Why are Chinese-Canadians becoming white nationalists?

Why are Chinese-Canadians becoming white nationalists?

What is happening?


Attached: B72FE313-D514-4583-B8D2-61F139EBD293.jpg (1125x1312, 789K)

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Likely in that case it is because the Chinese don't feel any 'white guilt' over anything Indian.

Could be something about college admissions, the new adversity score on the SATs. Maybe they're tired of all the victim identity bullshit.

Hard workers hating on free gibbons.

Colour me fucking surprised.

See CAPTCHA can tounge my anus.

Why do they also want to forcefully deport all Muslims then?

Chinks hate muslims because mossad is doing 9/11 type of shit in china

>white nationalists

non merci

>be chink
>come to Canada
>work hard, follow laws, get shit on by govt for over 100 years with things like head taxes.
>despite this, become successful community, enjoy increasing amount of power in society.
>government starts accepting migrants and "refugees" from muslim countries
>many are violent criminals who are open about their desire to subjugate the rest of the population (including you) and tear down everything you've built for yourself.
>despite not facing racism on a scale even approaching what your family went through, these newcomers also can't shut up about how hard their lives are and how that justifies their actions.
>white population not only believes them, but welcomes them and gives in to their list of increasingly ridiculous demands.

I'd be pissed too.