Birmingham and Huntsville

I am personally nominating these cities as the new place to move to.
>cheap as fuck
>lots of good jobs(esp. in huntsville)
>Extremely segregated
>Housing is actually reasonable
>Easy to get into white school districts
>Lots of fellow white people around you
>(white) girls are top tier
>Very conservative

I don't see a downside here, aside from the fucking heat. Also counters the rise of yuppies in the city centre.

Attached: Brimingham AL.jpg (1024x459, 330K)

chance of hurricanes?
also Alabama is one of the most poor and overweight states

fuck off, we're full

>not living in rural Bama
No user.

>Roll Tide or War Eagle to cover an other sport
>Shitty highways and interstates.
Good luck

>chance of hurricanes?
As a floridian I can tell you you're more than safe.
>also Alabama is one of the most poor and overweight states
This unironically works in your favour. Can't tell you how many former bama and auburn sorority girls go to florida looking for guys because of how fat/out of shape the guys at SEC schools are. So just by being not fat and not poor that already sets you apart.

Attached: 10.jpg (1152x2048, 565K)

>we're full
hardly, look at these prices

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whats wrong with football?

>not living in rural Bama
Hell if you can get a job out there, more power to you

The first (and only) time I was in Birmingham, I went to a rooftop bar and heard someone get shot on the street below