Emcel problem

What is an emcel?
An emcel is a woman that fucked her way through her 20s and ruined her neurochemical pair-bonding response. An advanced emcel may even be a single mother. These women may characteristically be found saying things such as:
>where did all the good men go?
>it takes a real man to handle a single mother!
>Why do men only want sex but won't stick around?
And other variations.

The family structure is the smallest social unit in a society. If the family structure is broken, society will soon follow. Women becoming single mothers perpetuate the cycle into a positive feedback loop. Single mothers create kids that go on to create more single mothers/crime and repeat. The aim is to push the idea that becoming an emcel is bad for women in attempt to counter the current social conditioning, which is that being a whore is something to be lauded.

I'll be dumping a few emcel memes I've saved up, if anyone has others dropping them would be appreciated. Posting these on social media in hopes that through a light form of social shaming women will begin to see what's wrong with their behavior, if even just a couple stop their whorish ways I'd consider that a win.
And finally

Attached: raising awareness (1).jpg (3869x2580, 605K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This is one of the better psy ops

I await the rage of the eternal roast, I can smell the roast beef flaps as they smack together, their screeches bellowing in the distance.

Attached: worried-confused-huh-woman-800x417.png (800x417, 479K)

emcel is just a nice way of saying damaged good or roastie

45% and yet tradcucks tell us that all we have to do is work out and have a confident attitude and beautiful virgins will come flocking to us -- these turds are part of the problem.

And could actually get something done. I enjoy the honk and fashtag etc, but I see those as more for keks.

Attached: sad-woman-infertility-struggle.png (1620x1080, 1.21M)

Finding a pure trad woman in the west is like finding a pearl at sea while you swim blindfolded with your hands outstretched.

Attached: 1559726229029.jpg (429x1024, 145K)

urrmmm sweetie, no

Honestly though I feel bad for them. Yes they reap what they sow, but they were brainwashed since even before puberty by (((them))).

Attached: 1555869584112.jpg (1024x683, 164K)

Ummm actually sweaty, yes.

Attached: emcel videoblocks 1232.png (1920x1080, 973K)

This would also just about solve the abortion issue. It's actually funny to hear their arguments, they speak as if men are forcing them to have sex. Close your damn legs and you wouldn't need abortions.

Attached: billy emcel sanpaku.png (1200x737, 1.27M)