Is it time to abolish prisons in America?

Is it time to abolish prisons in America?

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Only after Jews and niggers have been abolished

For a second a thought it read no jews. Oh well

I'd rather abolish niggers

No jails, no police.
So race war! Now yer talkin!




I unironically support no jails. This will wake whiteoids up.

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I'd smash blue.

I'm all for abolishing prisons, we shouldn't have or need them. Any crime that is punishable by more than 4 years of prison should be an automatic death penalty carried out within 1 year or 2 years if an appeal is permitted. After the first 10k executions crime will disappear.

You have 10 seconds to comply.

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so long as niglets are born not aborted, we need jails to house them when they mature and infest a given place.

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Libs wants more niggers to commit crimes.

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Escape from LA and New York will become real

Experts agree that abolishing niggers would mean removing their pet owners, the rent-collecting jews who run their slums and rely on the nigger infestation.

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Finally, I can rape as many bitches as I want without fear of the white man keeping me down.

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>What does a POLICE-FREE world look like?
all these outcomes are perfectly possible with a police force.

We built prisons so we didn't have to hang so many people. If you want to go back to the old way of doing things, that can be arranged.

They could put jails out of business if they went on a crime strike

>If it werent for police we would all be nice to eachother and act respectfully

Yes. Also legalize extrajudicial killings.

I am not even a acceleration poster but seriously this.

If somehow we could follow woke advice and seriously diminish the resistance of police and shutter our prisons and jails we would be in full bugaloo in no time and people incapable of living in a civilization based of mutual effort would be killed to a man

All I hear with regard to this is that Bloomberg wants to start The Culling.

If you abolish prisons then where will all the niggers go live and have gay anal sex?

Abolish niggers and the large prison system would go away.

Based. All punishments should be financial or corporal. These people enjoy prison and it is no longer effective.

Yes. Wall in California or NYC and make it the national prison.

They're only possible with a police force.

>abolish prison
>bring back public
capital punishment
time to behead niggers for murder
chop arms for stealing
and whip and stoning for rape


Lower prison population by 75% using one simple trick!
>send all nonwhites back to where they belong


charging black people for petty crimes is racist.

In a police free society all of these people would be victims of violent crime or social shut ins who never leave the house unless absolutely necessary to avoid the crime ridden streets.

I wish a nigga would.