Be this guy

Is this peak Alpha? Is there anyone alive today that is a bigger badass.

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Kennedy says the same zogbot bullshit that doesn't actually make sense, but sounds good.

Pat Little is a POG and says the high IQ veteran talking points.

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he's a roiding faggot

I am guessing the guy who gave him the fucked up face would qualify

He's peak retarded ZOGbot


>be a good goy glow in the dark CIA nigger shill for yidsrahell
um, yikes

He's a completely retarded Ameriguh bootlicker troop. Undeniably a badass fighter though.

Green beret
Ranger trained SF Sniper
Responsible for killing top Isis official
Is a specific target of Isis
Kills sand niggers
Literally Hunts Hitler. KeK
One of the top UFC fighters



Shut up, faggot. 6 million kikes live in USA.

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All these years of taking orders and never thinks for himself
C'mon now.

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Is that John McAfee?

Is that Paco from Bloodsport?

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Was never a top UFC fighter

As much as I want to like Kennedy, he is zogged and MIGApilled

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Ranked 5th & 6th is definitely TOP 10

This video pissed me off.
>stop talking about literally anything except the wars...but don't talk about Jewish warmongers

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Ready to be a

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Agree he doesn't talk shit about zog. He's pretty based in other areas.

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Married smart white SF qt3.14
Owns guns
Protects family, has white children
Hates scumbags
Personally murders child abusers
Will die in a heartbeat for all of you talking shit about him

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No he's not retard. All his views are basically just conservitard boomer tier neocon bull shit.

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Who’s this fat albo

If you concern about being an alpha or what an alpha is you’ll never be one. Just handle your own self. Prove yourself to yourself.

your heavyweight champion of the world

Tim Kennedy was a roider and a cheat....who bitched endlessly after being beaten.

After his losses, he would bitch and moan on his faggy Twitter account for months.

After the gay nightclub massacre, this MAGA fag's response was to go to Twitter and say, "This is America, and we love our LGBTQ brothers and sisters!"

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Overnight and out of shape Mexican guy who only had 4 weeks to train beat a 20:1 favorite. Black dude was supposed to be a superstar heavily promoted by Dana White from UFC. It's actually a good fight.

That's a lot of safe spacing you got going on in your comment there.

>promotes fighting in expensive, bullshit, unwinnable wars that cost innocent lives and make (((them))) wealthier, against people who aren't a threat to us and can be dealt with when necessary with smaller forces

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I was talking alpha as in mental toughness and ability to operate in intense situations. Zero fear, extreme confidence. Regardless of what most of you faggots say, you know you wouldn't make it through damn basic training. Of course he's gunna like Israel. He's Christian and has been in the military his whole life. I'm just talking more about his will and drive that's all fellas

Remove flag and I'll read your stupid opinion

when was he ever ranked top 5? his best win is a decision over bisping who was barely top 10 at the time.

>"aren't a threat to us"
>Kennedy is the subject and he's American
Are you retarded?

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they talk about his rank on rogan

Hahahaha I thought that was a young John McAffe

I respect him as a UFC caliber fighter but there are like 8000 SF guys out there. Obviously not that elite.

He's one of those guys that joined the military specifically to kill people. I think he's joked about killing civilians over there as well. Dude is a freak, but he's tough as they come.