Yo, white bois, if y'all don't want your women no mo, just hand'em over to us Asians

Yo, white bois, if y'all don't want your women no mo, just hand'em over to us Asians.

We'll gladly trade ours for yours.

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Looks like a pig with makeup on.

Are you down with a woman who has had 10-20 sexual partners at a bare minimum?

I don't want an american woman. Don't have much interest in continuing dating here. It sucks. Talking to women overseas is much better. I was thinking about saving up and moving to Chile where it's absolutely beautiful and real cheap. I'll find a bride there. Not in Asia. Give me a break

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Really? Cause if you little dick motherfuckers are losing your whamens to white dudes, how will you satisfy a white woman?

if you asian why you type like negru?

you think you do but you don't

Take em. You can keep yours too.

He's post Tokyo Drift

Sure, lad. It's a fair trade. Asian women are much, much better wives.

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Why type out your faggy little Asian Incel in nigger speak? Is it because you know that no woman, not even a coal burning whore would find Asian speak attractive?

Is it the fact you’re such an undesirable race / gender combination that you have to pretend to speak like another race online?

Do you know how pathetic you sound ?

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this. imagine the smell

Your own women don't want you, why the hell would white women want you ugly ass gooks.

Asian ? ... you talk like a nigger .

This one got negro genes. And look better than your local white ones though.

Do you think you're alpha for taking creep shots lol?

"White women don't fucking date Asian men, they never fucking date them at all."
- Tenda Spencer EurasianTiger, r/Hapas

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White girls love Asian guys.

Wow based fur poster. Do you like Sacher-Masoch?

because he "grew up in queens New York" so he thinks he's black. (he's actually from maine new hampshire)

he's ok with it just as long as she's white. he hates asian women

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There is no solution to biological inequality, where white female human beings simply do not find the Asian appearance physically appealing, on a male, for whatever reason.
Asian-ness is a net negative.
White women want nothing to do with Asian men. I don't want to live
- EurasianTiger, r/hapas

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If he married her after she got the arm tattoos (most likely) it's his own damn fault. Tattoos and dyed hair are a defense mechanism. Bright colored fish and reptiles are that way to warn predators that they are poisonous. Colored hair and skin serve the same function.

Yes please.
>lower partner counts
>Indoor cat personalities.
>Supports you in Dota.
>Submissive as fuck (not a meme)
>Stay skinny and fuckable past marriage.
I'll take one more pls. I miss the last one.

i'm sick of these fat unclassy college girls

Good reason to not breed with an asian women. It's playing Russian Roulette with your genetics.