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So its climate change jews vs war jews?

did they count all the cows us army has killed ???

HAHAHa, i bet the writer name ends with stein

The most obvious trojan horse in history.

Anyone who is surprised is literally retarded. Governments pollute like crazy. Even USPS vehicles get like 5 mpg

>Even USPS vehicles get like 5 mpg
why won't they switch to hybrids?

because we have to defend every socialist nation in Europe while they pretend their system is better than ours (because they have hundreds of billions leftover from their lean military).

Because pollution is the fault of regular white Americans

Good fucking joke mutt.

we dont need to stop pollution we need to give the government more money to offset it get with the program goy.

>500 ships
>5,000 aircraft
>10,000 armored vehicles
Did you figure that one out all on your own brainiac?

when you have that many guys in one place, they're gonna fart.

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>it's another chicoms don't count episode

Prove to me CO2 causes global warming. I’ll wait.

It's just lards creating holes in the ozone with their farts.


You are in debt to the Jews for the modicum of trillions of dollars plus inflation and interest rates. How are you going to pay them that amount? Here I have your answer: Serve and die for Israel until eternity goyim ...

Nice link Jewnigger

Neocohens on suicide watch.

>a large majority of debt is owed to US citizens
stay out of politics Eduardo you shitskins dont know anything

Do you understand how the government/reserve relationship works?

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Friendly reminder Global warming/climate change has always been a communist plot to undermine western countries.

>why won't they switch to hybrids?

Because the USPS fleet was designed for durability. Most of their 2million vehicle fleet has been in service since the 80s and they’re still going strong.

t. Former carrier

t. muhammad

Do you understand that 3/4 of our debt is currency. And the other 1/4 is intragovernment debt?

>driving 40 year old money sinks

Replacing them with more efficient vehicles would ironically be worse for the environment. Using/reusing what already exists is the best system.

You are the cause Europe is being flooded with subhumans. Ask Gaddafi if that's not true, I'll wait.

There’s very little maintenance. They’re simple machines. Most of the fuel inefficiency is because it’s all stop and go driving.

bullshit "US military" would not out pollute something under the same large sweeping terms, try "US military" VS "chiniese industry" terms and see what pollutes more.

>very little maintenance

wow youve clearly never been in

pic related

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No shit sherlock
Learn to code you fucking homos


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I was talking about USPS delivery trucks.

Not if we kill off over 10% of the population every 20 years.

why 10%?

A tithe to god.