This is your new FBI UCR (Uniform Crime Report)...notice how dumbed down and stream lined it all is...

This is your new FBI UCR (Uniform Crime Report)...notice how dumbed down and stream lined it all is? Now instead of hyper in-depth charts and highly specific breakdowns and categories, what you see is pic related.

The FBI now gives you a tiny bit of info followed by the summary of the info according to them. That means the FBI dropped Per Capita and goes by raw numbers, and percentages based off raw numbers. Now no matter the crime you select or category, the FBI now lists White men as the most violent, largest raping, most criminal nuisance in the country.

No more redpilling coal burners or jews, or other liberal faggots. No more breaking the world view of normies. Now these people can use it against you on why white people are the problem. Of course you can still run the math yourself and get the per capita of things, and show how blacks are indeed still the worst followed by hispanics but good luck explaining that to people. Now YOU look like the desperate one resorting to mental gymnastics.

Attached: FBI UCR 2017.jpg (941x796, 186K)

Other urls found in this thread:

An example for those who do not know, take the following to show the current status of new FBI UCR

>10 White people are rapists and murderers
>5 Black people are rapists and murderers

You can read this in two ways [Incorrect and small amount of details]

>10 white criminals compared to 5 black criminals.
>There are 2x more white criminals than blacks
>Layman conclusion: Whites more dangerous
>FBI official conclusion: Whites more dangerous

This method ignores population sizes of the two groups. Lets say there are 100 white people, of which 10 are criminals, and 10 black people, of which 5 are criminals.

So saying there are twice as many white criminals as blacks is true along with there are more white criminals than black, and whites are more dangerous, even if its misleading since the population sizes are different and ignored. This is why apple to oranges is bad and you need to use PER CAPITA. You round up the 10 black people population up to whites at 100 so you can compare a group of 100 to a group of 100. So you x10 the black population to get 100 blacks, but you need to x10 the criminals also, so you get 50 black criminals out of 100. So now while the old statement of whites being worse is true based on misleading data, you get a whole new FACTUAL statement based on the correct method of calculation.

You now read it like this, [Correct]

>100 white population
>10 white criminals
>10% of whites are criminals
>10 black population
>5 black criminals
>50% of blacks are criminals
>Over 5x more black criminals than whites
>Layman conclusion: Blacks more dangerous by large margin
>FBI official conclusion: none, the data speaks for itself

As you can see, its a stark difference and all that made it change so much was inclusion of population sizes and the use of per capita.

Pic related is the old FBI UCR and its natural conclusions. From 2015 and 2016

Attached: 2015 2016 Race Crime Murder Race Statistics.jpg (3324x2050, 1.8M)

This correct solution was easier to see and conclude on the old FBI UCR because it just gave you the raw data in its entirety. Now they summarize it for you and give you small bits of the data and ignore per capita and population outright. Whites (including hispanic, which is already fucking with the data) is about 75% of the population, whiles blacks are 13% of the population. So when you see in pic related 176k white criminals and 168k black criminals, its misleading. The numbers are true (though hispanic crime is mixed into white thus inflating white crime) but because population sizes and per capita is ignored, you get the FBI statement of largest offenders of crime are white. And thats it.

75% White: 176,967 crimes or 46.3% of all crime
13% Black: 168,038 crimes or 43.9% of all crime

13% doing almost 44% of all crime compared to 75% doing 46% of all crime. Yet, whites are portrayed as more dangerous. And this is with hispanics being counted as white.

Pic related is all white america compared to all black america.

Attached: All white America vs all black America.png (1531x841, 117K)

Here is the link to the FBI UCR

Pic related is an example of non whites being counted as whites for crime data collection. This is an example from Nevada.

Attached: Nevada Top 10 Most Wanted.jpg (3518x2866, 2.14M)


Does nobody care about this? The biggest irrefutable redpill on the internet is fucked.

They have a separate category for Native Hawaiians but not HISPANICS?

Hispanics get their own category in some cases in the victim sections. Never offender.

God Jow Forums sucks. Bump

Imagine someone reading these statistics and seriously considering that white people commit more crime when neighborhoods become more Hispanic. It sounds unbelievable until you consider that this is exactly how women's minds work.
