Cringe: Migrants from Ebola Stricken Congo being allowed into the US en masse

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They ran out of Guatamalens?

This is it, the chaos we need.

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Ebola Chan Noooooooooooo

Isn't Congo the most violent place in the world?
Are they going to change overnight when being brought to america? you know like the African niggers did? oh wait the African american niggers are still savage and violent too after 19 generations living in civilization.....

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Well the Somali experiment wasn't conclusive during to sample bias, so we need to try Congolese to make sure.


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How do Congolese even get to the US? It’s not like it’s a small feat to get on a rickety boat across the Atlantic and then cross through the southern border. Who’s funding and pushing this?

Same way niggers got all the way to Iceland on a rubber dinghy. It's not like the North Atlantic has ferocious waves or anything. Africans are expert navigators and always have been.

They can’t even swim and are generally mortified of water, but are A OK with getting on a dinghy to risk their lives to be oppressed by the evil white man.

Somebody must be behind this.

Unironically the Chinese. Illegals from the Americas are smuggled by cartels, illegals from elsewhere are smuggled by the Chinese. They flood us with immigrants and fentanyl in order to destabilize us so that they can take over when we collapse.

I just hope we go down swinging at the rest of the world.

I hope all of our cities and infrastructure crumble and destroy the world economy, so that western europe gets it too and we can finally purge major cities and shitskins. It's for the best, at this point.

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I’m sure of it. 350 Africans just arriving en masse sure as shit is not an organic event. I get Guatemalans and other Central Americans making their way to the US, but hundreds of Africans just arriving on your doorstep? That’s simply not a coincidence.

I wouldn’t be surprised at all. As the trade war ramps up and China gets more entangled in Africa, why wouldn’t they fuck you over with masses of Africans? I suspect this was only the test sample. At what point do you fortify your borders and say enough already?

Do you know how many thousands of miles it is from Guatemala to the US border? You're not going to fuckin walk your way there, let alone by the 10s of thousands. I'd be impressed if the finest military in the world could march a column of soldiers like that, let alone manage the supply lines.

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If Rome is anything to go by, never. We will just slide into shit while “our” rich Jews plunder the wealth, sell the land off to the chinks, and fuck off to some other nation to pillage and burn.

Oh that's an Irishman! Niggers of Europe, those.

I’m not talking about the caravans. That’s not organic either. Just randoms that trickle in. You can take a bus from Guatemala to Mexico, catch a bus to the northern part of Mexico and then slip through the border to the fabled land of El Norte. To do that from the fucking Congo is a whole different kettle of fish.

Yes there are most likely special interests planning this out.

Where would they even flee to? Europe’s getting shafted too. Israel isn’t exactly a globalist’s wet dream. Asia sure as fuck won’t stand for their shit.

Good, sooner this shit show is over the better.


They were even using local transport to ride in the back of pickup trucks mexican-style because the locals wanted them out the fuck of their towns. There were pictures and stories right from the start that the entire US fake news kike media said didn't exist.

It's like they're doubling down on it now because the wall is supposed to be the single fulcrum political issue. What the fuck is Trump thinking not getting out in front of this to explain to the world what the actual fuck is going on?

And here I was, just the other day, thinking to myself "yah the migration thing is bad -but at least we dont have to deal with ebola..."

Imagine my shock

We all know that some powerful Jews are behind this shit. They’re so shortsighted and stupid though. If they think “muh 6 gorillion” is going to work on the chinks, they have another thing coming. The chinks are even more soulless and will take the 6 gorillion as a challenge. East Europe and Asia will end up dominating the word.

At what point do people start calling out this bullshit? Please don’t tell me there are people waving refugee welcome signs in Texas to Ebola ridden Congolese.

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The bedbug epidemic wasn't enough. The H1N1 wasn't enough. These fucking psychopaths are only going to keep pushing harder. They don't give a fuck, and if you were alive in and around the 2007 crash you know how they were salivating for bringing about their end times sampson option. These people have not been dealt with.

You're on the chopping block too.

How are you handling that Texas?

Are we going to have to build a wall around you too?

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We used to call this shit out when it was Hussein Niggerbama, even if it was lame and misdirected co-opted stunts like OWC. I had to take one of my best friends down to the county court house because he got arrested for protesting the Iraq war. They're just trying to wear everybody down.

And by "they" I mean the satanic neocon jews.

These comics were a little fucked.

might as well. all of the californians come here for some fucking reason

>wait till WW3
>play both sides and figure out where the best place to set up is post war
>dig claws in to the new area and do the same shit they’ve done for 3000 years
They don’t plan long term. They just destabalize things, bet on the winner, and then leech off them until people get sick of their shit. Then they fuck off with the nations wealth, repeating the cycle.

yeah, but they got a chuckle out of me

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>for some fucking reason
Same reason the Jew Yorkers flee to Florida. Jews are the nation wreckers.

We'd just be called "racist" and the normies would accept it

As long as they enter the urban population then it could be a benefit.

Are these some of the thousand illegal immigrants Trump is sending to American cities every month or are these the legal immigrants that Trump said he wants more of?


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Glad people are waking up to the reality of China. With luck, Hong Kong, Taiwan and SEA will keep the pressure up

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Do you guys believe the story in the media that they crossed the Atlantic to Brazil and made their way to the US overland? What are the chances that Mugubu dusted off some naval charts and maps at the Kinshasa library, crossed the Atlantic on a dinghy, traversed half a continent and made their way across the Darian Gap because they wanted some BBQ and the ranch dressing in the DRC is subpar? Jeez. Why not just flee to SA, Botswana or Namibia where there are Congolese communities and you can do the trip on a bus for most of the way?

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I sure did pick a great time to move to Houston huh

I was told it was the very evil white people who did that, and then they tortured the natives and impost Christianity upon them.

Buy a HEPA filter for your industrial strength air conditioner.

I guess history does repeat itself. Except now Africans are crossing oceans and spreading diseases that will wipe out native populations.

>native populations
The Injuns must be pretty glad they're in containment zone reservations about now. I don't think they know how much worse niggers are than white ppl.

How the fuck are they getting into Mexico in the first place? I suspect Hebrews.

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It's a shame americans don't have the freedom to own guns like us Europeans.... I am sure they would have done something by now


>Migrants from Ebola Stricken Congo
If they had Ebola the disease would have become apparent back in Mexico.

>sending biological weapons into jewish-owned cities
I haven't been close enough to a nigger to catch the 'bola in over a decade.

Let's import thousands of infected niggers and put them right into Jew York City.

Implying Africans have souls?

Just give em a Jewish shower.

Gated communities will be the new reservations.

could be a good thing
>be nigger
>have ebola
>move to area with other niggers
>ebola spreads
>quarantine area
>ebola wipes out nigger area
please send some ebola niggers to Alabama's blue belt

They’re a lost tribe.

"It's ok, at least I have the constitution." - Mutt

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In all fairness, if they had Ebola they’d probably be dead by now. Especially if they really did cross the Atlantic on boats and made their way across a continent to get to the US. However, they can very well still carry TB or some other random disease.

When I was in Brazil, I observed a lot of houses built like castles with electrified fencing on top, and a few of the poorer ones with broken glass set into the concrete on top of the walls. That's what they consider to be practical.

In the US, "gated community" means an HOA run by disgusting Jews who won't let you even grow food on your land or have children. I call these people white niggers.

You'd know.

>Literally importing nigger AIDS into your country
Uh... MAGA?

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Were you alive back when the Jewish fake news was droning on and on every day on the talmudvision about how apartheid had to end?

I was.

This. Let them in. Let the Ebola FLOW through and wipe out the leftist scourge first. The conservative american will retreat and allow the disease to purge itself.

Indeed. But do you really want to end up like us or Brazil? Do you seriously want to live behind walls with electric fencing? Do you guys want multiculturalism that much that you have to have a rape gate in your house? Our (and Brazil’s) normal is abnormal. It’s not something to aspire to.

Good luck Ebola-chan!

It will add an interesting angle to the coming carnage.

enjoy. you dont let in educated white south africans but aids / ebola infested niggers, america deserves it

But user, think of all the delicious Congolese food and the culture. Oh the culture. What is a city without a Congolese kwasa kwasa club? It’s not a city worth living in, that’s what it is.

Human trafficking is big business now. The cartels charge $1500 a head to smuggle someone into the US. And considering cartels control the majority of the area on the US-Mexican border its no problem for them

I wasn't even in a bad part of Brazil. It was toward the south with lots of white(ish) people and you didn't get a bad vibe and the people were really friendly.

I was actually expecting to find more broken glass ramparts on the houses based on prior research, but apparently the economy was so advanced that most people could afford electric fences. There were even those crazy hot water showers, the toilets could flush toilet paper, and people were growing gardens all over. I stayed at a place with a radio shack in the back with enough radio equipment to make you think it was a CIA safe house.

Shut up NPR said over a year ago that there was no human trafficking. Stop being wrong and believing conspiracy theories.

>Let's import thousands of infected niggers

The final form of the MIGApede.

You’ve just described every suburban house in South Africa.
Yeah, but $1500 isn’t exactly chump change for some rando from the DRC.

Yeah, democraps are really taking a big stand to stop this menace. kys faggot.

>the culture

they gonna sure love that exotic culture i tell you, who needs whites anyway when exotic is so mysterious and vibrant

I wonder how ((they)) are going to spin this saying it's a good thing.

The media doesn't let the ebola hoax die to keep Israel free of schwarzes. The western media/governments knows its a lie.

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>You’ve just described every suburban house in South Africa
There are a lot of people in the US with the same mindset, but there are also a lot who haven't gone out to see other countries or even just their own country.

South Africans wouldn't be able to survive if they didn't know how to farm and how to get by. Brazilians wouldn't be able to survive if they didn't know how to farm and how to get by (it basically looked like the wild west to me, so comfy). Americans wouldn't be able to surive if they didn't know how to farm and how to get by.

Who needs milquetoast whites when you can get a vibrant culture rife with violence, muti murders, social dysfunction, endemic corruption, AIDS and TB? Now that’s true vibrancy right there. Oh and did I forget to mention the food? They’ll bring exotic dishes like fufu and pondu. How can you refuse people that invented such high cuisine?

Dems are worse? That's your argument?

>Yeah, but $1500 isn’t exactly chump change for some rando from the DRC.
that's okay, they work it off

Forget about the food. There won't be any after all your cats and dogs disappear. This is the ANC (African Nigger Congress) and it is paid for by Israel.

My frens please answer me. Why are niggers black?

Pretty much. If Trump is so horrible then why is it taking them to come up with something better? I've been waiting for most of my adult life.

>If Trump is so horrible then why is it taking them to come up with something better?

Do you mean why has nobody come up with significant enough support among Republicans to oppose Trump? Because assholes like you stay unshakably loyal to him no matter how hard he fucks you, no matter how many times he reverses himself, no matter how many times he lies and you stifle/disrupt conversation about any alternatives.

That's why.

>Yeah, but $1500 isn’t exactly chump change for some rando from the DRC.

They get the money for free.

Open borders NGOs give them money and rides to South America, then the Cartels do the rest.

I don't care about your fucking buzzwords. Go ahead and put forth a better option. I dare you. The only party I've ever been registered with has been demoshit.

>Forget about the food. There won't be any after all your cats and dogs disappear.
I’m under no illusions about how fucked we are. I’m more worried about you guys and sincerely hope you guys don’t end up on our trajectory.
I’ve travelled the US quite extensively and I’ve been to Brazil. I’m yet to see an average American suburban house with a wall and electric fencing. Admittedly, I’m sure they exist. It’s a big country after all. Burglar bars and security gates are, as far as I could tell, only a feature on houses in the shitty parts of town in the US. Here and in Brazil those are pretty much standard.

Libs get the rope.

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>Open borders NGOs give them money and rides to South America, then the Cartels do the rest.
I just don’t get these open borders types. Why would any sane person support these organizations? There are 7 odd billion people on this planet. Moving them all to Europe, Australasia and the US will solve nothing. It’s just displacing misery.

>Burglar bars
Not a bad idea. What I did was just drive a few screws in to the side of my first-story windows so they couldn't be opened far enough for niggers to get in. Nobody knows, not even the landlord. One morning I woke up and wondered why my kitchen screen was off and went outside to take a look and some woman cop jumped around the corner with her gun drawn.
>nigger neighborhoods

We still have guns here at least, in some states. There is no way for humanity but to learn from its mistakes.

>electric fence
I mean what the fuck. Is this supposed to be an outdoor zoo?

I tell you what man. That's called mantrapping in the US, and it's a felony crime. But if you want to see things get bad then wait until we start mantrapping over here. God, I hope it never comes to that.


>We still have guns here at least
And it’s critical that you hang on to them for as long as you can. I suspect one of the reasons we haven’t gone full Zim yet is that the white population is still relatively well armed. There is constant pressure to completely disarm us. There are even talks that all self defense licenses will not be renewed and that they want to ban handguns.