Wow, thanks Trump! What a great job you've done with border security!

>Surge of asylum seekers raises questions about Portland funding

>PORTLAND, Maine — 86 people and counting in just two days -- that's the most recent topic of contention in Portland regarding asylum seekers in the city.

>The difference in arrivals this time, according to Portland City Manager Jon Jennings, is that these migrants have not yet started the official asylum seeker process. That means they are not eligible for Maine's General Assistance fund and will have to turn to Portland's Community Support Fund instead.

>The influx of people to Maine's largest city comes after about 350 migrants from Congo and Angola arrived in San Antonio last week. Overwhelmed, the city opted to send some people up to Portland, despite a concern from officials about overcrowding.

>"The plan was 350 of them would travel from San Antonio to Portland," San Antonio's Interim Assistant City Manager Dr. Collen Bridger told KENS 5, NEWS CENTER Maine's sister station in San Antonio. "When we reached out to Portland, Maine, they said, 'Please don't send us any more. We're already stretched way beyond our capacity.'"

>Portland may be the only place in the country that uses city funds to provide asylum seekers with things like housing and food while they wait to become citizens. That program led to overcrowding issues in early May, and now Portland City Councilors are worried that the CSF will not be able to fund the number of people coming in to the city.


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and nothing of value was lost

LMAO. Trump has imported more non-whites to white communities than fucking Obama. MY SIDES

Lmao I assumed you meant Portland, OR.

If only. But no; they are ending up in Maine, which (at 93.3%), is (for now) still America's whitest state. We can't have THAT, goys!

Well I hope Stephen King gets raped by a pack of niggers.

fucking based
not a more deserving city

but Portland is so very far away from the mexico border

its not portland oregon its in maine

haha same

>give free stuff away with less red tape
>flood of dindus shows up for gibsmedats
What the fuck did they think would happen?

If you live in America you quickly learn that your never far from the mexican border.

Both Portlands are full of Lefty faggots.

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Holy shit. Whites literally can't have 5sq mi of peace in this goddamn' Earth.

Oh man, Maine is fucked. Send em back. This shit is so frustrating.

please nuke my country

Can you imagine the amount of problems that could be solved by some gnarly freak disease depopulating all major cities at once.

Ha I've grown up all my life in New Mexico this place is truly a shithole and I have no idea why the other 49 states want to be like us so badly.
>Think OP is lying or spinning it maybe they're Haitians or something
Nope theyr're literal actual Congo and Angola niggers
How the hell did they even get here? Are the NGOs boating them to Mexico to walk across the border or what??

I pray for an undiagnosed undiscovered 100% lethal STD that's just biding it's time. A sleeper cell virus like you'd design in Plague Inc that waits around before doing anything.

>state cries about being an abundant land of plenty for all peoples of the world
>goes to excessive length to prevent any sort of sensible immigration enforcement
>gets the shit of the world dumped on them
Liberals in a nutshell. Fuck you, fuck your city. Enjoy it going red in 2020.

The problem with that is that in the meantime regular people will also feel the consequences. Death squads are a better and cleaner option.

Yep, they're flying to Mexico and walking through the border.


and then dies of a superstrain of ebola
>just like that story when he was actually a good author

>How the hell did they even get here?

I have been trying to figure that out. It looks like they're getting to Kinshasa airport, then flying to Johannesburg, then to Sao Paulo in Brazil, and then to a final destination in Central America (probably Panama City), where they get hooked up with one of the "caravans" heading north.

Then they just "present" themselves to US Border Patrol agents and get a free plane ride to fucking Maine.

I wonder what will happen after 8 years of trump. will all of these cum guzzling faggots suddenly realise they wasted 8years bitching, moaning and crying on something so irrelevant?

> 8 years
He won't win if he keeps shitting the bed. He gave nothing to his base, absolutely nothing.

fuck these boomer liberal pussy fucks.

you sowed the wind, now you can reap the whirlwind.

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It already exists user, it already exists.
However, US is leading the cure research against it.
Super Gonorrea better spend those DNA points on some genetic hardening or genetic reshuffle soon or else it's game over.

Attached: super gonorhea.jpg (724x483, 77K)

How do they allow this? I thought new englanders were racists

lmao, nigs from africa are hopping the southern border now. I hope the lefties get enriched by a bunch of nigs.

The degenerate purge can't come soon enough

>dem as fuck

good hope they start voting republican

it is funny now but you do know that you will have to purge these people

That's a lot of $ in flights meanwhile I can't afford to fly anywhere but I get taxed to pay for the globe hopping niggers.
Super Gonorrea better hurry up did it remember to infect Madagascar at least?
>He had a regular partner in the UK, but picked up the superbug after a sexual encounter with a woman in South East Asia.
>a "woman"
Thanks Thai traps you did this.

imagine the smell


Too much winning for you? Maybe you should go back to plebbit until you're a little older, snowflake.

The incels will inherit the Earth.

He literally campaigned against this. It's understandable why people are getting angry.

Don't worry too much, I think it's a long game subtle way of taking Africa. Letting the Chinese get their foundation in to sidestep suspicions

How dare we want Trump to keep his campaign promises I thought we just wanted to own the libs right?
>taking Africa
Why would we ever want niggertopia? You do realize we have an entire fucking continent of resources under our own feet right?

Why doesn't Mexico put a wall on their Southern border?

AMLO should do the sanething Trump is doing with Mexico to Ecuador.

It probably already happened.

How the fuck did they get from Africa to San Antonio??

>Asylum seekers wait to become citizens without any plans to attempt the asylum seeker process


>lmao libruls are gonna get enriched now
how many times will this dumb fucking comment be posted?

He sent them to white democrats, who are even lower lifeforms than non-whites.

Yes, why must politicians keep their promises anyways? It's not like they got to where they were by promising things they never intend to do. That's silly, big daddy based party would never betray us.

Silly fool laws are something the lordly class creates for you to follow but they don't have to follow them. What do you think cops are there for to serve and protect? Yes but WHO? Have you ever had to call the cops before? Did you get a good outcome? Did they catch the perp? I srsly doubt it.

Until what is reaped is sown, simple as.

Oh good. The end is finally actually near. This is the first actual happening since 9/11

In a perfect world the niggers need to be genocided, I'm not saying this because I'm trying to be edgy or anything, but it has been proven time and again that they cannot function in a civilization or create one of their own.

No niggers + hwyte man utilizing Africa's resources, I am certain we'd be in space right now conquering galaxies.

>tfw in Portland Oregon

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There's vids on YouTube about it.

They go in freighters and stay in them while on ships. Then from Venezuela or Belize from the Caribbean they march towards the Mexican South Border.

Then they go to the US via sneaky routes.

There's rape, murder, theft, coyotes, drug mules. All sorts of sad stuff like child rape and racism.

It's incredible how they endure with no food or water. But... some people help them along the way... like the coyotes.

But we are in space.

The Mars missions start in a few years.

>It's incredible how they endure with no food or water.
I'm so tired of this meme they literally have debit cards with $ from NGOs on them and there are (((relief and refugeee))) organizations following them with trucks of food and water.
The rape is part and parcel and part of the cost of business these are the same "people" who rent their children out to the coyotes so they can pretend they're family groups. They don't think like you or I do.


The Nazis would have been on Mars by 1960. They've cost us decades and they will fight tooth and nail to stop us longer. Imagine if white people started mass exodusing to space it wouldn't take the left or the shitskins long to figure out their meal ticket is blasting off and try and make it illegal. I think that's part of why there is so much Elon Musk hate. The man is from South Africa he surely knows about the nigger menace.

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I work a shitty side job with some African migrants who're employees in portland. Every single male migrant fucking smells horrible, like literal shit. It's like they don't know how to wipe their own ass. The women throw on strong perfume so I don't know if they smell but they at least dont smell like shit so they tend not to bother me. It's like they think the waters gonna run out so better only shower once a week and deodorant is a pleasure that can't be afforded. I swear to god, absolutely none of the white people smell, even the greasy fucking neckbeard. There's one French black guy migrant there, he's cool, doesn't smell and can do his job. One, every other one, even the Americanized black people who grew up here, fucking smell awful. It's a huge grievance for me and I'm just going to get told I'm racist. Holy shit though, if I smelled that bad I'd be pissed off if nobody mentioned it. There's basic fucking things that these migrants don't agree with us on, like showering and using deodorant. You expect them to understand the intricacies of politics and how to vote? Fuck no. I just don't even know what to think of a person that doesn't know to shower and wipe their ass properly, you're fucking hopeless if you can't at the very minimum do those things.


Me too

It's the only city in the country that gives non citizens free housing and food. There is not enough housing in that city as it is. With New York City rents at $2-3,000 a month. There is an insane amount of homeless in that city. Parts of it look like LA or San Francisco. Hundreds of homeless people lined up for free food and benefits. You're better off if you don't work there. You can get an apartment all to yourself and welfare if you say you're homeless and don't work. If you work you'll have to split rent with 5 other people and the landlord will decide he's going to evict everyone this month. They stupid yuppies and liberals vote in the worst candidates, all socialist yuppie lawyers who could care less about the citizens. They only care about their rental properties. This is a city of 60,000 paying for hundreds of migrants. They're going to end up making all the tax payers leave and no one left to support the nigger immigrants

The only good things that have come from Elons investments are Openai and Tesla.
SpaceX is years behind being able to get a man in space. The Hyperloop couldn't function because even a partial vacuum tube that large isn't feasible on earth and the results would be negligible. You can't just make car tunnels under a city to cut down on traffic and even if they knew what they were doing and somehow managed that they wouldn't turn a profit off of it.

those are.always the most satisfying.

Might take an ingame year, but getting 90% of the population stealth infected then dropping some real illness bombs/mutations is wild

Trump is trying to redpill everyone at once so they vote for him again

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>This happens in a republican administration
>"good hope they start voting republican"

Portland Maine fag here...the city, and really most of Cumberland county, is completely fucked and full of blue haired trannies. The rest of the state absolutely hates Portland and it’s degeneracy, and I can guarantee you the county (north or west of portand) is absolutely based white man land.

Maine is like a miniature USA, and Portland is California and New York combined I’m this analogy.