Poland, Romania, Georgia, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland vs untermensch Asiatic Russhit hoarde
We may not always get along, but we can all agree that we hate Russhits
>>Be plague of Europe for the past 100 years >>Spread Communism >>put people in siberian gulags to replace them with your nigger tier fetal alcohol syndromed diaspora to eight countries >> Have all your western neighbors hate you
Let's crank these numbers up until all the blyats fuck off back to their decrepit country! Nothing like seeing the Russhit media bitch about western "Fascist" persecutions!
Hell, even the heroic Serbs who remove kebab would hate Russhits too if they ever shared a border! The only reason that they're friends is because they're far. Serbs are too loyal.
Russians are alright, definitely better than the butthurt baltic belt. Just get over it, you got fucked in the ass by the Russian Chad, you don't have whine about it all day, you know you liked it. Honestly I wish the Baltics were just genocided and shipped off to Siberia during Stalinism. The region would be uglier and poorer than it is now, but at least the butthurt screeching from the baltniggers would stop. The Slavic man is your destiny and the commieblock your home, embrace it balticucks.
False. Most states in eastern europe, including the baltics were going to/were in the process of undergoing revolutions on their own even before they were liberated by the red army.
Hello, proxy-cockhole, how is your phantom russian invasion doing today? Did you learn the victim trick from us? Too bad you need three digits iq to play muh 6million card properly.
Ryan Ramirez
I honestly don't mind Russians... as long as they stay in their WN superstate instead of shitting up neighboring countries.
Elijah Martin
>implying Ukrainians can afford VPN
Nicholas Johnson
There is mutual hatred between Estonians and Russians in your little country
xd, memeflags always hating on Russia. Russia is the crucial component of the modern world. Many scientific advancements were pushed by Russian and Soviet scientists. That's why so many people from Ukraine (that's where you are from, most likely) immigrate to Russia.
the eternal enemy of the orthodox nations is the kike the catholics who join the hate crusade have become the tools of the kike in vatican 2 the church lost its way and changed the long held policies that kept the kikes in check never, ever join the army of kikes in their hate and subversion of christianity
this is outright historical revisionism. communist movements were directly financed, armed and supported by jewish controlled moscow. these communist movements were entirely artificial
This is how actual, non-cherry picked russians look like. All the "white" looking models and tv-presenters they like to show us have stolen germanic genetics. Their claimed "whiteness" is fake just like everything else about that shithole.
>This is how actual, non-cherry picked russians look like. Its actually true
Colton Anderson
Just want to let you Lolandbros know I am shipping 30 F35's to you as I type. You're welcome. >inb4source
Ian Morales
>implying Moscow wasn't the home of international gommunism Wew
Isaiah Miller
based brother from another mother
Zachary Anderson
the nazis declared a war on all of europe to stop it. they literally said that. they said the point of the war is to stop the spread of communism
Juan Roberts
The U.S. is actually shipping 30 F35's to Poland. Maybe you missed the post.
Oliver Fisher
Same. Traditional pre-red Russia was okay. At least the peasant masses were. Their system has always been fucked up. It's basically a giant Eurasian Mexico but I don't blame the people, just the corrupt "leadership".
Kevin Myers
>doesn't address argument replying to >le meme flag "argument" >"scienfitic advancements" largely thanks to western innovation (ie, the atom bomb, radio, etc) >jews literally stealing and selling tech/intel >so much innovation
I saw it on the new. Turkey is getting the S500 perhaps I also heard
Isaiah Barnes
Not true, because all communist sympathizers in the east were already a part of the red army. Therefore there was no ''process of undergoing revolutions''. The workers and farmers did not rise up, it was the soldiers who overthrew the legitimate governments, installing a puppet soviet regime.
Cooper Butler
1950s were the height of the US economically. The median income at that time would be around 100-150k a year today. Booming middle class had it very nice with money to spare. Very comfy.
Evan Martinez
Spasiba za podderzhku bratan. Ostalnym pikrelejted.
Lmao when did I say that I was against that? It’s unironically redpilled. Plus it’s hilarious. I remember seeing a video of some Russians trying to save a cat and they knocked down the electricity by trying to do so. Lots if Russian videos are hilarious. My favorite is shovel dog.
Benjamin Carter
I hate this Russian in Latin characters makes me feel like I am having a stroke