Why can't we push genetic engineering as a means of achieving eugenics

and bypass the whole kike game of BLACKED.com etc. If the goal is to create super-intelligent people/master race, this should now be achievable through the manipulation of the genetic structure not by selective breeding, but by designer DNA.

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the big problem there is the idea of a people/volk- or a genetic history. ye you can make yourself white, or black, or (((capitalist))), but you wouldn't truly have the history behind any of those.

I agree with OP. Genetic engineering probably already exists but the kikes are keeping it from us because they know white/asian genetics would preferred and it'll interfear with their plan of white genocide.

They may release it to the elite only once the common man has become to much of a mutt.

How do you genetically select to maintain enough empathy such that our societies don't collapse from corruption?

I agree

It scares people below the 100 IQ mark.

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Could be achieved through propaganda

Females are naturally more empathetic

genetic history is important. a black kid with white genetics will still turn out to be black. the only way to avoid corruption is to have
1. a common religion (ideally THE religion)
2. small enough towns to maintain familiarity.

its hard to fuck over your fellow citizens when Mrs. Maple babysat you as a child and Mr. Johnson found your missing dog. Closeness is natural, and helps keep corruption and vice at bay.

>while we're in the midst of society collapsing due to kikes

I don't think you're using your mind properly user

I suppose it could be, but it would be harder to rally around and would take much longer. Its easier to be proud of and loyal to "my great great grand father, and all his forefathers before him" than "the race I was born as"

>genetically engineerd Super intelligent niggers

Super intelligent niggers don't even exit. We'd be working with a template of whites to begin with.

A few generations and this point would be moot anyways, since the result of such a program would create successive generations of the super-race.

Because you're all dumb as a box of hair and any technology you've touched you cant manage wisely? Besides the natural order of things works just fine, flap a into slot b...9 months later baby. Now go get a job to go get your date.

Oh shit...Reminds me.

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>Putting Jews in charge of white genetics.
Oh, yes, this will totally work out.

You mean the labour class that make sure you have food to eat and have some place to live?

>adds nothing
fuck off chinkkike

Exactly...always becomes a game of keep away.

longest con in history

you guys are such learned-helplessness faggots.
Whites are intelligent enough to control a single series of experiments you absolute nigger.

I think all too often the far right focuses on superiority. Don't get me wrong, I like whites as much as the next guy, but I also think that all the races should be kept separate. Yes, I'd like whites to cover the majority of land and their success is more important to me than, say, the asians- but race-mixing between asians and blacks is just as disgusting to me as regular white-[x] mixing. the focus on "superiority" would erase all of that.

Figure out how to deal with your garbage and energy problems first then you can get a cookie.

you're assuming the white super race wouldn't wipe out all of its competitors.

>Yes, let's push this through in a Jew-run government, totally white people will be in charge of it.
How about we table white genetics when whites will be in charge of it?

>these exist
Fuck off you rent-seeking kike

You're all made of meat. You could alter and raise the clones to be more delicious to the truely superior speices that live under your feet...or is that the wrong direction you were going for?

you've created a paradox wherein whites can never take the initiative. No.

I suppose you're right, but even then it would be a god-made race, and not some science-based uber-men, that should own the world.

Show flag. I refuse to believe you're anywhere but Israel.

Lol...cash, stash, gas or ass. No one rides for free kid. Only the wise know nothing is truly 'free' and work will set you free.

God gave us the ability and intellect to play around in that arena. So we should.

>makes argument that doesn't make sense
>doesn't receive decent reply
aha uh nother win fer me

>I advocate for doing an end-run around kikes
>Somehow this means I'm a kike????

You're a actual retard.

Fair enough, same argument that goes to modern medicine instead of just "praying it away," but then why should we care about animal species going extinct? we can just make new ones and god gave us the power to do that.

You mean the majority of criminals and homeless?

>The majority of studies have found IQ differences between offenders and nonoffenders (e.g., Ellis &Walsh, 2003). On average, the IQ for chronic juvenile offenders is 92, about half a standard deviation below the population mean. For chronic adult offenders, however, the average IQ is 85, 1 standard deviation below the population mean. A study of Texas inmates who entered the prison system in 2002 indicated that approximately 23% of the inmates scored below 80, almost 69% scored between 80 and 109, and only 9.6% scored above 110 (Ellis & Walsh, 2003).


>Actually believes in a Jew-run society they won't control genetic manipulation if it's legalized.
First remove (Jew/You), then genetics.

Why would you assume there's a strong fidelity between what traits humans find desirable and what traits actually lead to success?

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Niggers and mulattos don't even have the intellect to do this, so it's a one-shot deal.

Here tell you what, you go to school and get the required education to do all the super magical things you believe you can do with a 23 string helix pair first, then I'll take you seriously. See you after 30 years of education.

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>A contingent army of The master race wouldn't make this significantly easier.

Turn blacks into blonde hair blue eyed super whites

If you have >110 IQ, 7/10 looks or above, reasonable athletic fitness, and psychological stability, there is a very high chance you will contribute constructively to society and never need anything to be handed to you aside from when you're a child.

Also, even in brown places like Brazil, White phenotypes are the standards of beauty. Why wouldn't you want a planet of entirely White people?

I'm not talking about what's socially ((desirable. I'm talking about significant increase in mean intelligence taken from high-IQ non-degenerate whites.

you wanted me to eat people? wtf man

>Jews are going to create superior Nazis to put them in ovens.

We can do something on our own, you fucking kike.

>I can’t tie my own shoes

China is doing this and really we have no choice now.

Give plan, and I'll see it through. Go on, tell me how this will be done.

Yup. And its always a small percentage of them that continuously do the deeds over and over and over again. You know whats easier?
Identifying them and spending 50 cents on 2 x 22 calibre bullets in the back of the individuals head to save everyone time, money, bother and spreading more bad seed around. Much easier ways to take the bad out of the gene pool other than massive eugenics programs that you'd collectively fuck up anyways.

Shit, just tell me the fucking plan and I'LL GO DO IT.
But there isn't one, because you're not even arguing in good faith.

The jewish pawn-chinese are pretty far along anyways. Just co-opt their data and begin a sort of cult around the idea. Once you have a few breeders it should take care of itself.


Great? Got the scientific papers on that detailing the process?

Are you dismissively claiming this isn't possible? Geniuses exist. Clone them. Clones famously exist. It's possible.

Who says you arent already. For all you know you're in a matrix incubator provided with everything you need with some challenges to help develop a tiny cup of slimy goop into a "person". Once done the goop is transplanted into a bipedal meat suit and a disposable uterus is offered to finish your gestation for sale on the clone market. You wouldnt even know who you are eating, or what you are eating since you are completely dependent on other systems that provide everything for you.

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This is actually a better idea than Hitler’s eugenics program.

No dipshit, I already offered to do all the hard work. Just fucking provide the plan.
Unless, of course, you're going to cop out and say, "Well, go make the plan, too!"

what the heck does "The jewish pawn-chinese" mean

Obviously you aren't being serious, but as most of us know one of the main deterrents are ZOG conservatives on capital hill making research into this illegal. It should therefore be done in a country that doesn't have these restrictions.

[INPUT]: DNA meddling is bad, and cultural/genetic history is important
>tiny brain processing

Marxism is a jew-trick philosophy that's in power in PRC.

No. Biggest nihilism enduser ever.

What do think the cold war was about? It certainly wasn't economic since everyone had a central bank, they were all communists anyways. Certainly was about nukes, everybody had them.

It was about nature versus nurture and they had lots of dna to harvest from tomb raiding/archeology digs.


You can't be fucking serious either. If you're demanding something, but don't know how to do it or how to get others to, then you're just fucking larping.

The lamb (((you))). No difference in making a clone between species. Nothing particularly special at all.


do you jews just throw this term around at anything you don't like now? What the actual fuck could that possibly mean in this context of me throwing out speculation and hypothetical solutions?

that's an overly simplistic understanding of the situation

Ain't that bad as long as you know that clones eyes glow green in dark light. The existential crisis the clone suffers is nonsequitor after that.

It's basically true though, and not particularly relevant here.


have you read this? If not it's another one of those Jow Forums essentials that everyone on this board should read.


You gonna get more people doing that than niggers fucking eachother?

We would be better off using the smartest and most physically capable young men as a genetic template, altering it, and then cloning the resulting humans we create. It could be used to create super soldiers. Imagine a squad of 7 foot tall 300 pound men with bones twice as strong as the average man. Imagine putting them in armor that would stop most rifle rounds. Imagine sending them into combat and telling them to kill everything that moves. Just fucking imagine. A perfect killing machine with the IQ of Alert Einstein and zero remorse or fear.

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because our idea of a master race would be btfo by a product of cold chink calculation
it's genetic ENGINEERING not genetic idealism

>Implying one of these superhumans wouldn't be worth 10,000 niggers

Blacks would eventually be completely culled from the genepool when these guys take over.


Welcome to ChinkWorld™

only because so called christian conservatives have been coopted by jews.

Not chink world...clone theme park. Like jurassic park but for people with lots of money looking for the experience of the 20th century earth.

>albert einstein

That's your only mistake, but aside from that based post

Why the fuck Christianity decided that (((the older dispensation))) is a better brother religion than islam is beyond me. Islam reveres Jesus as a great man and teacher, while Judaism teaches he's boiling in a vat of shit in hell.

Ugh I'm not even getting into it. Fuck all of those for right now.


Ask yourself: who would be able to afford it?
It would only make everything worse.

they would basically design monsters that are locally optimal. You do not want to get into a competition of who can design the best 'human' with an immoral people.
They'd also completely cut out the female 'middleman' eventually which is something anons here want to do but in this case there would be no gender left. That's hardly human.

us Nordic Aryans dont need genetic-engineering jewery. we're already at the frontline of human evolution.

all we need is the perfect of diet, fitness & psychology.

and the only way a most-fit psychology begins to form is when the sociology is cleansed of subhuman miscreants & goblins.

hasn't worked so far

how does it feel to be genetically predisposed to cuckoldry?

>I am a prophet

China is already a step ahead in that game. They'll be breeding uber-chinks in a generation or two while we still have to deal with nigs and muzzies dragging us down.

will they still have microcox and no personality?

If I ever in my goddamn life get rich enough I will run an extensive eugenics program to create supersoldiers. Would be such a wasted opportunity not to do it (although someone somewhere is probably already doing it).

Have sex.

people should be rangebanned for saying this at this point

What the hell are you talking about, if it was achievable already then people would be doing this. It's obviously not yet on that level you muppet.