I don't get it, why do LARPing Americans on Jow Forums worship this steam pile of shit nation called 'Sweden'...

I don't get it, why do LARPing Americans on Jow Forums worship this steam pile of shit nation called 'Sweden'? When will they realize they are the literal niggers of Europe, collecting the scraps of everyone else.

>Early History
Swedish vikings were just traders in funny hats.
The real vikings were from modern Russia, Denmark and Norway. Sweden literally just hijacked their history because their national identity is next to zero as will be evident near the end of this post. As the Mediterraneans built giant cities and the Germans conquered the forest, Swedes washed themselves in snow and ate boiled potatoes and leaves for lunch. (This cuisine has remains unchanged even to this day)

>France becomes European superpower
A pattern of Sweden is copying the current dominating world power. For instance, they were one of the few European empires that were buddy-buddy with the Ottomans. The cuckoldry began even this early. Swedes stole French architecture and the kings were known Francophiles.

>Germany rises during the 20th century
Sweden sees that Germany is the new current superpower and wants to desperately copy it like the niggers they are. This includes a shitton of racial biology to prove to papa Germany how good boys they are while simultaneously also selling iron to Germany whilst at the same time appearing neutral in the war, because Swedes are filthy cowards.

>Modern age
As Sweden continues to copy superpowers through their 'culture', which is just a bodged idea at this point, now is the time for the worship of America. You will see Swedes in central Stockholm speak English among each other (for no apparent reason), listen to English music, freak out over American politics more than Swedish politics. They are desperate to show the world how 'modernized' they are through examples such as over exaggerated representation of gays and gay rights. But this also plays a big role in Swedish socialism.

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Sweden loves socialism. It's the very core of its values - appear good on paper, don't show the world the actual inner workings. Did you know that Sweden labeled homosexuality as an illness until those homosexuals stopped going to work? Well you see, the moment their influx of money has a chance to shorten, they act. All to follow the socialist ideal of looking good on paper.

>Sweden has a great record on the freedom index, press freedom index and happiness index! We're the best nation!
But a lot of you on Jow Forums know better. Sweden's press is a fucking joke as they outright refuse to report certain details or happening that does not fit the socialist agenda of looking good on paper. 'Freedom'? Saying 'nigger' on FaceBook or in public can get you jailed, even if you're a senior citizen. 'HAPPINESS?' Don't kid yourself, Swedes are one of the largest consumers of antidepressants.

Another part of Swedish culture that ties into socialism is 'Jantelagen'. Ever heard the Swedish word 'lagom'? It's translated to 'good enough', but in actuality it stands for MEDIOCRITY. both in Sweden and in socialism. You're not allowed to excel above the rest. You're not allowed to be worse than the best. You just have to be GOOD ENOUGH, MEDIOCRE, 5/10. The difference between a 'rich' person in Sweden and a 'poor' person is a couple hundred dollars in salary difference.

Swedes are absolute degenerates. They don't talk in public, they only want to keep up appearance. Ever been to a Swedish party or circle? The moment alcohol is involved, they act worse than niggers. The males like to undress naked and do weird shit for 'fun' like lick each other's dicks with whip cream. The women like getting groped and undress after having one teaspoon of cider.

Please refute my points, and not with some gay ass propaganda poster. Pic related is how the average Swede actual looks.

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cool story chaim. might as well post under your real flag

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>why do LARPing Americans on Jow Forums worship this steam pile of shit nation called 'Sweden'?

they don't, everybody thinks you're weak/gay

Nice VPN


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At least it's white unlike majority of Western world

Fuck off kike

You know the original Vikings were black ?

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Fuck off with your VPN faggot, not like every country on this planet did similar stuff to other cultures.

Only some JIDF fag could have written this.

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>LARPer upset about LARPers
Go home Achmed

Yeah. They WERE. You think the warriors rowed those boats. Fuck no. NIGGERS!

Speaking of Vikings, they were nothing but tribalists packed into fast boats ready to raid undefended cities and monestaries. It’s bigger tier behavior. The Danes put a stop to that when they actually United and created a society, and a single army under one king. Vikings were nothing to be proud of, the 100 year reign of the Middle East of England, was gained through an organized invasion force that managed to colonize a decent chunk of east England. Normandy on the other hand? Danish Vikings just raided random places of Frances coastline until they have in and paid them off.

>S-Sluta använda VPN!

Typiskt svennar. Skrev klart och tydligt att jag ville ha motargument och allt ni kan ge är bölande.


Do no claim history that is not yours. That is very un-scandanavian like.

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I wonder what we did to get these rat kikes so riled up. What ever it was, totally worth it. Would do it again.

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>Swedecuck lacks balls or pride
I'm not suprised Sven.

No, the swedish vikings went to modern russia. Ragnar Lothbrok from Vikings was the son of a swedish king, he is probably half danish tho.

Heard about the temple of Uppsala where vikings from scandinavia met every year?

Jelly Achmed?

I agree with you about Vikings though, but I don’t know why it’s even celebrated? They should instead celebrate Angles and Jutlanders leaving for England, Scotland, Dublin, and Iceland and establishing nations. Rather they brag about the raids launched three hundred years later by some pagan savages against undefended monestaries, and another Danish/Germanic tribe being paid off by France with a piece of land.

These were tribal people and we don’t know if they’re ancestors of any modern Scandinavian anyway.

Instead celebrate the Hundred Years’ War, the Swedish empire, achievements in automotive and engineering, and achievements in chemistry - Sweden has discovered more elements (per capita) than any other nation.

Some Germanic tribesmen went somewhere? Suddenly... >muh ancestor.

You don’t know which Germanic tribe you were apart of, and they don’t know for sure which area these tribes even lived in. They were all near the alps not long before they moved north, before spreading out again... you don’t see any other country’s on this planet making lose claims of ownership of some ancient tribes.

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Celebrating Vikings is a kike trick into forcing some of the most civilized people on the planet to admiring niggerism and overlooking Sweden’s real history as a civilized nation. Did you know Sweden has always been a country of great ethics? Despite being a pioneer of Protestantism they haboired jacobites in exile from northern England and Scotland, which in turn resulted in the Swedish East India trading company, Chalmers and Gothenburg university and Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset.

Also are you aware the Karolinska Institute is one of the top 3 medical universities in Europe?

Being a doormat doesn't mean civilized

>Jow Forums worshiping Sweden

They're the second most hated country after Canada

The worst country title with losers everywhere is and goes to Canaduh

I agree mostly with OP except the Viking stuff i dont know why thats even relevant, ive never met any Swede who identify that with Swedish culture. What i dont get though is how the Swedish have completly memoryholed their fine monarchical history and tradition, i think that should be something to remember and celebrate. Sweden was actualy a major player in the age of kingdoms in europe, for hundreds of years, and at times ruled over a large part of it.

I guess having been a target of cultural marxist subversion and communism/socialism since the early 50s-60s has completly eroded any sense of tradition in this nation. 70 years for subversion is really hard to unfuck so i dont think Sweden will ever again become a normal nation.

Btw im Finnish but i live and work here hence the flag.

>why do LARPing Americans on Jow Forums worship this steam pile of shit nation called 'Sweden'?
Because if they're old enough, they remember when Sweden and its people were beautiful and true.

Google translate. VPN faggot.

Why do you consider civilization, cuckdom, anything to proud of?

Nobody “worships” you here. Almost every single comment to or about your country is making fun of it. Are you too autistic to understand “Sweden yes!”?

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OP is not a swede, I thought Austrians had a ''radar'' for these kinds of rats

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