Is lifting degenerate?

I thought it would be nice to be prepared for the day Commissar Jamal and the mutt army will flood and rape us, but I also heard that it is considered narcissistic and gay, or at least you will BECOME gay if you do it too often.

Is it ok to pick up the heavy Jew or is it a waste of time?

Attached: lifting.jpg (268x188, 9K)

kys germacuck

have sex krout shit

Kill yourself mutts.

Attached: 1560371198202.jpg (923x895, 127K)

Get muscles from work, gym muscles aren't shit. It's absolutely cosmetic degeneracy. Stop cutting your lawn with a machine for example.

Conversely, if you have no access to that kind of work, I highly recommend bodyweight training (I.e. no weights).

It gets gay once you start caring about your looks too much.

Weight lifting is fine, but endurance while carrying a heavy pack is the apex of fitness. Packing a moose over and down a mountain is what you should aim for.

Yeah, it’s totally narcissistic and gay. Instead you should go out to bars in your latest cute outfit and find a cock to suck.

>become a beer bellied construction worker with fatceps and fucked up joints instead of an adonis Chad with intact joints and efficient muscles