I'm sick of this degenerate state of ((((California))). So where should I move to?

I'm sick of this degenerate state of ((((California))). So where should I move to?
Idaho is pretty nice and South Dakota I heard has Russian girls, plus mt. Rushmore is based

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You don't get to leave. Your contribution to degeneracy is worthy of eternal damnation. Fix your state yourself.

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No matter where you go,you can't escape from the BLACK man wh*teboi

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White people do something

Move over here if you can afford it. Great city.

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true, but can you escape a 9 millimeter

>Not using a .45 or .44
I still want to stay with my own people chang

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>Uses a weapon
> ambushes opponent.
Around blacks, never relax

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What people?

saves money because who wants to spend money on .44 on a fucking nog.

Free passage for all to Liberia is coming.

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beat the nogs at their own game and show who's boss by "flexing on their dead ass n shiet"

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if I wanted to do that I wouldn't of used a gun and just fucking beat them to death with a cricket bat because "Whitie can't fight for SHIET"

>South Dakota I heard has Russian girls
I did not know this is true. Russian girls are the hottest race. South Dakota would appeal to me if it wasn't full of deep state DUMBs.

I'm planning to move to Utah. I'm not a Mormon or anything, but I did spend half a year there when I was 16 and it was the whitest, cleanest, safest place I've ever been.

none of you fellow Californians better fucking follow me though

>not using Louisville slugger
Brit Bong detected

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End it all. No one wants to deal with your shitty politics and/or your failure to stop shitty politics.

I'm American, I was just born when my dad was on a base in Britain.

that and a cricket bat's flatter and has a heftier swing to it. You can easily crack a guys skull with it,

Yeah, it's not like the (((dems))) and the (((republicans))) made it impossible to change CA back to red after the change in demographics

Californians are moving east.
Heard a lot of people leaving Idaho because a lot loved up there and realstate skyrocketed.

Hold the line, vote red and dont tell people where the grass is greener.

NH or Montana

Also, dont phknepist, learn to spell, and fk autocorrekt.

>Hold the line
the line was broken ever since the 1965 heart act and Reagan's amnesty

Then you know what you must do. Suicide by cop as you take out those (((who))) are responsible. It's the least you could do for your failure, and if you fail at that too, oh well. That doesn't change nobody wants you.