Calls himself "Christian Prince"

>Calls himself "Christian Prince".
>Is a butthurt christcuck who got cockslapped by Khaled and Omar back in highschool.
>Believes in a weak religion that is nothing but inconsistencies and has no solid foundation.
>Took lessons from Jews on how to debate.
>His brain only works by taking the least likely interpretations of verses which are most convenient for him, skewing the meaning of words, making ridiculous leaps in logic, then finishing off with a absolute non-argument while thinking that he actually proved a point.
>Thinks he can successfully "disprove" Islam while his own cucktianity crumbles from beneath him.

Attached: Christian Prince.jpg (810x810, 82K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Christian Prince
Christian Piss.

>BTFO Muslims
>Y-you just don’t understand the true i-interpretation

Your “Prophet” was a Warlord degenerate that fucked a 9 year old and nothing you say will ever change this fact. Also, your shitty Quran says that Allah gave us the Injeel “Gospels” and that it’s true, but then also claims that Jesus wasn’t divine. Your book is nonsense.

>Your “Prophet” was a Warlord degenerate that fucked a 9 year old and nothing you say will ever change this fact.

Attached: Aisha real age.jpg (2048x1412, 181K)

A 19 year old girl that sat in Muhammad’s lap and played with dolls and toys?

Give me a fucking break

I also like how you didn’t even try to refute Muhammad being a warlord, you Muslims know that you’re a savage, evil people


>I also like how you didn’t even try to refute Muhammad being a warlord
What's your point mutt? If the prophet Muhammad was a warlord then so was Moses. In fact the book of Isaiah prophesizes the coming of a prophet from Arabia ("the praised one") who would be a great military leader.

I can sense the asshurt.

So now you’re switching the argument from “She was 19” to “Its ok that she was 9, plenty of people in history fucked 9 years olds!” You and your “Prophet” are sick degenerates.

The difference between Moses and Muhammad is that Moses did what he did because God told him to and Muhammad did what he did for his own personal gain. Which is why he made up a revelation about how it’s totally cool to fuck your son in laws wife, and another revelation that it’s ok to murder people for making fun of him.

And despite why you retarded Muslims say, there is nothing in the Bible that says anything about Mohammed. You take bible verses out of their context in order to justify your heresy, just like all of the other fake prophets throughout history,your religion is literally just desert Mormonism.

Literally who?
>The Bible is inconsistent
Never mind, didn't realize you were actually retarded.

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