Happy pride month

happy pride month

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Are you saying, cutting his junk off was wrong, or his head?

No news coverage ?

it happened in brazil so no one outside of south america is going to care

people do crazy shit and some of them are gay, so what?

They need to hang them above the favelas.

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Google translate:

>In addition to qualified homicide, the accused will respond for four more crimes committed before and after the boy's death. Together, the sentence may reach up to 57 years in prison.

>completion of the cadaveric examination allowed researchers to identify other assaults committed by women. Initially, the experts found that Rhuan's body was without the penis. When questioned, Rosana detailed that she cut the boy's organ about two years ago, in Goiânia (GO), with the help of Kacyla. According to them, the son would have said that "he wanted to be a girl" and so did the procedure. Because of the mutilation, women will respond for serious bodily injury.

>Christopher Diego Martins, the medical examiner responsible for the analysis of Rhuan's body, explained that the cut of the boy's homemade penis caused several complications, including intense pain when urinating. "Because of the procedure, the urethra pulled back. It closed, forming a fistula to the dermis. On this very narrow path he urinated. This is cruel and painful, "he explained. For the investigators, the complications of the mutilation are considered torture, because the boy stayed almost two years with the problem, without even going to a health unit.

>Experts identified that on the night of the crime, on May 31, Rosana and Kacyla stabbed Rhuan in more than 10 parts and beheaded him. Investigators do not rule out the possibility of the boy being alive when his head was torn. Then they took the skin off his face and tried to pluck out their eyes. Part of the body was thrown into a barbecue. The idea was to grind the bones with a sledgehammer, cook the rest, and discard everything in a toilet. However, the amount of smoke made the women give up and distribute the body in two backpacks and a suitcase, discarded in a manhole and found by neighbors, who triggered the police, resulting in the arrest of the accused.

mental illness

Homosexuality is a mental illness.

>As they tried to discard the body, Kacyla and Rosana will respond by concealing a corpse. After the crime, they used bleach to clean the entire scene, which is a procedural fraud, due to the alteration of the site that was being investigated. "This was one of the most horrible crimes that happened in Mexico City. Our idea was to deepen the investigations so that they would carry out the greatest possible punishment. Therefore, we will forward the inquiry, but the investigations are still ongoing. Let's see if they did not commit other crimes, "said the delegate at the front of the case, Guilherme Sousa Melo.

>Kacyla and Rosana are imprisoned in the DF Women's Penitentiary, the Comeia. Because of the repercussion of the case, the Justice ordered that they be separated from the other detainees, so as not to be beaten or killed. In addition, according to the delegate, women are not allowed to interact with each other and remain isolated.

>Rhuan lived with her mother, her stepmother, and her 8-year-old daughter, who witnessed her brother's death. The women fled with the boys from Rio Branco (AC) in 2014 and passed through countless cities of different states, such as Aracaju (SE), Goiânia (GO) and Palmas (TO). The idea was to mislead the parents of the children, who tried to keep them in court. The couple decided to commit the crime the day they discovered the cut of the victim's sister's pension. For the accused, the boy was a "hitch," and his death could mean a cut of home expenses.

Story goes on attempt to blame them for being "religious fanatics" (instead of wacko lesbian sickos).


kill them all

well they weren't very good surgeons and they weren't clever either. that's the real issue here, not that they were gay, but that they were crazy in that particular manner and also stupid.

even if you see being gay as a mental illness if you had any understanding of mental illness you'd know they're not all exactly the same and they don't all create murders and people who mutilate others.

Don't talk like a homo, faggot.

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murder people to stop murder, solid plan. the funny thing is you can't stamp out murder, it's part of human nature, no matter what group you blame it on or how many people you kill life won't be your particular utopian ideal. there are always going to be terrible things happening on a grand scale all around you because you're alive and on earth and life and nature are fucked up sometimes. beautiful, but fucked up. should probably get used to it or an hero because what you want will never exist and trying to create that world would only cause a faster erosion of everything around you.

i'm bi, and i guess i can't hide it even online. oh well.

Then more gay people will be born. You can’t wipe them out like a race or ethnicity, since sexuality is part of who a person is.

Faggot reproduce by raping children. Look it up.
Homosexuality is a disease spread by rape trauma.

>*mentally ill people do crazy shit

Strong argument to don't let faggots around kids


Obviously these people represent every gay person on the planet.

Are you retarded?

Post links.

And Hetrosexuality is spread by brainwashing. What's your point?

link faggot?

You forgot the best part

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Hang the sick fucks immediately.

not all mentally ill people are dangerous to children or other people in general. even if you see being gay as a mental illness (it isn't and you'd be surprised how many "straight" people are closer to being bi and will tell you that when they're comfortable) then you should at least treat it like one. i'm sure you understand that even two people with the same mental illness might not have all the same symptoms, the same way neurological illness and even physical illnesses aren't all exactly one size fits all for everyone. people can get the flu differently, mental illness can express itself differently as well.

you just have a bias against this particular one and you're not looking at it on any rational level. not everyone with depression is dangerous, plenty of them can be around kids, but some of them can't and shouldn't.

>Then more gay people will be born
are you retarded or trolling?

people who are gay are born from straight parents, you could wipe out every gay person on the planet currently and more people would be gay afterwards because it's just a variation in people that can't be wiped out. just an endless cycle of murdering a small group of people others are scapegoating the horrors of reality and civilization on.

Just outlaw it so homos fear to show their disgusting sexuality

In the recent past up until about the 1900s many criminals were executed for minor offense, cattle rustling etc. in Europe and the USA . this had a two fold effect of reducing crime but also reducing the breeding population of criminally bent individuals and crime became much more rare, Look to Singapore for a modern day comparison. They kill for most everything but they do not have to kill often. Very low levels of serious crime. So i disagree you can fight fire with fire and kill off the undesireables

Can someone explain the reason for this whole "pride" shit?
It doesn`t make any sense to me.

Nothing less can be expected from Brazilian muttoids.


watch some of this video and then get back to me, btw you are a faggot and deserve death

Straight couples do horrible shit too. It's disingenuous to blame homos


replied to the wrong cunt, sorry mate

>Lesbians kidnap a four-year old boy, chop off his penis when he's seven so that they can have a loli to molest and then tear him apart when he gets too old for them
I look forward to the biopic where they're depicted as victims of a hateful society

Per capita

Math is hateful and you should stop using it

Every single gay and trans person alive today could drop dead right now, and more would be born tomorrow.

Homosexuality and gender dysphoria is nothing more than a genetic variation that can occur in any fetus, no matter the parents. Kill as many gay people as you want, but this is one genie you’re not putting back in the bottle.

link to the article:


Kill people to stop them from raping and killing children, you fucking nihilistic retard

so common people are afraid to kill people, but the government kills people freely and on the grand scale governments do that world wide because humans are predatory creatures who have a violent history because we can also be violent and it's not really bred out of us, and shouldn't be. breeding it out of us creates a society of weak willed individuals who are little more than cattle or dogs to the people who kept their predatory instincts intact and took control over those who evolve over time to become lesser creatures. that's a bleak fucking future for humanity.

I like how your news article generator changes the date for you so it looks fresh

you'll kill those people, and then other people will still do it and you'll have to kill them too. it won't actually stop anything when you really think about it, it's just throwing an additional "crime" (i use the term loosely here, but killing is killing on some level) into the mix.

i made some nice screenshots, you aren't fooling anyone pal and get that worm in your belly sorted out from all the man arse you've been munching on

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also killing people who haven't done anything like that or aren't interested in children would be idiotic. there's plenty of straight pedophiles and murderers.

never given a rim job, nice on the receiving end though.

It's a mean to distract them from how they are mutilating their own minds, souls and bodies. Or to convince them that what they are doing is "alright".


you need to look up what murder is faggot. you are next

What exactly do you mean?

i know what murder is, and i used it right.

This is the future of America.
Rootless, cultureless, brown mystery meat gay Goblinas killing wypipo.

Jews like Zuckerberg will be able to live to 250 years old by then, and will be supreme warlords using social credit and facial recognition systems to track down the last remaining people who aren't mixed enough. (blue eyes will have you shot on sight)

>Part of the body was thrown into a barbecue.
What idiots. Everybody knows that if you're trying to dispose of a body that way you gotta slow roast that shit on a low temperature in an oven. The idea is that you allow the juices to evaporate and the fat to melt into oil and don't let it burn because smoke. Before you even put the body in the oven you're supposed to hide the fact that it's a person by slathering on honey BBQ sauce and savory spices. 375 for 3 hours then check for doneness, remember to fully cook your mutilated tranny child to avoid foodborn illness - lord knows they're full of them.

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Save this for why straight pride parade is needed

mutilation, four years of torture on a child, and then murder. They deserve the death penalty.

Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, Greed, Wrath, Lust. These are deadly sins. But foremost among them is Pride

I mean, pretty much everyone has sexual urges aka lust and at least I have pride in my work.

Did it ever occur to you that you're maybe just an impressionable retard who got brainwashed by the media and education system, possibly some older pedo who touched you etc., and that you weren't "born" gay or "trapped in teh wrong body" long before you ever reached puberty, and that environment actually does play a role in your condition, and that therefore you might not have that great of an excuse not to kys?

i've tried several search engines, but i can't find any source for this story beyond some blog called autono.
i'm gonna go ahead and doubt this one.

Group pressure. You do something that ain't exactly right, or even wrong, but people cheer you on? It gets harder to set your life straight, if you'll excuse that figure of speech. That's how I see it anyway. Plenty of sad statistics when it comes to homosexuals

That still doesn`t explain this phenomenon to me as this archives nothing but bad optics.

>straight people are bi

The fact of the matter is that you shouldn't be sexually involved with someone you aren't going to procreate with. It's degenerate.

didn't involve white people, so it didn't happen

so pumped that the S is finally recognised in the LGBTQS community

S- Straight

don't hate the straight youtu.be/CAPdN_sSYgw

Well, who is pushing for this phenomenon?

>schizo lesbians mutilate and decapitate child
>read headline
>deduce that the cause of the incident was the fact that they were lesbians. just that. exactly that. not that they are batshit crazy or anything.


straight pride!

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a lot of people who call themselves straight are bi or at least curious, they always tell me about it, and i've had a lot of "straights" flirt with me. it's just the reality behind closed doors. sex is about more than procreation it's also bonding and intimacy. it's not like a chick gets pregnant every time she fucks, and it's not like it only feels good so you do it while you feel like having kids and then stop and live a sexless life afterwards.

by all means if that's the kind of life you want go for it, but don't fucking kid yourself and buy into the idea that sex can't be about a shitload of other things.

>not that they are batshit crazy or anything.

They're homosexuals. That's inherently linked to a higher incidence of other cognitive disorders associates with their mental illness.

btw i know people don't like hearing this but sex also can just be fun, it can be about feeling good for a little while with another person or other people; however many are involved. like getting high or going on a roller coaster, sometimes it's just a good time for no reason other than to have one.

Think of it as eugenics. It's something pol always has been rooting for, removing the weak/sick from the population


>homemade penis

That's a great theory if you have no soul.

there's a huge number of mentally ill people in the world, most are straight. a lot of things cause mental illness, but not all mental illness is equal or produces the same symptoms.

3 people can all have depression, it doesn't manifest exactly the same in all of them and never will.

mental illness is relatively common, murders like that are significantly less common than mental illness. just saying.

i have a soul, same as you do. my views are just different. do you even actually believe in souls? what's your basis for that?

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It's just as fun as drinking, smoking, gambling, and fucking. All degenerate in nature and provide no means of personal development or fostering everlasting bonds that are essential for civilization. It's people like you that robbed a generation of happiness you fucking incompetent ape.

If your raison d'être in life is primarily hedonistic, and not committed to raising a family and being completely and unwaveringly devoted to them, and you choose to fuck around politically with people who are, and you are an adult, you don't have a soul, you don't understand society.

These two cunts need to be butchered alive starting from the toes up.

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there's means of personal development through vices just as much as there are through virtue, that's just a lie you're telling yourself. you talk about things you don't know or understand because you can't know or understand without experience.

no one's robbed of a fleeting emotion everyone feels, anyone who tells you happiness is a life goal is lying to you. it's something you feel and appreciate when it's there and it's good for what it is. but no one is robbed of it just because they don't have it as frequently as they would like, and life can be absolute garbage and still be littered with happy moments.

you know who robs people? those with power, not someone who likes to have fun, but people who impose their will on you and others for the sake of staying on top. who you freely give power to daily. you should thank your government not people like me for anything you feel like you've been robbed of.

i understand society, does that mean i wish to partake in the elements i deem unnecessary? absolutely not. understanding isn't the same as participation. i have a soul, it just isn't bound by a bunch of bullshit i don't agree with or believe in.

faggot detected

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Tfw taking notes just incase I decide to cook my mutilated trany mutt

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ficki ficki?

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im bi

That's true. What's also true: there are many groups of people that have higher than average incidences of mental/cognitive disorders, for any number of reasons. Race, career, income, age, history of trauma, etc. I don't see how your point is an outlier.

are you larping? is this bait? you're putting a lot of effort into it if so and I applaud you, but I think sadly you are being serious
>those with power ... people who impose their will on you and others for the sake of staying on top. who you freely give power to daily. you should thank your government not people like me for anything you feel like you've been robbed of.
you are a useful idiot. you've probably ruined your life with fag shit. you probably have very little personality or identity beyond being a "queer." and you have no idea about how power works or who has it. you are in denial and I honestly feel bad for you.

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Coudent have said it any better.

>What is per capita?

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Let's not forget David Reimer who was also a victim of a psychopath-doctor called John Money and gender ideology, who convinced his family he could be raised as a girl after a botched circumcision, they were convinced to raise him as a girl, later this doctor would try to convince young David was a girl against the urge of hormones, this went on, Money abused David and his brother, putting them in sexual positions when they were kids, and later on after David decided to stop pretending to be a woman during his teen years, his brother went crazy. Later his brother would die and David would end up killing himself, gender ideologues destroying entire families with their pseudo scientific bullshit.

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unfair example. monkeys aren't people

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please tell me the history of ficki ficki and how that became a thing?

I saw that Law and Order episode.

This has to be bait

Why does it appear they're giving an interview after a European soccer match?

Bump, fuck if this is getting memory holed;