable planet, life arose from those self sustaining chemical reactions.

>Wait...they assumed they had all either no atmosphere or that when they had one it was breathable ?
No, they obviously did not, you idiot. Stop assuming sensationalist headlines are accurate or truthful.

iirc earth had fuck all oxygen before plantlife took over

>While life could exist in other forms, its most likely going to be bacterial slimes on planets like that
We're LIKELY not the only intelligent life in the universe even if it is something akin to slime. Just don't expect anything friendly to be waiting to meet us..

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fuckin kek

Oxygen is good for complex life but simplier forms of life use methane, oxygen is toxic. simple life based on tholoins that use methane to breath is likley the majority.

Loose oxygen yes, but plenty of oxygen trapped in CO2/CO sure

No. The case you're thinking of are microbes that allegedly could use arsenic instead of phosphorus in their DNA, but that was also blown out of proportion. They could only incorporate a tiny amount of arsenic, the rest still had to be phosphorus or they'd die.

what does it all matter when in 50 years the most urging question world wide is "Who will be Miss Haram 2054?"

We all goin to hell :(

Aliens don't exist, it's kike psyop

Unless there is an incredibly rare kind of star that dosent conform to known laws for stars of its size then Przybylski's Star looks like an ayy technosignature. you dont get stars with signifcant amounts of plutonium user.


not true. we already know that Mars was once habitable. we not only know of 1 but 2 habitable ones.

chances are ever increasing

i would think plants could utilized the carbon dioxide.

We can assume any species of life that makes it past the great barrier into extraterrestrial contact will be logical and math oriented. Thus they will either kill us before we become a threat, or not see us as a threat and ignore us and perhaps contact us once we are stable enough for them.

And another idiot in this thread. Plants DO respire oxygen. The fact that they also produce it during the day doesn't change that.

Jow Forums truly is the most scientifically illiterate board.


I wonder if said planet has their own Jow Forums or Jow Forums, shitposting about this very topic

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Yeah scientists are retarded about what habitable means. Even on our own planet creatures live underground in pools of fucking acid with no oxygen. They never consider these situations when looking for life.
It pisses me off because I guarantee if they started exploring caves on Mars they'd find something



*hits joint* brooooo what if we’re like the aliens maaaaaan

There has been some research which showed plasma forming corkscrew like helix patterns and dividing to form new copies.

>we already know that Mars was once habitable

Not enough for intelligent space faring life to develop. Water is everywhere, even on the moon.

>carbon dioxide is a poison for the start of a food chain
>scientists say
>scientists who dip into the annual $1.7Trillion global warming fund say
Plants disagree with this "science".

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>As the environment turned from a deadly chaotic organic stew to a more stable planet, life arose from those self sustaining chemical reactions.
It's amazing you guys don't realize how ridiculous this sounds.

What the fuck defines "deadly" or "stable" Deadly to who or what? It's so arbitrary

>space faring life
user said the true redpill would be that "earth is the ONLY habitable planet in the entire universe".

i just debunked this theory with a planet in our own solar system

"scientists" don't even get that water doesn't stick to spinning balls yet lel.

they can't reproduce that because it defies physics. stupid idiots.

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It figures since life doesn't exist on this planet either.

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They'd probably kill us or enslave us. I wouldn't blame them really

>plants consume what they produce
>plants eat their own shit
No wonder the bark's brown

>what is gravity
no water doesn't fly off with the force of several KILOTONS OF NEWTONS from earth

Earth is like pic. We are on the inside of a ball.

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Dark matter does not need to be exotic. It could easily be that our assumptions about the birth of the universe is wrong, and we have guestimated the levels of molecular hydrogen in outerspace wrong by a significant factor, or something else entirely like lots of planetoids in interstellar space that we too faint to observe.

Whatever gas is used by life is the one that in proportion to all the other available particles per cubic inch is the least energy intensive to utilise.
There was enough CO2 for a simple photosynthetic conversion, as O2 rose proportionately plants developed to recycle that product for themselves in addition to their main course, like having dessert.
All the gas has to be, is convertible to heat through a chemical process.

>I wonder if said planet has their own Jow Forums or Jow Forums, shitposting about this very topic

that 3rd rock from the star on the edge of the galaxy can't possibly support intelligent life. look how blue that shit is.

there is evidence of past life on Mars
there is evidence to make life on Saturn's moon Titan very likely
the entire solar system is filled with Tholium - the mixture of chemicals that life on earth sprang from

There is no debate on whether there is life in our solar system or beyond - it is already accepted that bacteria tier life is common as dirt everywhere. Debate now rages about life more complex than bacteria.

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Are you high? Everything is fucking relative, which is why we use specific words to kean specific things. Stop smoking so much pot.

pshh what-ever Albert Shekelstein, sure the Earth is round, and we don't fall off when it goes upside down. Lel stupid idiot science believer.


>having dessert
the most important of meals

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You faggots actually believe in (((space)))?
This. (((Space exploration))) is a psyop to leech the world of its most valuable resources. Think of it, what does launching precious fuel, metal, and rare elements into a supposedly infinite vacuum accomplish?

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>what does it accomplish
less resources for muzzies and niggers to waste on unimportant shit

No evidence of life existing outside of earth has been gound so far. Not saying it isn't probable, but you're making shit up you fag

Space must have wooden doors too, user.

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Flat earthers are a psyop to make all conspiracy theorists look like retards. Kys

EXACTLY. Deadly and Stable to us is not the same deadly and stable to everywhere across the universe

Flat earthers are a psyop to make all conspiracy theorists look bad. Kys

Flat earthers are jews who want to discredit the white mans greatest achievement (space travel) by saying we live on a giant disc

Perhaps pic related.

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>>there is zero way for it to be anything else

The number of ways for there to be anything else is pretty limited

To make complicated things you need pretty sophisticated variety of chemistry

Only way you get that sort of chemistry is with Hydrocarbon system as a "focus"

The only thing that gets close is Silicon-Oxygen complexes

Hence why silicon based life is a meme in Sci-fi

Even in the case of the false arsenic-incorporating bacteria found in that lake, the arsenic was only replacing phosphorus atoms in the Phosphate-deoxyribose backbone, the Carbon-chemistry was still central to the DNA itself.

Under extreme pressures and with specific working fluids, your options might open up a bit, but you would still need mincingly specific conditions to create any higher order chemistry, regardless of "center"

We are alone in the universe. If we were not alone, the evidence would be blatant and obvious. All the public funding for all this nonsense needs to be zeroed out.